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問題壹:鉆胯或鉆褲襠的英語怎麽寫 正確翻譯:crawl between another's legs提醒:drill這個“鉆”是“鉆探”,而“鉆胯”的“鉆”是“穿過”。

問題二:鉆胯襠的英文翻譯 鉆胯 Dr礎lls the hip

鉆褲襠 Drills the pants crotch

Application of the Cotch drilling

問題三:英語翻譯 Slowly, walking slowly across the road in the colorful ballet, looking back, I see myself step by step, the ballet the footprints of growth.Just turned nine, but I walked for five years of ballet, the five years of ballet road full of pain and joy.


Two months before the full four years old my mother was taken to a training center, since then took to the road of the ballet.Around, and then I azimuth, dancing has swung, was like a big clumsy bear.But in addition to the normal time ballet classes per week, young me in every night in the quiet corner edge practice open crotch, slowly learned to leg press, reached down, and splits...Under the teacher's strict training, I start with the basics of progress.As the growth of the age, I also gradually to the ballet, I know ballet will has been acpanied by my life.


More learn downward, the action is more difficult, especially to practice some skills, time and time again the pain down, again and again, but the persistence of the time and time again, let me go to today.In order to grasp every movement, I have been teacher training and scold by mother, cried, laughed, but I didn't give up the elegant ballet dance, only because I like it.


問題四:怎樣可以去除臉上的坑呀?豆豆留下的〈幫幫我〉謝謝了 我覺得痘痘的問題平時就應該註意它,臉上有痘痘時,勿隨意用手擠,這樣容易在臉上留下疤痕,建議使用可玲可俐(效果還不錯),還有切勿用頭發遮住臉上的痘痘,因為頭發上的細菌.灰塵.及發膠容易惡化痘痘.還盡可能的避免日曬,強烈的陽光容易是長痘痘部位留下疤痕.最重要的是堅持每天至少喝八杯水,保持良好的新陳代謝,避免壓力過大,學會調節情緒,保持心情愉快!!相信這撫就能OK啦~~~

問題五:請問連 *** 褲頭怎麽說?英語叫control top. 彈性比較大,防止連 *** 下滑的。有的連 *** 有,有的沒有。 連 *** panty-hose。

褲頭underpants; undershorts連 *** 褲頭:panty-hose underpants; panty-hose undershorts

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