當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - Java編程——求解幾何圖形的周長、面積的程序。



* The Class PerimeterArea. This Class is to compute perimeter and area


public class PerimeterArea {


* The main method.


* @param args

* the arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

Shape TriangleObj = new Triangle(3, 4, 5);// 定義三邊為3,4,5的三角形

Shape RectangleObj = new Rectangle(5, 6);// 定義長為5,寬為6的矩形

Shape CircleObj = new Circle(5);// 定義半徑為5的對象

// 打印各個形狀的周長和面積






// 周長接口

interface perimeter {

public abstract double cutePerimeter();


// 面積接口

interface area {

public abstract double cuteArea();


// 抽象形狀類

abstract class Shape implements perimeter, area {

public abstract double cutePerimeter();

public abstract double cuteArea();


// 三角形

class Triangle extends Shape {

private int aSide;

private int bSide;

private int cSide;

public Triangle(){}

public Triangle(int aSide, int bSide, int cSide) {

this.aSide = aSide;

this.bSide = bSide;

this.cSide = cSide;


public double cutePerimeter() {

return aSide + bSide + cSide;


public double cuteArea() {




√為開二次方. */

int x = (aSide + bSide + cSide) / 2;

return Math.sqrt(x*(x-aSide)*(x-bSide)*(x-cSide));


public int getASide() {

return aSide;


public void setASide(int side) {

aSide = side;


public int getBSide() {

return bSide;


public void setBSide(int side) {

bSide = side;


public int getCSide() {

return cSide;


public void setCSide(int side) {

cSide = side;


public String toString() {

return "三角形的周長為:" + cutePerimeter() + "\n三角形的面積為:" + cuteArea() + "\n";



// 矩形

class Rectangle extends Shape {

private int longLength;

private int widthLength;

public Rectangle(){}

public Rectangle(int longLength, int widthLength) {

this.longLength = longLength;

this.widthLength = widthLength;


public double cutePerimeter() {

return 2 * (longLength + widthLength);


public double cuteArea() {

return longLength * widthLength;


public int getLongLength() {

return longLength;


public void setLongLength(int longLength) {

this.longLength = longLength;


public int getWidthLength() {

return widthLength;


public void setWidthLength(int widthLength) {

this.widthLength = widthLength;


public String toString() {

return "矩形的周長為:" + cutePerimeter() + "\n矩形的面積為:" + cuteArea() + "\n";



// 圓形

class Circle extends Shape {

public final double pi = 3.14;

private double radius;

public Circle(){}

public Circle(double radius) {

this.radius = radius;


public double cutePerimeter() {

return 2 * pi * radius;


public double cuteArea() {

return pi * radius * radius;


public double getRadius() {

return radius;


public void setRadius(double radius) {

this.radius = radius;


public String toString() {

return "圓形的周長為:" + cutePerimeter() + "\n圓形的面積為:" + cuteArea() + "\n";




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