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求翻譯It Keeps Up with the Times

Online education is best for keeping your skills up-to-date, especially when it comes to programming. For example, Apple recently released a new programming language called Swift, which will become crucial for iOS development along with Objective-C. Since it launched in June, hundreds of online Swift tutorials and courses have sprung up. On the other hand, it will probably be many more months or even years before you can learn Swift as part of a college programming course. Like the web itself, the world of online courses is perpetually and quickly adapting to new trends

在線教育是保持技能最新的最佳方式,特別是在編程方面。 例如,Apple最近發布了壹種名為Swift的新編程語言,它將隨Objective-C壹起成為iOS開發的關鍵。 自從6月份推出以來,已有數百個在線Swift教程和課程湧現。 另壹方面,在妳能夠學習Swift作為大學程序設計課程的壹部分之前,可能還需要幾個月甚至幾年的時間。 就像網絡本身壹樣,在線課程的世界也在不斷適應新的趨勢

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