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請幫忙進行英語人工翻譯 謝謝

男 |已婚 | 1971年11月生 |戶口:河北唐山 |現居住於河北唐山

Male | married | 1971 born in November | Residence: Hebei Tangshan | currently living in Hebei, Tangshan

10年以上工作經驗 | 群眾

10 years or above working experience | masses


Job search intention

· 工作性質:全職

And job type: full time

· 期望職業:生產管理/運營、汽車制造

And expect Occupation: production management / operation, automobile manufacturing

· 期望行業:加工制造(原料加工/模具)、大型設備/機電設備/重工業、 汽車/摩托車

And expectations of the industry: Manufacturing (processing of raw material / mold),large equipment / equipment and / or heavy industry, car / motorcycle

· 工作地區:北京、天津、上海、石家莊

Work area: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang

· 期望月薪:8001-10000元/月

And expected salary: 8001-10000 yuan / month

· 目前狀況:我目前處於離職狀態,可立即上崗

And the current situation: I am now in a state of separation, can immediately induction


Self evaluation


Strong organization and communication skills, team awareness,, hard-working, good at learning, honesty.


Work experience

2014/01 -- 至今

2014/01 - so far

唐山灤州重工| | 生產經理/車間主任

Tangshan Luan heavy | | Production Manager / Director of the workshop

行業類別:大型設備/機電設備/重工業 |企業性質:民營 |規模: |職位月薪:4001-6000元/月

Industry categories: large devices / equipment and / or heavy industry | nature of the enterprise: private | scale: | salary: 4001-6000 yuan / month


Job description:


Workshop director


Large engineering machinery manufacturing

2008/08 -- 2013/12

2008/08 - 2013/12

哈爾濱龍江鑄業有限公司| | 副總經理

Harbin Longjiang casting industry limited company deputy general manager | |

行業類別:加工制造(原料加工/模具) |企業性質:民營 |規模:100-499人 |職位月薪:6001-8000元/月

Industry categories: Manufacturing (processing of raw material / mold) | nature of the enterprise: private | size: 100-499 people | salary: 6001-8000 yuan / month


Job description:


Be responsible for production, technology, quality assurance, including casting,machining, welding, tooling parts.


Aluminum alloy casting and machining (automobile, motor car parts and the main mold)


Under the leadership of general manager, master the whole company specific production operation management, personnel training, the organization system construction, coordinating with other departments (including logistics, procurement),ensure the production of reasonable and efficient and orderly operation.


In machining, welding, casting, mold, sheet metal process, specializes in CNCprocessing (milling machine, machining center, the number of cars etc.).


Strict quality control, master the key point of product control, familiar with the ISO9001and TS16949 automobile industry quality system.


Skilled in drawing process drawings, master CAD, UG and other tools, layout process.


Familiar with lean production, using JIT way, pull production, according to the requiredquality and quantity on time, cost, control, organization of production plan.


Participated in the production site 6S training, cost control training, production training manager. (Harbin Institute of Technology)


Familiar with electrical automation (Electrical Engineer), proficient in all kinds of casting,machining, sheet metal, welding and other equipment, especially CNC equipment (CNC Engineer), operation, programming, repair etc..

管理經驗:匯報對象:部門經理|下屬人數:30 | 直屬下屬: 人 |年收入:

Management experience: report to: manager of department | subordinate number: 30 |directly subordinate: people | annual income:


Performance description: create machine processing factory, staff training, performance appraisal, system construction, the year profit


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