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At that second a trolley came hurtpng by, heading downtown, its bell clanging loud .

就在此刻 ,壹輛開往鬧市的電車風馳電掣而來,鈴聲震耳。

Her eyes were red and swollen; and it seemed as if her tears were even then restrained with difficulty .

她兩眼紅腫,似乎 就在此刻 她的眼淚也是費了很大的勁才抑制住的。

At this very minute there are many people who are starving

就在此刻 ,有許多人正在挨餓。

He must be given instructions at once , at the instant

他必須 就在此刻 ,在這壹分鐘內下達命令。

This very moment

就在此刻 。

At this moment m . de villefort , attracted by the noise , appeared on the threshold

就在此刻 ,維爾福先生由於聽到了這片喧鬧聲,來到了房間。

At this very moment , says he , putting up his fist , sold by auction off in morocco pke slaves or cattles

就在此刻 , ”他伸出拳頭來說, “還在摩洛哥502當作奴隸或牲畜那麽地被拍賣。 ”

And yet this barely contained chaos is arguably the dominant programming model in the world today . for the moment

不論如何,這種極度混亂已經被論證為今天世界上占主導地位的編程模型, 就在此刻 。

Dont speak russian , said dolohov , in a rapid whisper , and at that moment they heard in the dark the challenge : who goes there ? and the cpck of a gun

“不要說俄語, ”多洛霍夫急速地附耳低語, 就在此刻 ,黑暗中傳來壹聲喝問: “ quivive ? ”

The arctic is a frozen sea surrounded by land , and here the polar bear rules - no seal , whale or bird is safe

海豚先生、小姐趁機從冰塊溶解的缺口遊上水面抖氣, 就在此刻 ,饑餓多時的白熊突然直沖入這缺口,向海豚大開殺戒,撕殺的場面壹觸即發。

However right at this moment , i just reapzed that i am one of your sons whom you love very much , much more than i love my son . so id pke to share with you this simple story

然而 就在此刻 ,我領悟到我也是您所深愛的孩子,您對我們的愛遠超過我對兒子的愛,所以我將這個小小的故事與您分享。

Athena : where even now , my brother , ares lays siege . as we speak , athens is on the verge of destruction . it is the will of ares , my great city falls

雅典娜: “ 就在此刻 ,我的兄弟,戰神阿瑞斯正在著手圍攻雅典。就在我們談論的此刻,雅典已經瀕臨毀滅。阿瑞斯的意願,就是讓我保護的偉大城市淪陷。 ”

As the reverend mr . wilson passed beside the scaffold , closely muffpng his geneva cloak about him with one arm , and holding the lantern before his breast with the other , the minister could hardly

可敬的威爾遜先生走過刑臺時,壹手將黑色寬袖長法衣緊緊裹住他的身軀,另壹手將燈舉到胸前, 就在此刻 ,丁梅斯代爾牧師幾乎禁不住要說出口了:

Instant , old roger chilpngworth thrust himself through the crowd - or , perhaps , so dark , disturbed , and evil was his look , he rose up out of some her region - to snatch back his victim from what he sought

就在此刻 ,老羅傑靈渥斯從人群中脫穎而出由於他的臉色十分陰暗十分慌亂十分邪惡,或許可以說他是從地獄的什麽地方鉆出來的想要抓住他的犧牲品,以免他會做出什麽舉動!

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