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新編大學英語3視聽說教程 答案

在 mitted to helping low-income and unemployed citizens.

3. His carelessness resulted in the forest fire.

4. Everyone in Shanghai seems to be in a rush.

5. You are supposed to sign this agreement in person.

6. My success is entirely due to hard work.

7. How can you account for your frequent lateness for class?

8. We still fall behind our competitors in using new technology.

9. He's nothing but a cheat.

10. They communicate with each other through personal contacts rather than through phone calls.

Key: 1.(B) 2.(A) 3. (C) 4.(A) 5.(A) 6.(C) 7.(C) 8.(B) 9.(D) 10.(D)


Listening Task 1

I. W: What do you do in your leisure time?

M: l spend my leisure time at the golf course.

Question: What does the man do in his leisure time?

2. M: If 1 lose this dictionary, how should 1 replace it?

W: Go to a bookstore and obtain another copy.

Question: What should the man do if he loses this dictionary?

3. W: I'm thinking of using some labor-saving devices. What do you suggest?

M: If I were you, I would prefer email to the telephone.

Question: What labor-saving device does the man suggest?

4. M: Do you know another word for "brief"?

W: Yes, "short". For instance, when I come for a brief meeting, it's short.

Question: Which word does the woman use in place of "brief'?

5. W: What do you think about the telephone service in your area?

M: I think it's superb here. However, the postal service is less efficient.

Question: What does the man say about the telephone service in his area?

6. M: How do you know if a doctor is competent?

W: If he solves your problem, he's competent.

Question: What does the woman say about a doctor who can solve problems?

7. W: Stop for a minute. I'd like to look at this exhibition in the window.

M: Why not go inside and see if we can get something on literature and sports?

Question: Where are they standing?

8. M: How about going to a fashionable party with me tonight, Jane?

W: I'd really love to, but my parents expect me at home before 9:00 and we'll leave to visit my aunt early tomorrow.

Question: Why didn't Jane accept the invitation?

9. W: George says he'll return the book he borrowed as soon as he finishes reading it.

M: Well, if George is reading it, I won't hold my breath.

Question: What does the man imply about George?

10. W: I surely enjoyed meeting your parents. I hope they liked me.

M: Take it easy. My parents would like any girl I liked.

Question: What's the likely relationship between the man and the woman?

11. M: Hurry, another train for Shanghai is coming now.

W: Why run? There will be another one in five or six minutes.

Question: What does the woman mean?

12. W: Prof. Wang's lecture yesterday evening was so dull!

M: 1'11 say. I had one eye on the clock the whole time.

Question: What can we infer from the man's reply?

13. M: Do you think you can finish your assignment tomorrow morning?

W: Will Thursday do?

Question: What does the woman imply about her assignment?

14. W: Are you looking forward to your move in September?

M: You bet I am. The rooms here are too small, and there's no space to store things.

Question: What will the man do?

15. M: Tom is taking a language course this year.

W: Should he be taking that course this year?

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