當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 用VB做壹個選擇題系統


Private Type utQuestion

Description As String '問題描述

Option(2) As String '備選答案

Answer As Integer '正確答案的序號(0-2)

End Type

Dim Questions(19) As utQuestion, id As Integer, answer As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim i As Integer


With Questions(0)

.Description = "問題描述內容"

.Option(0) = "備選答案1"

.Option(1) = "備選答案2"

.Option(2) = "備選答案3"

.Answer = 0 ‘按實際情況輸入:0、1、2的其中1個

End With

With Questions(1)

.Description = "問題描述內容"

.Option(0) = "備選答案1"

.Option(1) = "備選答案2"

.Option(2) = "備選答案3"

.Answer = 0 ‘按實際情況輸入:0、1、2的其中1個

End With

With Questions(2)

.Description = "問題描述內容"

.Option(0) = "備選答案1"

.Option(1) = "備選答案2"

.Option(2) = "備選答案3"

.Answer = 0 ‘按實際情況輸入0、1、2

End With


With Questions(19)

.Description = "問題描述內容"

.Option(0) = "備選答案1"

.Option(1) = "備選答案2"

.Option(2) = "備選答案3"

.Answer = 0 ‘按實際情況輸入0、1、2

End With


ShowNext 0 '顯示第1個問題

End Sub

Private Sub ShowNext(ByVal Index As Integer)

'改變問題: Index = 0 To 19

Dim i As Integer

With Questions(Index)

AskContent = “1、" & .Description 'AskContent是Label控件的Name

For i = 0 To 2

AnswerItems(i).Value = False

AnswerItems(i).Caption = Chr(i+65) & "、" & .Option(i) 'AnswerItems是Option控件數組的Name


End With

answer = -1

End Sub

Private Sub Answers_Click(Index As Integer)

answer = Index '獲取答案序號

End Sub

Private Sub Submit_Click() 'Submit是CommandButton控件的Name

If id >19 Then

MsgBox "已完成全部題目!"

Exit Sub

End If

If answer < 0 Then

MsgBox "請選擇答案後在單擊確定按鈕!"


If answer = Questions(id).Answer Then

id = id + 1

ShowNext id


MsgBox "回答錯誤,正確答案是" & Choose(Questions(id).Answer+1, "A","B","C") & ""

End If

End If

End Sub

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