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草書英文:cursive script、grass script。

草書:grass writing、running hand、cursive script、grass script.


1. 妳上壹次寫草書是什麽時候?

When was the last time you wrote cursive?

2. 寫得快壹些的話,還有行書和草書。

For those who are writing very fast they have semi-cursive and cursive script.

3. 草書是創作靈感的最佳載體。

Cursive is the inspiration for the best carrier.

4. 僧人草書的缺陷使得其影響非常短暫。

Iv. The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity.

5. 人們同樣可以按主題搜索他的草書評語。

One can also search his scribblings by subject.

6. 我已經記不得如何去寫草書的大寫字母Z。

I can't remember how to write a capital Z in cursive.

7. 在植物學領域,這些最早的著作是本草書。

The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals .

8. 草書符號的系統化,孫過庭與於佑任功不可沒。

Concerning the systemization of cursive hand signs, The contributions of Sunguoting and Yuyouren couldn't be forgotten.

9. 寫草書的時候,筆不離紙,每個字母要連在壹起。

The pencil doesn't leave the paper in cursive writing and letters flow together.

10. 壹方面,許多簡體字來源於中國草書的通行寫法;

Many simplified characters are adaptations from common usage in Chinese cursive script;

11. 僧人的功利性使得其用草書作為獲取名利的工具;

The utilitarianism of the cursive script monk made them using cursive script as a tool of obtaining reputation.

12. 中晚唐書壇出現了壹個特別的書家群體——草書僧。

During China Middle and late Tang Dynasty a peculiar colony has appeared in calligraphy circles -Cursive script monk.

13. 他的書法,尤其是草書在當代中國獨樹壹幟,影響巨大。

His calligraphy, especially the cursive hand, is quite unique and has a great impact in China.

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