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Chapter 1.

SolidWorks basis

This chapter points

With the PC, and the rapid development of CAD technology, in the past only in workstation environments, UNIX platform 3D design software applications, it is now the ordinary PC platform and the use of the Windows environment, become ordinary designers, engineers design tools. SolidWorks as a Windows environment of mechanical design software, has fully with the Windows user-friendly, simple operation of the characteristics of its powerful design features to satisfy the vast majority of mechanical product design needs.

SolidWorks as a three-dimensional design software, a comprehensive parts and assembly modeling capabilities entities, and the model for analysis and processing, which automatically generate engineering drawings. In studying specific operations, it must first be correctly installed software to a computer, and then work with SolidWorks user interface, and by setting options to build a suitable working environment.

This chapter includes:

3D design software outlined

The main features of SolidWorks

Installation and start SolidWorks

SolidWorks user interface

Set up the working environment of SolidWorks

1.1 Summary of 3D design software

CAD software category from the 20th century to the 1960s computer-aided geometric design was mainly to resolve the graphics on the computer display and describe the problem, then gradually raised wireframe, surface, geometric entities such as physical description model. Today, a total experienced the following stage.

computer graphics stages: focused on solving computer graphics, surface expression, and other basic issues.

technical parameters and characteristics of the stage: resolving CAD data control and modification.

intelligent design stages: in the design of integrating more engineering knowledge and rules, to achieve a higher level of the computer-aided design.

After 40 years of development, 3D design software has been developed from a simple drawings or product model generation tools, development can provide a wide range of engineering support, covering design intent expression of design standardization, serialization, and design results of the analysis can be created, interfere with the inspection process of judgement, design optimization, and many other aspects. 3D design the model can be converted to support CAE (computer-aided engineering) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) applications data format. 3D design these features meet the needs of the project, which have greatly increased the quality of product development and efficiency, greatly reducing the product design and development cycle.

At present, large-scale manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad, the 3-D design software has been widely used. American companies such as Boeing use 3D design and related software, in the two and a half years, achieving the 777 non-design drawings. According to the traditional design work, the whole process requires at least four years. The company also works in the implementation of the widely used parallel engineering technology, in the CAD environment with the overall product virtual assembly, the number of correct design errors, thus ensuring that the design process of the short cycle, the outcome of the high-quality design and manufacturing process the fluency.

The extensive use of three-dimensional design software can be divided into high-end and mid-range CAD systems, the high-end 3D CAD software mainly I-DEAS, UG, Pro / ENgineeR, CATIA, mid-range 3D CAD system mainly SolidWorks, SolidEdges, MDT, Inventor, etc.. The general manufacturing enterprises, and the powerful features of SolidWorks to complete the general design task, and it is its ease of use and efficiency has also aroused the concern of more and more users.

3D design software experience from simple geometric model generation tools to technology to variable control of the product model, ultimately forming a complete enterprise digital process. 3D design software applications greatly enhance the efficiency of product design and development.

Compared to 2D design (CAD), the biggest feature of the 3D design feature is the use of modeling techniques and the entire design process related technologies. 3D design software is not only a powerful modeling functions, but also provides a wide range of engineering support. Including a description of the design intent, design and design reuse, such as serialization.

3D design into part design, assembly design and engineering drawings generated three stages. Related to the entire design process, makes any stage revised design will affect the other results of the design stage, thus maintaining the model in a variety of consistency in the design environment, thus improving design efficiency.

1.1.1 Part Design

Parts design is the basis of three-dimensional design. Parts are generally in the form of three-dimensional entities, as shown in Figure 1.1 for loading vehicles in the "bucket" model of spare parts. Parts entities from the point of view of modeling, parametric feature-based modeling and 3-D design has become a mainstream technology. In different parts of the processing entity known as the characteristics of different combinations of features on the formation of a three-dimensional solid model parts. Not only has the characteristics of the corresponding projects, but also through the topological relations between the characteristics and timing relations can be flexible control of modeling results.

Parts of the three-dimensional solid model, in the design and manufacturing process to achieve the following features.

generate engineering drawings parts.

parts of the stress analysis and strength check.

formed assembly, test the reasonableness of the design.

formation of mold parts.

generated NC code, direct machining.

Figure 1.1 loader "bucket" model parts

1.1.2 assembly design

3D design software assembly is the basic function of one. Figure 1.2 shows the toys "loader" assembly model. In modern design, can make use of the existing three-dimensional model parts will be two or more parts in accordance with certain constraints relationship assembly, formation of virtual product assembly; also can be used to project more in line with the top-down assembly design approach , in the assembly environment, in reference to other parts of the assembly of the location and size of the design of the new parts and assembly. At the same time, the assembly has been expanded to more engineering fields, such as motion analysis, interference checking, etc.. 3D design software product assembly environment has become the basis for comprehensive performance verification environment.

