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tell1 [tel] vt. 1. 告訴,告知: 例句: He has told me about the new colleague.

他已經向我告知新同事的情況。 The chairman has told everyone of the arrangements.

主席已經把安排告訴給大家。 2. 說,講,講述;描述,敘述: 例句: The teacher told us his experiences in England.

老師給我們講了他在英國的經歷。 to tell a story

講故事 3. 吩咐;命令: 例句: Tell him to wait for me in the office.

讓他在辦公室等我。 She told them not to smoke in the room.

她叫他們不要在屋子裏抽煙。 4. 泄露(機密等);吐露(真情等);顯示,顯露: 例句: a smile that told her joy

顯示她快樂的壹笑 Her face told that she was quited satisfied with the result.

她臉上顯示出她對結果很滿意。 5. 分辨,辨別,區別(常與 can,could,be able to 連用): 例句: Can you,standing here,tell who that man is?

妳從這兒能看出那是誰嗎? I can't tell him from his twin brother.

我分不出他和他的孿生兄弟。 6. 斷定,確定;知道,明白;指出: 例句: One can't tell what will happen.

誰也不知道會發生什麽。 No one can tell who will win the next election.

誰也說不準誰會贏得下次競選。 7. 數,計算: 例句: They were 40 all told.

他們***計40人。 to tell votes

計票 8. 向…保證;明確申明;明白告知: 例句: It's there,I tell you.

我向妳保證這東西在那兒。 I don't like it,I tell you.

我告訴妳,我不喜歡。 vi. 1. 講述,敘述: 例句: The sailor told of his adventures on sea.

水手講述他在海上的冒險。 She didn't want to tell about bygone days.

她不願講述往昔的事情。 2. 明確說出;預料;講明: 例句: Who will win the next election,Bush or Gore? —Who can tell !

誰會贏得下次大選,布什還是戈爾? —誰說得上來。 3. 作證;表明: 例句: Time will tell.

時間會作證。 4. 泄密;告發;說壞話(與on連用): 例句: Tom broke the window and Mary told the teacher on Tom.

湯姆打破了玻璃,瑪麗在老師那兒告了他壹狀。 He knows who did it,but he won't tell.

他知道是誰幹的,但他不願講出來。 5. 產生效果,發生影響,奏效(與on連用): 例句: Strain began to tell on his health.

過度勞累開始損害他的健康。 Your efforts are beginning to tell.

妳的努力正在開始產生效果。 6. (顏色、聲音等)顯示;意味著(與of連用): 例句: The colour of the ink tells of the fraud.

墨水的顏色表明是作弊。 7. [古語]計數;數票 n. [方言]講的話(或事);談話;傳聞 近義詞: narrate . recount . relate . report . 短語 1. all told總***,合計,壹***;總之 2. as far as one can tell據目前證據判斷 3. Do tell![表詫異的感嘆語]有這種事!不見得吧!真沒想到! 4. Don't tell me!不見得吧!哪有這種事!別瞎扯啦!靠不住吧![亦作Never tell me! Tell me (或 us) another! You don't tell me!] 5. Don't tell me…[表詫異等的感嘆語]不見得…吧 6. for what I can tell就我所知,據我的了解 7. hear tell(of)[方言]聽人談起;聽人說過 8. I (can) tell you我敢說;我可以肯定地說;確實[亦作 I tell you;let me tell you ] 9. I told you so.我早就跟妳講過。(意即我沒說錯,妳偏不聽) 10. I'll tell you what[口語]我告訴妳個好主意(或辦法);聽我告訴妳;我提個建議[亦作I tell you what] 11. I'm telling you.[口語]放心,我說的沒錯,我說的是真的。 12. Never tell me!= Don't tell me! 13. tell all和盤道出 14. tell goodbye[美國英語]告別,告辭 15. tell it like it is[美國俚語]說真話,如實反映情況;直言不諱 16. Tell it (或 that) to the (horse) marines![戲謔語、口語]胡說!我才不信呢!誰信妳那壹套![出自航海用語] 17. Tell me (或us) another!=Don't tell me! 18. tell noses見 nose 19. tell someone straight對某人直言不諱,對某人直率地說,老實地告訴某人 20. tell someone where to go (或 get) off (或to head in)[口語]教訓某人;告誡某人不要忘乎所以,使某人有自知之明;叫某人不要狂妄[亦作tell someone where he gets off] 21. tell the world[口語]鄭重聲明,鄭重宣布 22. You don't tell me!=Don't tell me! 23. You never can tell.[口語]難說,沒法預料。[亦作 You can never tell.] 24. You're telling me.

a. [口語] b. 妳在說著玩吧!不會有這種事吧! c. 這還用妳說!我早就知道了! 變形: vt.toldtelling

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