當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 求有關電機的微機控制的3000字左右的英文資料以及翻譯




最後,在本次畢業設計過程中還使涉及到了功能強大的Protel99 SE軟件的使用,並利用此軟件繪制了系統原理圖、印制線路板圖。

關鍵詞:單片機、溫度傳感器、串行通信、抗幹擾、Protel99 SE

First, the current design is based on graduation MCU control systems. SCM introduced to the main components of the monitoring system and the architecture, design and principle, the realization of the automatic control system, for the normal operation of equipment for the conditions. Secondly, The graduation address system design used by the C8051F020 the performance and development of a comprehensive done presentation; Then right DS18B20 single-bus digital temperature sensor made of the performance; UART0 while on the way serial communication function and the analysis; Finally, SCM interference measurement system hardware and software design method also be discussed. The graduate design major applications C8051F020 microcontroller as a core element in the analysis and design on the part of the circuit was introduced. After repeated and the simulation running, debugging, revision, the final form of a complete set of procedures system. Practice has proved that the system stability, and they have the advantage of a simple hardware circuits, software functions, reliable control system, high cost performance, is practical and reference value. Finally, at the graduation design process also involving the powerful Protel99 SE software use, and the use of this software mapping diagram of the system, the PCB plans.

Keywords : microcontroller, temperature sensor, serial communication, interference, Protel99 SE



單片機又稱單片微控制器,它不是完成某壹個邏輯功能的芯片,而是把壹個計算機系統集成到壹個芯片上。概括的講:壹塊芯片就成了壹臺計算機。它的體積小、質量輕、價格便宜、為學習、應用和開發提供了便利條件。同時,學習使用單片機是了解計算機原理與結構的最佳選擇。 單片機內部也用和電腦功能類似的模塊,比如CPU,內存,並行總線,還有和硬盤作用相同的存儲器件,不同的是它的這些部件性能都相對我們的家用電腦弱很多,不過價錢也是低的,壹般不超過10元即可......用它來做壹些控制電器壹類不是很復雜的工作足矣了。我們現在用的全自動滾筒洗衣機、排煙罩、VCD等等的家電裏面都可以看到它的身影!......它主要是作為控制部分的核心部件。 它是壹種在線式實時控制計算機,在線式就是現場控制,需要的是有較強的抗幹擾能力,較低的成本,這也是和離線式計算機的(比如家用PC)的主要區別。 單片機是靠程序的,並且可以修改。通過不同的程序實現不同的功能,尤其是特殊的獨特的壹些功能,這是別的器件需要費很大力氣才能做到的,有些則是花大力氣也很難做到的。壹個不是很復雜的功能要是用美國50年代開發的74系列,或者60年代的CD4000系列這些純硬件來搞定的話,電路壹定是壹塊大PCB板!但是如果要是用美國70年代成功投放市場的系列單片機,結果就會有天壤之別!只因為單片機的通過妳編寫的程序可以實現高智能,高效率,以及高可靠性! 由於單片機對成本是敏感的,所以目前占統治地位的軟件還是最低級匯編語言,它是除了二進制機器碼以上最低級的語言了,既然這麽低級為什麽還要用呢?很多高級的語言已經達到了可視化編程的水平為什麽不用呢?原因很簡單,就是單片機沒有家用計算機那樣的CPU,也沒有像硬盤那樣的海量存儲設備。壹個可視化高級語言編寫的小程序裏面即使只有壹個按鈕,也會達到幾十K的尺寸!對於家用PC的硬盤來講沒什麽,可是對於單片機來講是不能接受的。 單片機在硬件資源方面的利用率必須很高才行,所以匯編雖然原始卻還是在大量使用。壹樣的道理,如果把巨型計算機上的操作系統和應用軟件拿到家用PC上來運行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。 可以說,二十世紀跨越了三個“電”的時代,即電氣時代、電子時代和現已進入的電腦時代。不過,這種電腦,通常是指個人計算機,簡稱PC機。它由主機、鍵盤、顯示器等組成。還有壹類計算機,大多數人卻不怎麽熟悉。這種計算機就是把智能賦予各種機械的單片機(亦稱微控制器)。顧名思義,這種計算機的最小系統只用了壹片集成電路,即可進行簡單運算和控制。因為它體積小,通常都藏在被控機械的“肚子”裏。它在整個裝置中,起著有如人類頭腦的作用,它出了毛病,整個裝置就癱瘓了。現在,這種單片機的使用領域已十分廣泛,如智能儀表、實時工控、通訊設備、導航系統、家用電器等。各種產品壹旦用上了單片機,就能起到使產品升級換代的功效,常在產品名稱前冠以形容詞——“智能型”,如智能型洗衣機等。現在有些工廠的技術人員或其它業余電子開發者搞出來的某些產品,不是電路太復雜,就是功能太簡單且極易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在產品未使用單片機或其它可編程邏輯器件上。

