當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 朋友們幫忙編2段英語對話啊 朋友們快來幫我啊!!

朋友們幫忙編2段英語對話啊 朋友們快來幫我啊!!

1.Colleague: I've been so tired recently. I've been trying, but I don't think I'm up to this job.

Shirley: You need to take a break, maybe a vacation.

Colleague: Oh, yes, indeed. I've run out of steam. To be honest, I want to be in a different environment.

Shirley: Is that so?

Colleague: Yes, I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.

Shirley: Have you decided?

Colleague: Yes. I want to get a better job.

Shirley: Could you tell me why you want to quit?

Colleague: I quit just because of the dissatisfying salary and the trouble in getting along with my colleagues.

Shirley: Oh, that's terrible. Do you want to get a higher salary in our company?

Colleague: I'm afraid not. I've promised my girlfriend. We'll travel southwards to find a job that offers higher pay.

Shirley: OK, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you. However, I think you should work harder for your new job and then you can ask for higher pay.

Colleague: Thank you so much for your advice.

Shirley: And every best wish for your new job.

Colleague: Thank you.
















2.ALEX: I can see by your resume here that you studied business administration.

MORGAN: That's right.

ALEX: So I wonder why you want to work for a newspaper.

MORGAN: I did reporting for the university newspaper at my school.

And I've always been very interested in journalism.

ALEX: But journalism--it's a very different profession from administration.

You know a lot about administration.

Why don't you choose to work for a company looking to train managers?

MORGAN: I studied administration, yes, but I am more attracted to writing articles.

I want to use my knowledge of business to write financial news.

ALEX: A new reporter must expect to work many hours.

MORGAN: I know that the profession requires dedication.

ALEX: You should expect to work more than fifty hours a week.

And there is a lot of pressure in this job.

You have to get stories in by the deadline.

You have to be very independent. You have to know how to arrange things by yourself.

MORGAN: I know that beginning reporters work many hours.

I am very willing to take on the challenge.

ALEX: May I ask how well you know the city?

MORGAN: I grew up here.

ALEX: But you went to college in Maine.

So you haven't lived here for almost five years, yes?

MORGAN: Yes, that's true. But I grew up on the north side of town.

And I know this city very well. I have no trouble getting where I need to go.

ALEX: That's good. Because if you're hired, we will be sending you everywhere.

The job is in the city news department.

MORGAN: Yes, I'm aware of that.

ALEX: Judging by the stories you gave us, I'd say your writing is very good.

Have you written things other than newspaper stories?

MORGAN: I have experience writing newsletters for a health club.

I mentioned that in my resume.

ALEX: You did that while you were in school?


ALEX: Oh, yes, I see it. Well, I think our interview is complete then.

Are there any questions you would like to ask me?

MORGAN: No, not at the moment.

ALEX: Alright, then. We will probably be giving you a call in ten days or so.

I have to interview several more people.

MORGAN: Thank you, Mr. Jones.








































3.Dialogue A

I: How long have you been here?

A: About three months.

I: Have you worked as a telephonist(話務員)?

A: No, but I think I can learn quickly.

I: Well, your English is very good. I have noticed that. But the problem is my telephonist must have local knowledge as well.

A: Is it?

I: People call us up not just to order meals. They often ask questions about travel, entertainment, etc. So I have to say I can't offer you the job.

A: That's all right. I can try other places. Good-bye.

I: Bye.

Dialogue B

I: Since there are other applicants on the line, we can't let you know our decision yet until all of them have got their chance for interview.

A: Fair enough, I am willing to wait until you have come to a dicision.

I: We will let you know probably next Tuesday. I hope to give you the positive reply.

A: Thank you, I will be glad to hear that.

I: By the way, are you married?

A: Yes, I am married with two children.

Dialogue C

A: Good, this job should suit me well.

I: Can you start working next Monday?

A: Sure.

I: That's settled then. I'm glad to be able to offer you the job.

A: Thank you, Brian.

I: See you next Monday.


Situation: Interview for Applying for a Job

Vicky is having a job interview in a company. (Vicky 正在壹間公司進行面試)

Michael:How are you, Miss Huang?


Vicky:I'm fine, thank you. How about you?


Michael:Good, thanks. Now, please tell me about yourself.