The use of virtual product assembly model, the following functions can be realized.

a product of the true effect maps, verify that the product structure, analysis and design.

products generated view of the explosion.

the product movement analysis and dynamic simulation depicts moving parts specific point trajectory.

the real effect of the product plans for the "conceptual design products."

products generated simulation animation, presentation products assembly process.

Figure 1.2 toys "loader" assembly model

1.1.3 Engineering Graphics Generation

Use of parts and assembly solid model can be automatically generated assembly of parts and 2D engineering drawings. And compared to traditional CAD, 3D design software engineering drawings generated much simpler to operate, only specified model projection direction, insert size, and then details can be set up engineering drawings. Figure 1.3 shows the SolidWorks automatically generated as shown in Figure 1.1 and the "bucket" parts of the corresponding engineering drawings.

Figure 1.3 "bucket" Engineering Graphics

SolidWorks 1.2 features

SolidWorks is a Windows environment of 3D mechanical design software, it has the following characteristics.

1. Simple, easy to learn and use

simple interface to facilitate the work.

full support for Windows drag copying, and mobile technology for the characteristics of the shear, copy, paste and other operations.

use SolidWorks help system can quickly grasp design method.

localization using core, the whole Chinese language interface.

2. Clear intuitive dynamic interface

dynamic tagging using different colours, and the parameters of the current operation remind designers objects can be marked so that designers are able to set in the graphics features of the relevant parameters; mouse confirmed and rich quick menu design makes very easy parts ; characteristics of the establishment, regardless of what position the mouse pointer, and can be quickly set up a feature.

District dynamic graphics preview features make the design process can be easily clear look at the design reasonable.

pioneering features Manager will be able to record and process design of a tree FeatureManager design, enables designers can easily achieve management features of the management of spare parts and assembly and modification.

dynamic activation attributes Manager can be very easy to attribute the Show Manager, modify such an operation.

use of the property managers to reduce the dialog graphics, making the design more concise, crisp.

configuration management provides the establishment and revision of the form of parts or assembly operations.

3. Flexible sketching and inspection functions

sketching state and characteristics have tended to define clearly marked, allowing designers easily identify the current operating state.

sketching easy to use click - click or click - Drag draft drawn in two ways, in line with the general design habits.

make sketches in the process of dynamic feedback and reasoning can be automatically added geometric constraint conditions, the draft of the use of different colors to distinguish the definition of reality draft status.

can drag yuan draft plans to change graphics and numerical size and geometry.

drawing can be used for pipeline design or scan three-dimensional characteristics of the draft.

4. Powerful feature-based modeling of parts and assembly control

powerful solid modeling functions.

can easily achieve the dynamic characteristics and the draft revision.

function of the sheet metal-forming tools makes use of simple drag function can establish sheet metal parts used shape.

use Feature Palette window, simply drag characteristics can be set up quickly; management and use of the feature is very convenient.

use of spare parts and assembly configurations can be achieved not only the existing design, build enterprise portfolio, but also enables the design of products.

driven by Excel software components and configuration automatically generated assembly configuration.

use of the light assembly functions can be quickly and efficiently to deal with large-scale assembly.

can be animated and dynamic view of the assembly assembly movement.

achievable in the assembly of intelligent assembly, the assembly can also be dynamic interference checking and clearance testing, as well as static interference checking.

system provides both the bottom-up assembly, also provides top-down assembly method. This method allows engineers to assembly in the assembly in reference to the environment in other parts of the assembly of the location and size of the design of new parts, more in line with projects habits.

5. Dynamic model associated engineering drawings generation capabilities

use RapidDraft (Drawing) engineering drawings, engineering drawings and can be three-dimensional model of a separate operation, so as to speed up the operation of engineering drawings.

can always maintain a three-dimensional model with the view of the shape and size of the entire relationship.

3D model can be automatically generated view of the project.

flexible view of operations, can generate projection view and cross-section of local enlarged view.

6. Easy data exchange

through standard data formats and other CAD data exchange software.

provide diagnostic data input function, which allows users to input geometric entities in the implementation of simplified, model error, as well as re-established remove redundant topology.

to provide a free plug-in the form of the data interface can be easily with other 3D design software (such as Pro / ENGINEER, UG, MDT, SolidEdges, etc.) data exchange.

DWG / DXF file conversion wizard can be established by other software engineering graphics file conversion of engineering drawings into SolidWorks document.

3D model can be exported into standard data formats, engineering drawings can also be output as DWG / DXF file format.

7. Supported collaborative work

3D Meeting is based on Microsoft's NetMeeting technology developed specifically for SolidWorks design staff to work together to provide the environment. 3 D Meeting can be used through the network of real-time collaborative work.

support Web directory, design data can be stored in the folder, as in the local hard disk storage as easy.

8. Facilitate the development of expansion

Provide a free, open, full-featured API interface development tools, according to the actual situation of Visual C + +, Visual Basic, VBA or other OLE development process secondary development of SolidWorks.

