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看這頭大象的英語:look at this elaphant

大象是現存世界上最大的陸地棲息群居性哺乳動物。大象家族曾經很繁榮,是地球上最占優勢的 動物類 群之壹,但由於氣候和人為原因,大象的數量越來越少,因此需要我們的保護。

大象的英語說法1:elephant英 [?elif?nt] 美 [?l?f?nt];大象的英語說法2:heffalump[醫]大象的相關英語表達:黃色大象 Yellow elephant、藍色大象 Blue Elephants、大象壇 Terrace of Elephants、古大象 ancient elephant、大象屋 The Elephant House。

大象是世界上最大的四足動物。The elephant is the largest four-footed animal in the world.

用尖銳的棍子戮進大象的厚皮,發出指令,大象會有所反應的。Elephants react to directions given by a sharp rod poked into their thick skin.

他說當壹頭大象身上有了跳蚤,是跳蚤而非大象在跳。He said when an elephant has fleas it is the fleas that do the jumping.

如果人們愛獵殺多少大象就可以獵殺多少,大象就會滅種了。Elephants would die out if men could shoot as many as they wished.

如果允許人們隨心所欲地射殺大象,大象就會絕種。Elephants would die out if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

在第六屆國王杯大象馬球錦標賽的開幕式上,人們正在觀看大象遊行表演。Onlookers watch an elephant parade during the opening ceremony of the competition.

曾經,托馬斯?愛迪生對壹頭大象施以電刑,只是為了展示競爭對手所采用技術的危險性。There was the time Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant to demonstrate the danger of a competitor 's technology.

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