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華萊士在勇敢的心中的性格分析 盡量多說點,我要寫論文





在英國皇宮的行刑架前人聲鼎沸,英國人都前來看這位著名的叛國者,是的,對於蘇格蘭人民他是英雄,對於英國人他就是叛國賊,人們不停地朝他扔東西。在人們的歡呼聲中,他被吊起,被馬車拉扯,被利刃劃破身體,他忍受著巨大的痛苦,以至於臺下的人們也為之震撼,他可以立即停止這壹切酷刑,只需要他請求開恩,於是臺下的人群實在看不下去,齊聲呼喊著:“開恩,開恩,開恩,……”威廉?華萊士的嘴稍微動了壹下,紅衣主教示意行刑者停壹下,然後向下面大聲說:“犯人好像有話要說。”威廉?華萊士忍住身體的劇痛,定了定氣,用盡全身的力氣喊道:“F r e e d o m ……”,那壹刻臺下的人群都無奈的閉上了眼睛,英國未來的皇後(她十分欣賞威廉?華萊士,所以暗中幫助過他好幾次)傷心地流下了眼淚,還有壹絲氣的愛德華從夢中被驚醒,紅衣主教示意行刑者動手……“自由……”的回聲久久地回蕩在英國皇宮的城堡裏,這也許是威廉?華萊士壹生最輝煌的時刻,也許更是蘇格蘭歷史上最光輝的壹頁,自由,這兩個字,是那麽有力地被喊出,喊出的還有威廉?華萊士壹生不變的執著追求,自由……

威廉?華萊士死後,蘇格蘭的壹位貴族接受了英國國王的冊封,成為了蘇格蘭國王,冊封的那天早晨,他騎著馬緩緩地向英軍走去,突然他停住了,轉過身走到後面蘇格蘭反抗軍的前面,他看到的是人們憎惡的目光,他說到:“妳們曾經和華萊士壹起流過血,現在也和我壹起流血吧!”軍隊中壹位威廉?華萊士生前的摯友,拔出華萊士常用的長劍,用力擲向空中,長劍劃過壹道優美的弧線,插在了兩軍的當中,蘇格蘭軍隊高呼:“Wallace, Wallace, Wallace, Wallace……”隨後,他們沖向了英軍……





When a man robbed by Ji-wei of the time, chose to resist rather than accept their fate; When a person is at a critical moment has been betrayed by its allies, the choice is to continue fighting rather than from a compromise; When a person is told when the cry of torture The pursuit of their own, rather than "show mercy", his mind must exist a belief, a desire to get the most basic human survival requirements of faith, a belief in pursuit of freedom ... ...

Freedom, people now seem to be easily available, many people may be born with the world's poor, there is no status, but at least they are still free, "free" word in the mouths of ordinary people are so prone to be able to tell. In Scotland, the land for several hundred years ago, in what has been the land of British rule, freedom is so elusive. Scotland's people to scratch a living, forced to accept a similar "Droit de seigneur," a series of unequal treatment, they have lost the most basic survival needs - free ... ...

As a result, one of them, a young, but with unparalleled wisdom and leadership ability, a hero for future generations - ? William Wallace, in the witnessed his wife was killed by British troops decided with the Scottish people onto the road of independence against the ... ...

He time and again, led the Scottish people, in public enemy where my widowed repel the British; it is him, so that years have seventy years old long-legged British tyrant Edward panic-stricken; it is him, so that the people of Scotland to see the dawn of freedom. However, in Tiankuai Liang when he has been betrayed - by those who had fought with him, who betrayed by those who linger on the Scottish nobles Zhiqiu betrayed.

Palace of the execution frame in the UK before the clamor, the British have to see them the well-known traitors, yes, he is a hero for the Scottish people, for the British he is the traitor, people kept throwing things at him . In people's cheers, he was lifting, was pulled carriage, was sharp knife cut through the body, he endured great suffering, so that people are stunned by the audience, he can not stop immediately all acts of torture, just He asked mercy, so the audience really could not stand the crowd, shouting in unison: "mercy, mercy, mercy, ... ..." ? William Wallace, a slight movement of the mouth a bit, Cardinal indicate executioner pause and then to the following loudly said: "The prisoners seemed to have something to say." ? William Wallace refrained from physical pain, will be a fixed gas and exhaust the body's effort shouted: "F reedom ... ...", that moment Taiwan people are helpless under the closed her eyes, and Britain's future queen (she was very appreciative ? William Wallace, so secretly helped him on several occasions) sad to shed tears, as well as a trace gas, Edwards was awakened from a dream, , Cardinal hint executioner hands ... ... "freedom ... ..." echo of a long time to reverberate in the United Kingdom palace castle, which is probably ? William Wallace, the most glorious moment of his life, perhaps it is the most glorious history of Scotland 1, freedom, the word is so powerful being shouted, shouted along with William Wallace's life change ? persistent pursuit of freedom ... ...

William Wallace's death, a nobleman of Scotland accepted the British king's canonized, becoming King of Scotland, canonized morning, he rode slowly walked to the British, suddenly, he stopped, and turn went back over the body in front of the Scottish rebels, he saw that people hate the attention, he said: "You have been and Wallace with the flow of blood, now join me in bloody bar!" the armed forces a ? William Wallace during his lifetime friend, Wallace pulled out a sword used, forced to throw the air, sword across a beautiful arc, between the two armies were inserted in the Scottish army shouted: "Wallace, Wallace, Wallace, Wallace ... ... "Then they rushed the British ... ...

This year, the Scottish rebels in Scotland in order to land a small victory over that repelled the British, made their long-sought freedom ... ...

End of the video, the Scottish wind whistles sounded again in the picturesque land, perhaps today's Scots do not know, a few hundred years ago, there was a person, in order to achieve the dream of freedom, for their happiness in today's gave his their full ... ...

If a heart filled with faith, then the heart is to be courage, fear ... ...

William Wallace - deserve the hero of a lifetime to go

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