當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 哪位好心人有06-08的全國小學生英語競賽CEPS的試題(最好是高年級)










35. foot


36. It’s h____. Open the window,please.

37. Monkeys like eating b____.

38. Please s___ d___on the sofa.

39. I have t__ hands.

40. Please t__ o___your coat. It’s warm in the room.

VI. 單項選擇

41. I’d like to have __egg and ___sandwich for breakfast.

A. a;a B.an;an C.an;a

42. There ___some water in the glass.

A. is B.are C.am

43. There are many ____in the classroom.

A.student B.students C. boy

44. What’s that __ English?

It’s a desk.

A.in B.for C.on

45. I come from ____.

I am a _____boy

A.China;China B. Chinese;China C. China’Chinese

46. Let’s ____our homework together.

A. do B. does C. doing

47. ___Amy have a brother?

Yes, she _____.

A.Do;do B.Is;is C. Does;does

48. _____ that building! It’s very tall.

A. Look B. Look at C.see

49. Bill runs ______.

A.fast B. good C. high

50. what is Jack doing?

He _______TV.

A. watches B.is watching C. watch

51. ______trees can you see in the picture?


A.How B. How many C. How much

52. I ____a taxi to school every day.

A.take B. sit C.walk

53. June 1st is ________ Day.

A.Children B.Child’s C.Children’s

54. It’s warm today______ it’s windy.

A. so B.but C.or

55. ________clever you are!

Thank you.

A. How B. What C.Where

VII 情景會話


56. Your dress is very nice.

A. No, it isn’t.

B. It doesn’t matter.

C. Thank you.

57. What’s the time?

A. It’s Sunday today.

B. It’s five o’clock.

C. It’s black.

58. I’m ten years old.

A. How old are you?

B. How are you?

C. How old is he?

59. I’d like a cup of tea.

A. Can you make tea?

B. What would you like?

C. Do you like tea?

60.Is she your teacher?

A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, she is.


A. Where are they? BHow much are they? C.How many do you want? D.I don’t like pink.

E. Can I help you? F. I’m sorry G、.What are you looking for?

Shop assistant:61

Ann:Yes, please, I want to buy some things for school.

Shop assistant:62

Ann:I want a new pen.

Shop assistant:We have some nice pink pens over there.

Ann:Oh, no, 63Do you have any blue ones?

Shop assistant:Yes ,here they are . They are 5 yuan.

Ann:Thanks ,I like this one, and I want some notebooks too. 64

Shop assistant:They are over there!


Shop assistant:10 yuan each.

Ann:I want two please,

Shop assistant:Here you are . That’s 25 yuan altogether.

Ann:Here’s the money.

Shop assistant:Thanks.

Viii 完型填空


by live stories playing her

Jane’s grandfather and grandmother 66 in a village . Every Saturday, Jane and 67

parents go to visit them, they go there 68 train. Jane’s grandfather likes 69 chess with her

father, and her grandmother likes telling Jane 70

IX. 閱讀理解



Jenny has a nice room. There are two windows in it. There’s a bed, a table, a chair and a TV in the room, there are some books on the floor and a phone near the bed. Two pictures are on the wall, Jenny often cleans her room on Sundays , she likes her room very much..

71. Jenny’s room is 。

72.The room has windopws,

73. There ‘s a bed , a table , a . and a TV.

74. The books are on the .

75. Two . are on the wall.


Bob is a postman, he likes his job very much, every morning he gets up at 6:00. he puts on a green uniform . Bob goes to the post office at 7:00 . Then he drives a truck to deliver letters , after work ,he sometimes goes to see his parents. He is happy every day ,

76. Bob loves his job.

77. He gets up at seven o’clock.

78. Bob wears a white shirt at work.

79. Bob uses his bike to take letters to people.

80. After work, he goes to see his father and mother sometimes.

X. 小作文(15分)

題目:My Doll

時間:60分鐘 總分:100分)


I. 聽辨單詞(Words) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 聽音, 選出妳所聽到的單詞。每個單詞只讀壹遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)

