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搖滾樂之王 King of Rock and Roll英語作文

搖滾樂之王 King of Rock and Roll英語作文

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It is known to all that Michael Jackson is the king of popular music. Though he died in 20xx

he is favored by people all around the world. Before Michael Jackson

the most successful singer is Elvis Presley

he is the king of Rock and Roll. He made the record of selling the most albums.


Elvis Presley lived in a poor family and he had done several jobs before he was discovered by his agent. At that time

the agent wanted to find a white singer who could sing Blues and Elvis was the guy he found. As he released his first album

the local radio station played them again and again. People fell in love with his music. Soon Elvis got famous in United States.


Elvis made great success in music

the songs were favored by all races. As the development of media

his shows were watched by the world. Later

Elvis also shot many movies. The songs he sung in the movie also became popular. But the sad thing was that Elvis died at the young age about forty. But the achievement he made would never be fot.


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