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為什麽打開壹個軟件時老出現Run-time'10055':No buffer space m is available



1。窗口服務器運行自動更新。具體為什麽自動更新運行,它會消耗這麽多的套接字連接,我還不清楚。但有壹件事,自動更新肯定會占用網絡帶寬和處理器,服務器,我認為應該關閉自動更新,使用人工更新方法。2. Machine in the horse. Trojan will open a lot of back door, creating a large number of connections, including LAN chicken, they also have external network. This will cause the machine there no Internet access, or the program can not connect. In the search results, a large number of results are used SQLSERVER database server, it is very easy to provoke the server Trojans and viruses, most of SQLSERVER problems, not accidental.2。馬機。木馬會打開後門,創造了大量的連接,包括局域網雞,他們也有外部網絡。這會導致機器沒有上網,或者程序無法連接。在搜索結果中,大量的結果用於SQLServer數據庫服務器,它是引發服務器的木馬和病毒很容易,大多數SQLServer的問題,不是偶然的。3. Virtual memory configuration is too low. The first discovery of this issue, I went to the scene to open the machine, did report a virtual memory error, that lack of virtual content.3。虛擬內存配置太低。第壹次發現這個問題,我到現場打開機器,確實有報道壹個虛擬內存錯誤,即缺乏虛擬內容。4. Any improper procedure to create a large number of short connections, because the program is not robust, resulting in SOCKET is busy or TIME_WAIT state, or the server and the client has one abnormal and the other had not been informed, is still connected, continuous do write.4。任何不正當的程序創建大量的短連接,因為程序不健全,導致插座忙或time_wait狀態,或服務器和客戶端有壹個異常和其他沒有被告知,仍然是連接,連續寫。


1。優化RESIN的配置,適當擴大連接池的數目,雖然不是問題,或略有擴大。配置遠程監控,關閉默認不做目錄瀏覽,404的屏幕和其他錯誤;使用mon. Specific process is not very clear, short final 360 can be installed and updated. 360 This is something really good, wood Madu Qing apart. Now that the window does not automatically shut down, NORTON also normal controls, the machine is not unusual to open the port, the service does not somehow, well, almost the same.

3。防毒。開明,壹看驚訝。我的夥伴是壹個強大的男人,母親,所有種類的病毒,而且還服務,這是真的可憐的服務器啊!生病的主人不去看病,要在機器上服務他的國家,不能沒有健康保險。親爹給妳治病不管他叔叔。經過分析,U盤病毒病毒,有runauto ..病毒,灰鴿子灰,傳說中的木馬,後門和木馬都未知,還裝了壹個遙控器。下載360,喜歡偷懶,結果不能安裝。刪除runauto ..,(我以前的博客有這個東西,壹個特殊的處理描述)結果不打開C盤,只能打開資源管理器。有點麻煩。然後找幾個隱藏地方的病毒,分析未知服務無法使用的拒絕服務來刪除,或粉碎壹個有用的360文件。什麽是C:\ Windows \ lsass.exe,cmd.exe.exe這太常見了。具體流程不是很清楚,短的最後360個可以安裝和更新。360這東西真的不錯,木馬渡清分開。現在,窗口不自動關機,諾頓也正常的控制,機器是不是不尋常的開放的端口,服務不在某種程度上,以及,幾乎相同。

4. Optimize server settings. In fact, I do not know the optimal. Looked at the virtual memory in C drive, C drive has very little space, and find a point to see and understand things, moved to another site to move, read, and not lightly to people moving. Re-open the service window, no use of the services are open to me are set off, what SERVER service, also open ADMIN $ it, and quickly were shut, his machine there is none. What IIS, APACHE, open really wide, I see also installed TOMCAT, she simply opened wide with RESIN forget, it is quite lively, and immobility. I certainly do not allow this occurs, the whole kill.


5. Checking whether a procedural loopholes. Since I own RESIN only under also includes a robot I can not even find GOOGLE (and also rejected the robot scans) of a small tool, before the external network IP from time to time to see the creation of a large number of connections, but are in a TIME_WAIT state. It is also very deadly. Looked at, in addition to the WEB application, there is a small day program automatically receive data. This procedure is used to connect SOCKET long or short connection do not know, a friend concerned about the content of this field can be more about GOOGLE. But this program really is not configured to start automatically (I have to add up), may be the external network IP on the client that is constantly seeking to connect it! SOCKET.close () is not immediately release the connection, but is set to TIME_WAIT state, this time the default is 240S, which is 4 minutes. This is too long, 30 seconds (minimum) on it. Modify the default values in the time, also found that the machine does not open the Big port services, which is higher than the 5000 port. This is an "insufficient system buffer space or because a queue is full can not perform operation on a socket" error! WEB services and that is configured to 1 million or more ports! Quickly, the operation is as follows:


1. Start Registry Editor. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters

2. New

Value Name: MaxUserPort

Value type: DWORD

Value data: 65534 (decimal method included in the family to stay, if hex is FFFE, because F is 65535 Well 4)

Valid Range: 5000 - 65534 (decimal)

Default: 0x1388 5000 (decimal)


Value Name: TCPTimedWaitDelay

Value type: DWORD

Value Data: 0000001e (ie 30, can not work with WINDOWS calculator, it is convenient, the number of seconds that TIME_WAIT)



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