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autosql 是什麽

AutoSQL是壹個SQL Mapping,有點像iBATIS,但開發歷史更早(2001),功能也比iBATIS要強很多,實現了批量更新、數據翻頁、域值轉換等等Web應用的實際需求,在現實的數據庫應用中,絕大部分Action服務只需要編寫AutoSQL,不用壹行Java代碼。




AutoSQL provides a simple and easy to use framework meant to be a substitute for J2EE Entity beans and JDO. AutoSQL data objects give just the right abstraction from a writing SQL without being too far removed from the power of SQL.

目標用戶: Developers

開源協議: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

操作系統: OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)

編程語言: Java

主題: Database, Code Generators

支持語言: English



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