當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 急!怎樣用VB程序來表示冒泡排序(從1排到10)?





Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode < 48 Or KeyCode > 57 And KeyCode < 96 Or KeyCode > 150 And KeyCode <> 109 And _

KeyCode <> 189 Then Text1 = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Label1(0).Visible = False

Label1(0).Alignment = 2

Label1(0).Top = 100

Label1(0).Left = 100

Label1(0).Height = 300

Label1(0).Width = 800

Label1(0).BackColor = QBColor(15)

Label1(0).FontSize = 12

Caption = "演示“起泡法”從小到大的排序過程"

Top = 0

Left = 200

Width = 2 * Label1(0).Left + 12 * (Label1(0).Width + 100)

Height = 7000

Label2.Top = 5700

Label2.Left = 500

Label2.FontSize = 12

Label2.Width = Width - 2 * Label2.Left

Label2.WordWrap = True

Label2.AutoSize = True

a = Space(4) & "數從文本輸入,每輸完壹個數後,按回車鍵,數的個數可變.排序開始之前所有"

a = a & "所有的數都是白底黑字).單擊“開始”按鈕,開始比較(紅底)數與(黃底)數"

a = a & "若(紅底)數大就交換兩數的位置;否則,兩數仍保持原位置.位置已確定不變的數為"

Label2 = a & "(底黑字)."

Label3 = ""

Label3.FontSize = 15

Label3.Top = Label2.Top - 500

Label3.Left = 1300

Label3.AutoSize = True

Frame1.Top = Height - 2300

Frame1.Left = Width / 3

Frame1.Width = 2300

Frame1.Height = 850

Frame1.Caption = "輸入-32768到32767的數"

Text1.Top = 300

Text1.Left = 500

Text1.Height = 370

Text1.Width = 1450

Text1.FontSize = 14

Text1.MaxLength = 6

Text1 = ""

Command1.Top = Frame1.Top + 200

Command1.Left = Frame1.Left + Frame1.Width + 100

Command1.Caption = "開始排序"

Command1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Static kx As Byte, ky As Byte

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Text1 <> "" Then

x = Val(Text1)

If x >= -32768 And x <= 32767 Then

If n = 0 Then

Label1(0) = x: Label1(0).Visible = True


Load Label1(n): Label1(n) = x

Label1(n).Visible = True

kx = kx + 1

If kx Mod 12 = 0 Then ky = ky + 1: kx = 0

Label1(n).Left = Label1(0).Left + kx * (Label1(0).Width + 100)

Label1(n).Top = Label1(0).Top + ky * (Label1(0).Height + 100)

Command1.Enabled = True

End If

Text1 = "": n = n + 1

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

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