1. A. nine B. fine C. five D. line

2. A. need B. feed C. neat D. lead

3. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. breeze D. freeze

4. A. course B. mouse C. house D. horse

5. A. goat B. coat C. gold D. cold

B) 聽音,根據妳所聽到的單詞完成下列句子。每個單詞只讀壹遍。(答案寫在答題紙上)

6. I like to swim in the _______ .

7. There are _______ pears on the table.

8. David is Mr. Lee's _______ .

9. I often _______ letters to my best friend, Tom.

10. The students _______ the bells ring for the class.

II. 句子理解 (Sentences) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 聽音, 選出與妳所聽到的句子相對應的問句或答句。每小題只讀壹遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)

11. A. The day after tomorrow.

B. Once a week.

C. One week later.

D. Two years ago.

12. A. What will you do?

B. What did you read?

C. What does your brother buy?

D. What would you like for lunch?

13. A. Can I help you?

B. May I use your English-Chinese Dictionary, please?

C. Must I go home now?

D. Could you please say it again?

14. A. It is an apple.

B. My clothes.

C. My cousin.

D. This is mine.

15. A. When do you often play?

B. Why is she angry?

C. Whom are you talking to?

D. Where is my ball?

B) 聽音, 判斷妳所聽到的句子與所給圖片是(T)否(F)相符。每小題只讀壹遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)

III. 對話理解(Dialogues) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 聽音,根據所聽的對話和問題,選擇正確答案。每小題讀兩遍。(答案塗在答題紙上)

21. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.

22. A. He is in Class 6.

B. He is in Class 5.

C. He is in Class 4.

D. He is in Class 1.

23. A. She would like a glass of water.

B. She would like some tea.

C. She doesn't want anything.

D. She likes drinking tea.

24. A. Mike's father is a Chinese teacher.

B. Mike's father is a farmer.

C. Mike's father is a doctor.

D. Mike's father is an English teacher.

25. A. Yes, Amy's answer is right.

B. No, Amy's answer is wrong.

C. No, Amy doesn't know the answer.

D. No, Amy doesn't like to answer it.


IV. 短文理解(Passages) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 聽音,根據妳所聽到的短文內容填寫單詞,完成下列句子。短文讀兩遍。(答案寫在答題紙上)

31. I _______ Aunt Susan very much.

32. Aunt Susan is the most _______ person in my family.

33. Aunt Susan always helps me with my _______ .

34. Next _______ is Aunt Susan's birthday.

35. I am going to _______ a big Teddy Bear for Aunt Susan.

B) 聽音,根據妳所聽到的短文內容,回答下列問題。短文讀兩遍。(答案寫在答題紙上)

36. Where did Ben and Peter go?

37. What did Ben order?

38. Why was Peter hungry?

39. Did Peter order a lot of food?

40. What did Ben and Peter think of the food at that restaurant?


I. 單詞和短語(Words and phrases) (***10小題,計10分)


B) 根據打亂的圖片和已給的句子,寫出下列句子所描述的單詞或短語。(答案寫在答題紙上)

6. You can drink me. ________

7. You can put your books in me. ________

8. I am a purple vegetable. ________

9. You must do it both in the morning and in the evening. ________

10. You can do it on a windy day. ________

II. 句子(Sentences) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 連詞成句(註意大小寫)。(答案寫在答題紙上)

11. like traveling very much parents my .

12. the near don't play road .

13. now home we going are .

14. day what your birthday year this is ?

15. you dishes wash the dinner after do ?

B) 從A, B, C, D四個選項中選擇最佳壹項完成下列句子。(答案塗在答題紙上)

16. I ________ a teacher. Let ________ work here.

A. am; me B. am; my C. is; me D. was; mine

17. ________ , can you tell me the way to the railway station, please?

A. Thank you B. That's all right C. Excuse me D. Never mind

18. He is in ________ , but he is an ________ . He comes from America.

A. Chinese; American B. China; America

C. Chinese; America D. China; American

19. ________ lovely the roses are! Would you like to buy ________ ?

