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搜集關於星空的句子如題 謝謝了

我希望能和妳壹起漫步在 星空 下! I hope and you all together stroll star! www.jiayuan.com 愛是… 星空 下壹起聽音樂。 LOVE IS…listening to music under stars. www.25pk.cn 上海電玩 星空 歡迎您! Welcome to Shanghai Game-Paradise! ! ! club.topsage.com 銀河 星空 哪裏是我家?我再壹次擦幹自己的眼淚。 In my dreams I am not so far away from home. tingli.kaoshi365.com 在月亮下,在 星空 下,正有壹顆小小的心向著妳! Underneath the moon, underneath the stars, here is a little heart for you! 280489986. qzone.qq.com 改進的噪音水平,在 星空 場景模式/手動曝光模式。 Improved horizontal noise, in starry sky scene mode / manual exposure mode. dcbbs.zol.com.cn 如果妳因失去太陽而落淚,那麼妳將錯過美麗的 星空 。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. frkuoblue.spaces.live.com 壹個關於 星空 模擬的編程,可以進行旋轉,有多種效果。 Star simulation on programming that can be rotation, has a variety of effects. i.oacoo.com 那是因為獵戶座是 星空 中少數幾個頗具鮮明特征的星座。 That's because Orion is one of the sky's most distinctive constellations. sl.iciba.com 蘇丹今天將會安眠在今晚的 星空 之中,我會很溫和的關註妳。 The sultan will rest tonight with the stars. I will watch kindly over you. post.ningwuren.cn 白日可以在陽臺遠望綠樹藍天,夜晚可以憑欄欣賞燈火 星空 。 Bairi can look at greenery blue sky in the balcony, night can admire lights sky by column. blog.sina.com.cn 遙望銀河,浩瀚的 星空 下,該有壹個人像我壹樣憑欄獨倚吧? Looking Galaxy, the vast sky, the portrait has a lean on a railingIndependencelike Reliance me, right? english.ecominfozone.net 壹個是我們頭上燦爛的 星空 ,另壹個是我們心中崇高的道德。 One is our magnificent starry sky on the head, another one is our lofty morals in the heart. wenwen.soso.com 安靜籠罩著夏夜巨大的 星空 ,覆蓋著整個地球,溫柔地無聲無息。 Silence silently and gently covers the vast starry sky of summer night and the whole earth. www.htwgyxx.cn 昨天的星圖向妳們展示了如何在後半夜的東北方向 星空 上尋找英仙座。 Yesterday's chart showed you how to locate the constellation Perseus in the northeast in late evening now. bbs.diantongtech.com 還猶豫什麽,趕快加入我們的蝦米 星空 網,在暗夜中找尋屬於自己的那片 星空 。 Don't hesitate, Join us in www. XiaMy. com and looking for your own starry sky at dark night. www.iqing.net “今天的 星空 很美,沒有月亮,是月亮忘記了,還是我忘記了?”翻譯成英文。 The sky tonight is fascinating without moon, does the moon forget, or I do? academics.5d6d.com 如果妳循著流星雨的軌跡往回找,妳會發現每顆流星都是從 星空 中的某壹個點出來的。 If you trace the paths of shower meteors backward, each shower appears to radiate from a certain point in the starry sky. sl.iciba.com 星空 刻下了時間的痕跡,又壹年要過去了,在悅耳的鐘聲裏,我把祝福的心曲為您奏響。 Star is something which time traces, but also a year later, in the sweet bell inside, I played for you Heartsongs blessing. www.cy90.com 當我離去的時候,讓我的思想來到妳的身邊,正如那夕陽的余暉,映在寂靜 星空 的邊緣。 Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the after glow of unset at the margin of starry silence. www.szdmz.com 傳說天上每壹顆星都守著壹場愛情,如果妳是我的 星空 ,我就是 星空 裏那顆最大最亮的星。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you . yanyan791127.spaces.live.com 我對著廣闊無垠的浩瀚星海,對著滿天的銀光,靜靜地坐著,心裏就有了壹片完整的 星空 。 I was looking at the vast vast vast Xinghai, facing a sky full of silver, quietly sat there in a heart full of Star. eastloving.com 同理,站在地球上,地球運行速度相對快些,木星每隔壹段時間看起來像是 星空 中倒退著。 So, as seen from our faster-moving Earth, Jupiter at times appears to move backwards in front of the background stars. sl.iciba.com 揮動掃帚的嗖嗖聲音不時被偶爾的公雞啼鳴或混雜著的黃色 星空 狀山坡上白山羊的叫聲所打斷。 The swishing noise was punctuated by an occasional rooster's crow or the bleat of a white goat scrambling up the yellow honeycombed hills. blog.sina.com.cn 妳將騎上奔赴 星空 的自行車,感到風在吹拂著妳的臉。妳冒險地穿越宇宙空間,妳的旅途危險四伏,但也充滿驚奇和樂趣。 You'll climb aboard a star-bound bicycle, feel the wind on your face, and venture across the universe on a journey fraught with danger, wonderment , and joy. 壹個朋友,嵌在壹個人的心中,如同星座在 星空 中壹樣,某壹顆星隕落了,就不能去移另壹顆星來填滿它的位置。——冰心。 A friend embeded in heart is like a star in the night sky. When a star falls, we cannot use other stars to fill its position. www.jczqw.com 這個世界惟有兩種東西能讓我們的心靈感到深深的震憾:壹是我們頭頂上燦爛的 星空 ,二是我們內心崇高的道德法則。——康德。 Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one is the overhead star—shining sky, the other the noble moral standard in mind. www.wjhlcz.net 有兩種東西,我們愈時常、愈反復加以思維,它們就給人心灌註了時時在翻新、有加無已的贊嘆和敬畏:頭上的 星空 和內心的道德法則。 Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and the more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above and the moral law within. blog.sina.com.cn 藝術家詹姆士特勒爾設計在壹個小房間的屋頂上開了壹個方形的窗口。這樣在夜晚坐在這裏就能看到天上 星空 的變化了。(很浪漫不是?) The artist James Turrell designed this small room. The room has a square hole in the celling, so visitors can sit in the evening and watch the sky turn colors. www.liveabc.com 有兩種東西,我們愈是時常愈加反覆地思索,它們就愈是給人的心靈灌註了時時翻新,有加無已的贊嘆和敬畏———頭頂的 星空 和心中的道德法則。 Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.

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