9. Support network exchange

SolidWorks design with the new products can be released into the Internet, so that is not installed SolidWorks customers via a Web browser to view it very easy for the remote release of new products and exchanges.

10. Rich 3D performance means

SolidWorks provide animation features, AVI file can be generated.

SolidWorks through plug-in enables users to easily produce high-quality PhotoWorks rendering map, including a wealth of material and texture, user-definable lighting, reflection, transparency, and background settings.

11. Facilitate the engineering analysis

SolidWorks has many plug-in, engineers can provide a wide range of engineering analysis tools, such as finite element method can be used for rapid stress, deformation, frequency, thermal efficiency, power, fatigue, and electromagnetic engineering analysis of a number of items of COSMOS / Works, Motion analysis of the agency Mechanical Dynamics, which can carry out the analysis of the heat FloWorks such as plug-ins can not only make use of SolidWorks 3D solid modeling, but also enables the software to become a powerful computer-aided engineering analysis tools.

1.3 Installation and start SolidWorks

For normal operation of SolidWorks, first of all computer systems should be checked whether or not the allocation of software and hardware to meet the requirements of SolidWorks, and the need to correct software from the installation CD-ROM into the computer.

1.3.1 installation of the necessary hardware and software configurations SolidWorks

1. Hardware requirements

SolidWorks normal operation of the necessary hardware configuration as shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 SolidWorks hardware requirements

Minimum recommended hardware best

CPU Pentium

266MHz Pentium Ⅱ, 450 MHz or higher Pentium Ⅱ, 600 MHz or higher

128MB 256MB 512MB memory

32MB or more memory cards, 3D Graphics Accelerator

No less than 500 MB of hard disk

8x drive over

2. Software requirements

SolidWorks software environment for the requirements of the Microsoft Windows 2000 / Me / NT4/XP At the same time, demand has been correctly installed Microsoft Internt Explorer (version 5.0 or above) and Microsoft Excel (97 or later).

1.3.2 installation process SolidWorks

SolidWorks installation, the installation simply SolidWorks Add CD-ROM drive, and then click the Setup Wizard can be notified. Specific installation process is as follows.

(1) Add the installation CD-ROM drive, the installation program will automatically run, and pop-up shown in Figure 1.4 installation interface. Click on the installation of SolidWorks [] button, you can enter the main SolidWorks installation procedures.

Figure 1.4 installation interface

(2) entered the Setup Wizard, as shown in Figure 1.5, click [next] button, following the installation.

Figure 1.5 installation wizard

(3) choose to install options, as shown in Figure 1.6. Shall, in accordance with the optional modules to choose, pay attention to the different modules have different sequences of the corresponding serial number on the box in the CD-ROM. Next click [options] button.

(4) The objective of the process to choose an installation folder. Installation of the default C: \ Program Files \ SolidWorks directory, as shown in Figure 1.7. For changes, click [changes] button, the pop-up dialog box to choose. Then, click [next] button.

Figure 1.6 choose to install options Figure 1.7 Select the target folder

(5) Establishment of dimensioning standards. SolidWorks 2004 has provided GB and ISO standards, in accordance with the need for choice. General should be chosen in line with China's basic national standards for GB as a standard-size standards, the default choice system units, the general choice [MMGSC (mm grams seconds)] default units, as shown in Figure 1.8.

(6) to choose whether or not to provide software and the use of performance information to the SolidWorks Corporation. If the user's computer can access the Internet, you can choose [yes, I would like to recommend participation - radio button, as shown in Figure 1.9.

Figure 1.8 Select dimensioning standards and the system default units Figure 1.9 to choose whether or not to participate in the Customer Experience Feedback Scheme

(7) make early preparations for the installation, the system will begin installation. Just click dialog box shown in Figure 1.10 of the [installation] button.

(8) The installation will begin in accordance with the procedures specified path installation, as shown in Figure 1.11. Completed installation interface will be shown in Figure 1.12, click the button [completed].

Chart 1.10 start the installation process in Figure 1.11 install the user interface

Chart 1.12 completion of the user interface at the time of installation

SolidWorks correct installation, it will automatically start the Windows system [] | [procedure] Add SolidWorks 2004 menu group, and displayed on the desktop icon fast SolidWorks 2004.

1.3.3 the start SolidWorks

And other Windows applications like SolidWorks also launched a number of ways, the simplest way is to start at Double-click the desktop icon fast SolidWorks 2003.

SolidWorks user interface 1.4

SolidWorks specifically for the Windows environment is the development of applications, so its user interface and other Windows applications are very similar, for example, also includes commonly used copy, paste, and other orders and the corresponding shortcut.

SolidWorks user interface including the title bar, menu bar, toolbar, status bar, as well as the work area, the work area is divided into zones controlled areas and mapping of two parts, as shown in Figure 1.13.

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