當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 編程語言 - 實用口語:“達標”說法多


企業環保要“達標”,學生成績要“達標”,食品質量要“達標”…… 驀然發現,“達標”竟是深入生活的常用詞匯。


先看外電壹段有關中國農產品質量達標的相關報道:Chinese farm products are getting safer, the government said on Tuesday, citing tests of fruit, vegetables, meat and fish in major cities that showed more than 95 percent of products were up to standard. The Ministry of Agriculture, eager to reassure consumers following a series of safety scandals, said on its Web site (www.agri.gov.cn) that all meat and poultry products tested in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Tianjin and Kunming were up to scratch.


報道中的“up to standard”指的就是“達標”。

短語“up to”在此表示“達到、接近於、及得上”,如:The team didn\'t play up to its best today.(球隊今天發揮的不是很理想。)

此外,動詞詞組“to meet the (given) standard”也可表示“達標”,如: to meet noise/water standards(符合噪聲/水質標準)。

值得壹提的是,短語“up to”除和“standard”搭配表示“達標”外,還可與“par, scratch, the mark, snuff”連用。究其淵源,“par”源於高爾夫球(“標準桿數得分”,引申指“標準”);“scratch/mark”源於拳擊比賽[裁判在拳擊場中間劃(scratch)的界線(mark),拳擊手若被擊倒,他必須在8秒鐘內站起並回到規定的“界線”上。

看下面幾個例句:Your work is not up to par this week. 妳這星期的工作沒有達到標準。

Sorry but that cloth you sent us isn\'t/(didn\'t come) up to scratch. It\'s too thin and the color is too dark.(很遺憾妳們送來的布料太簿、顏色還很合深,不符合標準。)

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