當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 誰能幫我翻譯下claude kelly的i love the rain

誰能幫我翻譯下claude kelly的i love the rain

哎 絕對人工翻譯啦 而且根據歌詞向來有押韻的特點 我特意選了相關的韻腳哦 妳讀了就會知道 夜裏翻譯 還蠻有意思的

ooh ooh ohyeah huh 哦哦哦…

ooh ooh ohyeah …

your love is just like a sunshine 妳的愛就像是溫暖陽光

it woke me up every morning 每天清晨喚醒我

nothing but drama in that fights 這場際遇如同電影

but it looks like a storm is coming 但這就像是壹場即將來臨的驟雨暴風

and when a thunder rolls and a lightning strike 當電閃雷鳴的時候

I hope that I forget all about you 我多麽希望忘去妳所有

yea when everyone else is running inside 別人闖進我的世界

I will feel it so brand-new 我體會到了什麽叫前所未有

so baby let the rain fall down from heaven 所以上天請落下傾盆大雨

let it wash away every memories of you and I 洗刷掉所有妳我之間的回憶

cause I don’t want your love no more 因為我已不想再愛妳

no woman gotta bring me back 為什麽沒有別人把我帶走

I gotta get you out of my life 從此讓妳消失在我的生命中

I guess that’s why I love the rain 這大概就是我喜歡雨的理由

cause it’s helping me forget all about you 因為它幫我忘掉妳的所有

I don't wanna faults on your faith 不想再去想妳的想法錯在哪裏

so I love the rain 所以我才愛上了雨

When there was nothing but blue sky 當晴空萬裏

you didn’t know what to do with me 妳總是想不起要怎麽和我在壹起

you give me nothing but your life 妳總是強迫我進入妳的生活

yea you did babe 總是如此

so with the dark clouds I feel free 所以烏雲密布我反而找到自由的痕跡

And when a thunder rolls and a lightning strike … 重復前面的

I know it seems kinda strange 我明白這看起來很怪異

but that’s the kind of weather I want 可是我就是想要這樣的天氣

but I can honestly say 可是我這麽說對得起自己

that I’m learning that it doesn’t mean love 我才明白

just cause the sun is shining up above 永遠艷陽高照不是愛

so I’m cleaning my heart up 所以我要將心洗去塵埃

and I’m drowning my pain like a flirt 無所顧忌地拭去痛楚

that’s the best thing for me 這才唯壹該做的 唯壹

so bring all the rain let it come 所以老天請賜予我瓢潑大雨

so baby let the rain fall down from heaven… 重復前面的

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