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妙“想”生花 Getting behind the Creative Mind

The world is but a canvas to the imagination.

?——Henry David Thoreau?


Creativity is not

as some would have us believed

something to be taken than painting pictures or?posing original music—creativity could rightly be considered a healing force for societies overwhelmed by the ongoing utilitarian struggles of it a cure for depression

an escape from working—class drudgery

catharsis for the stress and worry that accumulates within us just call it a fun and productive way to wile away an afternoon.


But the spark of creativity is not always easily children

our creative zeal is generally encouraged and allowed to?thrive

but as we move into *** hood that zeal tends to atrophy from r things take over our lives

such as hectic career schedules and increased social pressure to achieve?"status"rding to Elisabeth Keating inPieces of Beauty

this is an unhealthy trend spawned from an overly materialistic gose on to detail the spiritual benefits of a more creative life.?


Tongue in cheek

Melvin Durai exposes creativity from a more "everyday" and?practical angle in his humorous piece

Let the?Beer Come to only have great minds invented personal puters and cell phone technology

they might also bless us with beertossing refrigerators and couches that spit out lost remote controls.

Melvin Durai在用他的詼諧作品《讓啤酒來到妳的身邊》開玩笑似的從日常和實踐的角度剖析創造性。


the expression of artistic creativity throughout history has been just a instrumental in improving the human condition as any business venture or economic out it there would be no great works of art to enjoy and puzzle over

no songs to sing badly in the shower

no ho new fashion trends

no novels to read.I ask you

is that the sort of world you want to live in?


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