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The story of Jesus was born the legend that Jesus is conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. 神更派遣使者加伯列在夢中曉諭約瑟,叫他不要因為馬利亞未婚懷孕而不要她,反而要與她成親,把那孩子起名為“耶穌”,意思是要他把百姓從罪惡中救出來。 Garber out to send a messenger of God even spoke to Joseph in a dream and told him not to because Mary will not give birth to her, but had to marry her, the boy named "Jesus", which means he is to save people from sin out.

當馬利亞快要臨盆的時候,羅馬政府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒務必申報戶籍。 When Mary is about to give birth when the Roman government gave the order, be sure to declare all the people to Bethlehem residence. 約瑟和馬利亞只好遵命。 Joseph and Mary had no choice but to obey. 他們到達伯利恒時,天色已昏,無奈兩人未能找到旅館渡宿,只有壹個馬棚可以暫住。 They arrived in Bethlehem, it was already dusk, but unfortunately they failed to find hotels crossing places, only one can stay stable. 就在這時,耶穌要出生了! At this point, Jesus was born! 於是馬利亞唯有在馬槽上,生下耶穌。 So Mary only in the manger, the birth of Jesus. 後人為紀念耶穌的誕生,便定十二月二十五為聖誕節,年年望彌撒,紀念耶穌的出世。 Later to commemorate the birth of Jesus, they set Dec. 25 for Christmas every year for mass commemorating the birth of Jesus.

聖誕老人據說他原是小亞細亞每拉城的主教,名叫聖尼古拉,死後被尊為聖徒,是壹位身穿紅袍、頭戴紅帽的白胡子老頭。 Santa said he was originally a city of Asia Minor, the bishop of each pull, 名叫聖尼古拉, after the death of revered saints, is wearing a red robe, white bearded old man wearing a Red Hat. 每年聖誕節他駕著鹿拉的雪橇從北方面來,由煙囪進入各家,把聖誕禮物裝在襪子裏掛在孩子們的床頭上或火爐前。 Every year at Christmas he drove a sleigh pulled the deer come from the north side, from the chimney into the home, and the Christmas gifts packed in socks hanging in the children's bed or in front of the fire. 所以,西方人過聖誕節時,父母把給孩子的聖誕禮物裝在襪子裏,聖誕夜時掛在孩子們的床頭上。 Therefore, the Western Christmas, parents put their children's Christmas gifts packed in socks, Christmas Eve when the children hung on the bed. 第二天,孩子們醒來後的第壹件事就是在床頭上尋找聖誕老人送來的禮物。 The next day, the children wake up first thing in the bed to find Santa Claus. 如今,聖誕老人已成為吉祥如意的象征,不僅是過聖誕節時不可缺少的人物,而且也是歡慶新年時不可缺少的人物。 Today, Santa Claus has become a symbol of good luck, not only for Christmas, an indispensable figure, but also to celebrate New Year indispensable figure.

聖誕樹據說有壹位農民在壹個風雪交加的聖誕夜裏接待了壹個饑寒交迫的小孩,讓他吃了壹頓豐盛的聖誕晚餐,這個孩子告別時折了壹根杉樹枝插在地上並祝福說:“年年此日,禮物滿枝,留此美麗的杉村,報答妳的好意。”小孩走後,農民發現那樹枝竟變成了壹棵小樹,他才明白自己接待的原來是壹位上帝的使者。 Christmas tree is said to have a farmer on a stormy Christmas night received a hungry child, let him eat a sumptuous Christmas dinner, when the children bid farewell to a fir tree branches broke off and stuck in the ground blessing, said: "On its annual gift Thriving, leaving this beautiful Sugimura, repay your kindness." After the boy left, the farmers discovered that the branch had become a small tree, he realized that the original was a reception God's messenger. 這個故事就成為聖誕樹的來源。 This story became the source of the Christmas tree. 在西方,不論是否基督徒,過聖誕節時都要準備壹棵聖誕樹,以增加節日的歡樂氣氛。 In the West, whether Christian, had a Christmas tree at Christmas must be prepared to increase the festive atmosphere. 聖誕樹壹般是用杉柏之類的常綠樹做成,象征生命長存。 Fir Christmas trees are generally evergreen cypress and the like made of a symbol of life forever. 樹上裝飾著各種燈燭、彩花、玩具、星星,掛上各種聖誕禮物。 Candles decorated with a variety of trees, flowers, toys, stars, put up all kinds of Christmas gifts. 聖誕之夜,人們圍著聖誕樹唱歌跳舞,盡情歡樂。 Christmas Eve, people around the Christmas tree singing and dancing.

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