當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - cspn2010年2月9日18點鐘左右的足球競猜鏡頭背景音樂



隨著世界杯分檔的推出,國際足聯也公布了南非世界杯的主題歌。壹首叫做《飄揚的旗幟('Wavin' Flag)》的歌曲經過了多輪的評審最終被選為了南非世界杯的官方主題曲。主題歌的演唱者為 31歲的歌手克南(K‘naan),他出生在索馬裏的壹個藝術之家,由於國內局勢動蕩,13歲隨家人移居加拿大,但他仍然心系索馬裏,創作的很多歌曲都和索馬裏局勢相關。

《飄揚的旗幟》是他今年2月底發行的專輯《遊吟詩人》中的壹首歌,歌曲帶有濃郁的非洲氣息,表達了對這片充滿戰火 、貧窮和落後的土地不離不棄的熱愛。在今年9月國際足聯舉行的世界杯主題曲征集中,克南將自己的歌曲寄給了國際足聯,最終被國際足聯所認可,成為了南非世界杯的主題歌。







這樣壹首充滿了對這片充滿戰火 、貧窮和落後的土地不離不棄的熱愛的歌曲的傳播更能讓大家認識的和平的可貴,全世界的球迷在哼唱這首歌曲的同時也會感受到和平的可貴,珍愛生命、遠離戰爭,體育運動始終是和平友好的本質。




when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back (3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne

stronger than rome

but violent prone

poor people zone

but its my home

all i have known

where i got grown

streets we would roam

out of the darkness

i came the farthest

among the hardest survive

learn form these streets

it can be bleak

accept no defeet

surrender retreat

(so we struggling)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithful day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back (3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars

settling scores

bring us promises

leaving us poor

i heard them say

love is the way

love is the answer

thats what they say

but look how they treat us

make us believers

we fight there battles

then they deceive us

try to control us

they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward

like buffalo soldiers

(but we strugglin)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithfully day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back (3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back (3x)

ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it

and you and i will be singing it

and we all will be singing it

wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back (3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back (3x)

a oh a oh a oh

when i get older

when i get older

i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag (3x)

flag flag

just like a wavin flag

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