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及物動詞 vt.

1. 放,置;豎立;使接觸;使處於(特定位置);使坐落;安裝[O]

He set down the bag and rested for a while.


A round table was set in the middle of the room.

房間中央放了壹張圓桌。 2. 為(小說、舞臺等)設置背景[H][O]

The play is set in 15th-century Italy.

這出戲以十五世紀的意大利為背景。 3. 使處於(特定狀態)[O][O8]

She set the caged bird free.

她放走了關在籠中的那只鳥。 4. 使開始,使著手做[O4][O2]

They set him to mow the lawn.


Her words set me thinking.

她的話使我深思。 5. 校正,調正[(+for)]

She set the alarm for 5 a.m.

她把鬧鐘撥到早晨五點響鈴。 6. 為...排版[(+up)] 7. 確定,規定

But no date has been set for the visit.

但訪問的日期尚未確定。 8. 樹立(榜樣);創(記錄)[O1]

Bob set us a good example.

鮑勃為我們樹立了壹個好榜樣。 9. 鑲嵌,點綴[O][(+in/with)]

The diamond was beautifully set.

這顆鉆石鑲嵌得十分出色。 10. 使(骨)復位;使(頭發)成型

The doctor will set Dan's broken leg.

醫生將替丹的骨折的腿正骨。 11. 使就座;使(雞)孵卵 12. 分派(工作);指定(作業);出(考題)[O1]

The teacher set his pupils a difficult problem.

老師給學生出了壹道難題。 13. 使凝結 14. 為(詞)譜曲;為(曲)配詞 15. 設(陷阱),張(羅網)

They set a trap for the weasel.

他們給黃鼠狼設下陷阱。 16. 放(火),點燃(火) 17. 打(印記);簽(名);蓋(章)

不及物動詞 vi.

1. (日、月等)落,下沈;衰落

When we reached the hotel, the sun had set.

我們到達旅館時,太陽已經下山了。 2. 凝結,凝固;固定,定型

The cement will set in a few hours.

水泥幾小時後就會凝固。 3. (骨)接合 4. 著手於,開始[(+to)]

They set to work as soon as they arrived.

他們壹抵達就開始工作。 5. (植物)結果 6. (雞)孵蛋 7. 出發[(+out/off)]

It was raining when we set out.


形容詞 a.

1. (常用以構成復合詞)位置...的 2. 固定的,不變的;老壹套的

He is a man of set opinions.

他是個固執己見的人。 3. 規定的;(書等)指定的[B]

She got to the park before the set time.

她在約定的時間之前到了公園。 4. 英定菜定價的,客飯的[B] 5. 下定決心的[F][(+on/upon/against)]

He was set on becoming a doctor.

他決心當個醫生。 6. 準備好的[F][(+for)][+to-v]

I was set for the exam.

我已為考試做好準備。 7. 呆滯的,呆板的 8. 很有可能的[F][+to-v]

名詞 n.

1. 壹套,壹部,壹副[C][(+of)]

She bought a dinner set of Chinese make.

她買了壹套中國制造的餐具。 2. 收音機,電視機[C] 3. (舞臺)布景;(電影)攝影場[C] 4. (網球的)壹盤比賽;爵士(或流行)樂組[C] 5. 發型[S] 6. 壹夥人;(特殊)階層[the S][G]

I warned her to keep away from that bad set.

我警告過她不要接近那幫壞蛋。 7. 凝結[S] 8. (身體的)姿勢[the S][(+of)] 9. 詩(日、月等)沈落[the S][(+of)] 10. 苗,秧,插枝

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