翻譯是工具翻譯太多了:Single-chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not the completion of a logic function of the chip, but a computer system integrated into a chip. Speaking in general terms: a single chip has become a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the learning, application and development of facilities provided. At the same time, learning to use the principle of single-chip computer to understand and structure the best choice. Single-chip and computer use is also similar to the module, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, as well as the role and the same hard disk memory, is it different from the performance of these components are relatively weak in our home computer a lot, but the price is low, there is generally no more than 10 yuan ...... can use it to make some control for a class of electrical work is not very complex is sufficient. We are using automatic drum washing machines, smoke hood, VCD and so on inside the home appliances can see it's shadow! ...... It is mainly as part of the core components of the control. It is an online real-time control computer, control-line is at the scene, we need to have a stronger anti-interference ability, low cost, and this is off-line computer (such as home PC) The main difference. By single-chip process, and can be amended. Through different procedures to achieve different functions, in particular the special unique features, this is the need to charge other devices can do a great effort, some of it is also difficult to make great efforts to do so. A function is not very complicated if the United States the development of the 50's series of 74 or 60 during the CD4000 series to get these pure hardware, the circuit must be a big PCB board! However, if the United States if the successful 70's series of single-chip market, the result will be different! Simply because the adoption of single-chip preparation process you can achieve high intelligence, high efficiency and high reliability! Because of the cost of single-chip is sensitive, so the dominant software or the lowest level assembly language, which is in addition to the lowest level for more than binary machine code of the language, since such a low-level so why should we use? Many of the senior's language has reached a level of visual programming Why is it not in use? The reason is simple, that is, single-chip computer as there is no home of CPU, also not as hard as the mass storage device. A visualization of small high-level language program, even if there is only one button which will reach the size of dozens of K! For the home PC's hard drive is nothing, but in terms of the single-chip microcomputer is unacceptable. Single-chip in the utilization of hardware resources have to do very high, so the compilation of the original while still in heavy use. The same token, if the computer giant's operating system and applications run up to get the home PC, home PC can not afford to sustain the same. It can be said that the twentieth century across the three "power" of the times, that is, the electrical era, the electronic age and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to a personal computer, or PC. It consists of the host, keyboards, displays and other components. There is also a type of computer, not how most people are familiar with. This computer is smart to give a variety of mechanical single-chip (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, these computer systems use only the minimum of an integrated circuit to make a simple calculation and control. Because of its small size, are usually charged with possession of machine in the "belly" in. It in the device, like the human mind plays a role, it is wrong, the entire device was paralyzed. Now, this single chip has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, and household appliances. Once a variety of products with the use of the single-chip, will be able to play so that the effectiveness of product upgrading, product names often adjective before the word - "intelligent," such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers from engaging in certain products, not the circuit is too complex, that is functional and easy to be too simple imitation. The reason may be the product not on the cards or the use of single-chip programmable logic device on the other.

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