當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 腳本源碼 - 英語辯論賽:科學利大於弊。我是正方,請大神用語法正確的英語寫出正方的壹四辯辯詞和質詢環節的問題



The pollution is not brought by?Science and technology,instead,it's a problem ? about?humans?themselves。if everyone had?established environmental?values,the pollution?was?completely?avoidable.汙染不是科技帶來的,恰恰相反它是人類的道德問題,如果每個人提高他們的環保意識,汙染完全可以避免。

Peoples always relyed on gods to protected them from disease in acient,but now with the technology's rapid growth,we have enough ability to protect us from disease by ourself and?raise life?expectancy of human beings at least 30 years.在古代,人類生病都靠祈求神明來治愈,但是隨著科技的飛速發展,人類有能力靠自己治愈疾病,人類的平均壽命至少提高了30年。

With the techology's development,the distance between each others become more and more closer it's let us make more friends and?Visitfriends?and?relatives from afar.隨著科技的發展,人們之間的距離越來越近,他是我們交到更多朋友,更方便的拜訪遠方的親朋好友。


How can peoples fight agianst diease and disaster without?Science and technology?沒有科學人們如何對抗天災疾病

How can peoples regonize the trules of the wolrd and avoid?Stupidity without?Science and technology?沒有科學人麽如何認清世界的本質避免愚昧?

How can peoples get the better life without?Science and technology?沒有科學人們如何得到更好的生活?


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