Vicky:I graduated from the Department of Administration in Chung Hsing University. During those years, I also took some conversation courses in a language school. After I graduated, I spent two years as an assistant in the foreign sales department in a computer company.


Michael:How would you describe your personality?


Vicky:I am willing to make friends with people, and I like to know what they need and help solve their problems. In all, I'm not shy talking to people.


Michael:What's your expectation towards this job?


Vicky:Except for the enriching work experience and the salary, I also expect to learn more about other countries with their culture and their attitude towards life. I like the feeling of sitting in the office and being able to make friends with people of different countries.


Michael:Are you willing to work overtime about three times a week and also on the weekend sometimes?


Vicky:Since I am young and have no family, I want to take every chance to learn and contribute myself in any way I can.

笑雨 2006-03-26 06:19


Michael:Good. But if you happen to have some problems and you find no one in our department to help you right then, what will you do?


Vicky:If it is a problem from our customer with our product, I will try to consult our engineer. If I can not find help from them, I will try to read the manual to help solve the problem.


Michael:Very well. So, where do you see yourself in five or ten years?


Vicky:If I am lucky enough to have this position, I will endeavor to know whatever a sales representative should know and hopefully move into a sales management position step by step.


Michael:When can you start?


Vicky:Next Monday would be good for me.


Michael:Thank you. Glad to talk to you today. Please wait for us to contact you. Miss Chang will show you the way out. Good bye.


Vicky:Good bye.


2.Music dialogue

Jane met Linda on the bus. Jane is listening to her I-pod.

L: (waves her hand) HI, Jane, how is everything?

J: (takes off her headphone) Hi, Linda. How are you?

L: I am fine. How about you?

J: I am fine, too. Where are you going?

Linda: I am going to the bookstore to see if I could pick up some good books there. You were listening to your I-Pod just now.

J: Yeah, I love music. Music is my life. And I love this I-pod to death. It is like I am carrying a music library where I go.

L: Oh yeah? Tell me your favorite singers.

J: quite a lot. I like Backstreet boys, Britney Spear, Justin Timberlake, and Beyonce and so on. How about you?

L: I like old songs. I like love songs. Those songs cloud last forever.

J: Name some good songs, please.

L: Simon & Garfunkel, you know these two songs” The Sound of Silence”, “ El Condor Pasa”?

J: yeah, very good.

L: I like Bee gees, too. Too bad one of the brothers died two years ago. I don’t think we could find another band like this one.

J: How about U2? It is very popular.

L: Right. Some of their songs are easy listening. But some are heavy metal which I don’t like. I prefer soft rocks.

J: It’s great that we both love music. . I don’t know if anyone could live without music.

L: I agree with you... When I am down, music cheers me up. When I am lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up.

J: Music is our world.

Linda, I have to get off now. It seems we could keep this topic on and on.

L:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good?

J: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye!

L: Bye! Have a good day!

J: You, too.


A; what kind of music do you like listening to?

B; I like music that has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music. You know, I go to a disco almost every week. Sometimes it’s too loud though. You prefer classical music, don’t you?

A; yes, I do. I find it very relaxing. I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work.

B; I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music. It’s certainly more sophisticated that modern dance music.

A; classical music is supposed to be good for you brain. Research suggest that it makes your brain more active. Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better.

B: really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often. I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.

A; yes. That’s why I listen to it in the evenings. I usually play it as background music while I’m cooking or doing other housework.

B; I’ve got a few classical music CD’s. I should follow your lead and increase my brian power.

A: you can find plenty of recording on the internet too. You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them.

B; that’s a good idea. You should do the same with some music. You might find something you like. Classical music might make you clever, but dance might make you livelier and happier.

A; that’s true. There’s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people. Music can influence a person’s feeling and character.

2.3A: I heard that ben is forming his own band.

B: it will be a rock and roll band probably. He’s a very good guitarist.

A: can you play a musical instrument? If you can , he might ask you to join the band.

B: I can play drums, but I haven’t played for a while. I’m not sure I’d be good enough to play in a band.

A; I wish I could play a musical instrument. I love music.

B; nowadays, you can be a DJ. You can mix dance music. You don’t take a lot of practise.

A: you know, you could probably get a computer program that would help you. You already have a computer, so you could use that to help you mix some music.

A: that’s a great idea. I’ll search for some information on the internet. If it’s possible to do, the internet will have some information about it.

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