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Function save()

Open App.Path & "\save\" & xUser & ".sav" For Output As #1

Print #1, xUser

Print #1, xUserGold

Close #1

End Function

Function load()

If Dir(App.Path & "\save\" & xUser & ".sav") <> "" Then

Open App.Path & "\save\" & xUser & ".sav" For Input As #1

Input #1, xUser

Input #1, xUserGold

Close #1


xUserGold = 10000

End If

End Function

Function oPPBet()

If xXysgGold <= 0 Then

labXysg.Caption = "?ù?:" & Chr(10) & "С×?????????×???±???¨?¨?"

MsgBox xUser & "???????÷?ù?ò°?????′ε???±??±????", vbOKOnly, "?¤?"

Call save



xXysgBet = Int(xXysgGold * 0.5 * Rnd())

labXysgBet.Caption = "Bet: " & xXysgBet

xXysgGold = xXysgGold - xXysgBet

labXysgG.Caption = "Gold:" & xXysgGold

xoppy = Int(1 + 2 * Rnd())

If xoppy = 1 Then

labXysgY.Caption = "?ó"


labXysgY.Caption = "С"

End If

End If

End Function

Private Sub cmdChat_Click()

If xChatIndex = 1 Then

With picUser

.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\pic\user.gif")

.Top = Me.Height - picUser.Height

.Left = 0

End With

Call load

With labUserG

.Caption = "Gold:" & xUserGold

.Height = 500

.Left = picUser.Width

.Top = Me.Height - .Height

End With

With labUserBet

.Left = labUserG.Left

.Top = labUserG.Top - 400

End With

With labUserY

.Left = labUserG.Left

.Top = labUserBet.Top - 400

End With

Open App.Path & "\data\user.t" For Input As #1

For i = 1 To 100

If Not EOF(1) Then

Input #1, str(i)

End If


Close #1

With labUser

.Left = picUser.Width

.Top = Me.Height - picUser.Height

.Caption = xUser & Chr(10) & str(1 + Int(3 * Rnd()))

End With

cmdChat.Left = labUser.Left + labUser.Width

cmdChat.Top = labUser.Top

xChatIndex = xChatIndex + 1

Exit Sub

End If

If xChatIndex = 2 Then

labUser.Caption = xUser & Chr(10) & "???à?????°ɡ?"

cmdChat.Visible = False

cmdShake.Visible = True

imgExit.Visible = True

xChatIndex = xChatIndex + 1

labXysgG.Left = picXysg.Left

labXysgG.Top = picXysg.Height

xXysgGold = 10000

labXysgG.Caption = "Gold:" & xXysgGold

labXysgBet.Left = labXysgG.Left

labXysgBet.Top = labXysgG.Top + 400

labXysgY.Left = labXysgG.Left

labXysgY.Top = labXysgBet.Top + 400

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdShake_Click()

cmdShake.Visible = False

labResult.Caption = ""

labUserBet.Caption = ""

labUserY.Caption = ""

labXysgBet.Caption = ""

labXysgY.Caption = ""

Call oPPBet


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 0

Me.Left = 0

Me.Height = Screen.Height

Me.Width = Screen.Width

xUser$ = InputBox("±??ò?" & Chr(10) & "???×?????óС." & Chr(10) & "???×á?10%." & Chr(10) & "±?×?¨?×???ù?ó?,ר???" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "???ó??ó?:", "?·?")

If xUser = "" Then


End If

With cmdShake

.Left = Me.Width / 2 - 1000

.Top = Me.Width / 2 - 500

.Visible = False

End With

With imgExit

.Top = cmdShake.Top + cmdShake.Height

.Left = cmdShake.Left + 150

.Visible = False

End With

labResult.Top = Picture1.Top + Picture1.Height

labResult.Left = Screen.Width * 0.45

Picture1.Width = 3000

Picture2.Width = Picture1.Width

Picture3.Width = Picture1.Width

Picture1.Left = 4000

Picture2.Left = Picture1.Left + Picture1.Width

Picture3.Left = Picture2.Left + Picture1.Width

With picXysg

.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\pic\xysg.jpg")

.Top = 0

.Left = Me.Width - picXysg.Width

End With

Open App.Path & "\data\xysg.t" For Input As #1

For i = 1 To 100

If Not EOF(1) Then

Input #1, str(i)

End If


Close #1

With labXysg

.Caption = "?ù?" & Chr(10) & str(1 + Int(4 * Rnd()))

.Height = 1500

.Width = 5000

.Left = Me.Width - picXysg.Width - .Width

.Top = 0

End With

xChatIndex = 1

cmdChat.Left = labXysg.Left

cmdChat.Top = labXysg.Height

End Sub

Private Sub imgExit_Click()

Call save


End Sub

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