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思嘉:但妳不能,只要妳在乎我就不能。 希禮:噢,親愛的,為什麽妳壹定逼我說出傷害妳的話呢?











Ashley leaves the hall with intention of walking Butler

around the house. But before he can do this, Scarlett calls him into a

detached room.) SCARLETT: Ashley!

ASHLEY: Scarlett...who are you hiding from here?...What are you

up to? Why aren't you upstairs resting with the other girls? What is

this, Scarlett? A secret? SCARLETT: Well, Ashley, Ashley...! love

you. ASHLEY: Scarlett... SCARLETT: I love you, I do.

ASHLEY: Well, isn't it enough that you gathered every other man's

heart today? You always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.

SCARLETT: Oh, don't tease me now. Have I your heart my darling?

I love you, I love you... ASHLEY: You mustn't say such things.

You'll hate me for hearing them.

SCARLETT: Oh, I could never hate you and, and I know you must

care about me. Oh, you do care, don't you? ASHLEY: Yes, I care. Oh

can't we go away and forget we ever said these things?

SCARLETT: But how can we do that? Don't you, don't you want to

marry me? ASHLEY: I'm going to marry Melanie. SCARLETT: But

you can't, not if you care for me.

ASHLEY: Oh my dear, why must you make me say things that will

hurt you? How can I make you understand? You're so young and I'm

thinking, you don't know what marriage means.

SCARLETT: I know I love you and I want to be your wife. You don't

love Melanie.

ASHLEY: She's like me, Scarlett. She's part of my blood, we

understand each other. SCARLETT: But you love me!

ASHLEY: How could I help loving you? You have all the passion for

life that I lack. But that kind of love isn't enough to make a successful

marriage for two people who are as different as we are.

SCARLETT: Why don't you say it, you coward? You're afraid to

marry me. You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open

her mouth except to say "yes", "no",and raise a houseful of mealy-

mouthed brats just like her! ASHLEY: You mustn't say things like

that about Melanie. SCARLETT: Who are you to tell me I mustn't?

You led me on, you made me believe you wanted to marry me!

ASHLEY: Now Scarlett, be fair. I never at any time... SCARLETT:

You did, it's true, you did! I'll hate you till I die! I can't think of

anything bad enough to call you... (Ashley leaves. Scarlett throws a

vase to the wall in anger. The crashing of the vase startles Rhett

Butler. He rises up from the couch in a dark corner of the room.)

RHETT: Has the war started?

SCARLETT: Sir, you...you should have made your presence known.

RHETT: In the middle of that beautiful love scene? That

wouldn't have been very tactful, would it? But don't worry.

Your secret is safe with me.

SCARLETT: Sir, you are no gentleman.

RHETT: And you miss are no lady. Don't think that I hold

that against you. Ladies have never held any charm for


SCARLETT: First you take a low, common advantage of

me, then you insult me!

RHETT: I meant it as a compliment. And I hope to see

more of you when you're free of the spell of the elegant

Mr. Wilkes. He doesn't strike me as half good enough for

a girl of your...what was it...your passion for living?

SCARLETT How dare you! You aren't fit to wipe his boot!

RHETT: And you were going to hate him for the rest of

your life.

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