A. How; some B. How; much C. What; any D. What; some

20. My mother doesn't feel ________ . I must look ________ her at home.

A. bad; out B. well; after C. good; on D. better; around

III. 情景會話(Dialogues) (***10小題,計10分)

A) 選出符合下列情景的最佳答案。(答案塗在答題紙上)

21. A. Sorry, I don't know you.

B. Thank you very much.

C. It doesn't matter.

D. Nice to meet you.

22. A. What is eight and five?

B. Eighteen minus five is three, isn't?

C. What is eight minus five?

D. Is eight plus five thirteen?

23. A. Yes, I feel terrible.

B. No, I am OK.

C. You are welcome, Doctor.

D. I have a bad stomachache, Doctor.

24. 妳有事想請別人幫忙時,應說:

A. Can I help you, Madam?

B. Who is the woman in red?

C. Where are you from, Madam?

D. Could you help me, Madam?

25. 當妳不小心踩到別人的腳時,應說:

A. I am glad to know you.

B. I am very sorry.

C. I'm all right.

D. How are you?

B) 從所給的選項中選擇恰當的句子補全對話。(答案塗在答題紙上)

A. What did you do last Sunday?

B. Because I have a test.

C. On the 15th of May.

D. Where is the library?

E. Mary's is.

IV. 閱讀理解(Reading comprehension) (***10小題,計10分)


Bob and Greg are going camping with their dad this weekend. It is the first time they are on a camping trip. When people camp, they sleep and cook outside. Their dad says, “Take only what you need. Make a list. Remember there isn't any electricity(電).” The boys take the things on this list:


a. What do people do when they camp?

They 31. _______ and 32. _______ outside.

b. What things don't Bob and Greg need to take?

33. _______ 34. _______ 35. _______


Sue wanted to have a little bird. Her grandfather bought one for her last month. The bird was very clever. She liked it very much. Sue kept it in a small cage. She gave it water and food every day. However, the bird looked unhappy. It never sang songs. Sue was worried.

Yesterday Sue went to a park with her parents. She saw a big bird cage there. Many birds sang happily inside. Sue stood there for a long time. She had an idea.

She said to her mother, “I think birds don't like living in a small cage. I will take my bird to a park tomorrow. I will open the cage and let it fly to meet its friends. When it is happy, it can sing beautiful songs.”

36. Who bought Sue a bird?

37. Did Sue like the bird very much?

38. Why did the bird look unhappy?

39. Many birds sang happily in a big bird cage in the park, didn't they?

40. What will Sue do at last?

V. 智力測試(IQ test) (***5小題,計5分)


41. In the question below, letters stand for numbers. Work out the answer to the sum and write its letter. (在下面的算式中,字母代表數字。做出算術題,寫出數字相對應的字母即可。)

If A = 44, B = 11, C =14, D =22, E =2, what is the answer to this sum written as a letter?

42. Choose one of four squares that would fit the blank space and make up the complete pattern of four squares. (從A, B, C, D四個選項中選出適當的壹項, 使其組成壹個完整的正方形。)

43. David, Lily, Jane, John and Maria are 12, 11, 10, 10 and 9 years old, but not in that order.

David is 2 years younger than John.

Lily is 2 years younger than Jane.

Maria is older than David.

Who are the twins?

44. The boy's mother often says her son is the best boy under the sun.


45. There is an animal in this sentence. Look only at the first letters of the words in the sentence. You can find it there. ( 在下面的句子裏存在壹種動物,只需要仔細觀察這個句子中每個單詞的首字母,就能找到它。)

VI. 小作文(Composition) (計15分)

題目: David's Day

提示: 請根據圖片和英文提示,寫壹篇David壹天活動情況的小短文。

提示單詞和短語: stay at home; swimming pool; favorite sport; playground

要求: 1. 請用第三人稱進行描寫,可做適當想象和發揮。

2. 條理清晰,意思明確、連貫,句子通順,用詞得當,語法正確,書寫工整、規範;

3. 不少於70個單詞;

4. 將作文寫在答題紙上。

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