當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 給我壹篇關於PLC 與 步進電機運動控制的中英文對照文獻。

給我壹篇關於PLC 與 步進電機運動控制的中英文對照文獻。

目 錄

第1章 緒 論 1

1.1 PLC的發展及其應用 1

1.2本課題研究的意義 2

1.3本文的結構 2

第2章 電鍍專用行車控制系統簡介 3

2.1使用背景 3

2.2控制系統方案論證 3

2.3工藝流程分析 3

2.3.1工藝要求 3

2.3.2控制流程 4

2.4 PLC的選型及地址編號 6

2.4.1 PLC的選型 6

2.4.2 PLC的地址編號 6

2.5電機的選型 7

2.5.1電動機的分類 7

2.5.2電動機的選型 7

第3章 PLC控制系統的組成及設計步驟 9

3.1 PLC控制系統的組成 9

3.1.1可編程控制器PLC 9

3.1.2接觸器 13

3.1.3繼電器 13

3.1.4開關電器 13

3.1.5熔斷器 14

3.2 PLC控制系統的設計步驟 15

3.2.1 PLC控制系統設計的基本原則 15

3.2.2 PLC控制系統設計的壹般步驟 15

3.2.3確定控制對象及範圍 17

第4章 控制系統硬件設計 18

4.1電器控制系統原理圖 18

4.1.1主電路圖 18

4.1.2控制電路 19

4.1.3 PLC外圍接線圖 20

4.2操縱臺的設計 20

第5章 控制系統軟件設計 22

5.1梯形圖的設計方法及技巧 22

5.1.1梯形圖的設計方法 22

5.1.2梯形圖設計技巧 22

5.2控制系統梯形圖 23

5.3指令表 26

第6章 結 論 31

參考文獻 32

致 謝 33

附 錄Ⅰ 34

附 錄Ⅱ 44

摘 要




在對本系統的設計中完成了系統的硬件連線及軟件的設計,硬件連線包括PLC 的外圍接線、主電路及控制電路,軟件包括梯形圖及指令表。



The empress car is a important equipment that transports the material in produce. The traditional control method mostly adopts the half artificial manipulate to control. However in many production situations, the weakness and a lot of shortage that automatic control in this kind of half method appeared already. In order to improve work efficiency, promote the production automation and alleviate to the labor strength, now there need realizes the car that automatic control.

This design is reforms the manipulate a line of the car moved by artificial the half automation electricity to the automation control system that be controlled by PLC, can not only increase production efficiency, conveniently realizes every kind of control function, but also can adapt to the bad environment of a line of cars, not need adopt the excessive measure on the hardware.

The appropriation car for electroplate in this design is a rise and fall to passes a line of the car arouses to the mourn hook to exercise and the mourn hook in front and back to realize the electroplate process. A car bring the hook go forward/retreat pass by the electroplated slot, recovery liquid slot, clear water slot one by one , when above each slot, the limit switch tells PLC to sends out the control instruction makes the hook descends, when in the slot it starts settling the time to electroplate. While settling after ending, the mourn hook is rising up, still need to stop a few minutes let superfluous liquid flowed to return to slot then can to the next slot, When liquid ends from the clear water slot the empress car returns the home position.

In the design of this system, Completed the design of hardware and software . The hardware includes the PLC outer connect line, main electric circuit and control electric circuits, the software includes trapezoid diagram and instruction forms.

Key words: PLC; a appropriation car for electroplate; Exercise in front and back; Exercise in ascend and descend


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