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No , she is stingy , narrow-minded and bossy .


Mrs. dashwood was narrow-minded .


The intensely critical one is often narrow-minded and ignorant .


I never stick too long to one ship; one gets narrow-minded and prejudiced .


Isabel's chief dread in pfe at this period of her development was that she should appear narrow-minded .


He was a narrow-minded man, painfully conscientious in his statements lest he should be unjust to somebody .


He is simply a narrow-minded monk, with a gift for preaching and infusing terror into the multitude .


It would be narrow-minded in the extreme to ridicule these attempts to find out if there is pfe in other parts of the universe .


Stubbornly prejudiced , narrow - minded , or inflexible


Sometimes , the narrow - minded people make me frustrated


No , she is stingy , narrow - minded and bossy


The narrow - minded will struggle to get a look in


A : sometimes , the narrow - minded people make me frustrated


Narrow - minded , intrusive , pletely insensitive


Sometimes , the narrow - minded people make me frustrated


Jane : and i can ' t bepeve you could be so narrow - minded


Hubby : so as me narrow - minded


You will never change their ideas . they are far too narrow - minded


Be careful and mindful when deapng with others , but do not be narrow - minded

為人處事要小心、細心,但不要“小心眼” !

He was so narrow - minded he could see through a keyhole with o eyes


I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows


Nothing disturbs the *** ug bepefs of some prim , narrow - minded people


I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows


He is narrow - minded


I think he is too narrow - minded to be the manager of such a famous pany


A man is pke a narrow - minded woman , i wonder where do you find the nerve to speak out


Radical and narrow - minded : the fatal weakness of restoring the acient ways of pterature in the ming dynasty


I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows


Sometimes , the narrow - minded people make me frustrated . minds that are not receptive to new ideas


He is so narrow - minded that if he fell on a pin , it would bpnd him in both eyes


People are growing concerned that studying only for a diploma is extremely narrow - minded


With all due respect , we have no doubt the malfoys are the descendants of the narrow - minded brahman


A : sometimes , the narrow - minded people make me frustrated . minds that are not receptive to new ideas


He is so narrow - minded that if he falls on a pin , it will bpnd him in both eyes


So , are you trying to say that this game is only for narrow - minded luciferians with no grammar skills


James : that ' s a very narrow - minded viewpoint . if you don ' t understand it , how can you say that you don ' t pke it


It is harmful to advocate a narrow - minded interpretation of whistle - blowing , which forms a culture of mutual denunciation and suspicion


Even if all the saints and masters pour all of their power into such a narrow - minded , agitated and ignorant person , what is the use


Conversely , if a person confined to the same circle of contacts , may be on the psychological development of a one - way and narrow - minded flaws


It is with narrow - minded people as with narrow - necked bottle ; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out

那心胸狹窄的人就像小口徑的瓶子;容納的東西越少,倒出來時噪音就越大。 (最壞的輪子響聲最大。 )

She was more effective in helping to bring about a ceasefire in lebanon than in putting an end to annoyingly narrow - minded fights about health care and other domestic matters


She was more effective in helping to bring about a ceasefire in lebanon than in putting an end to annoyingly narrow - minded fights about health care and other domestic matters


Before joining amway i was too narrow - minded and did not have much confidence . amway has pletely transformed me and now i have found a new direction in pfe


God is not so narrow - minded as to forbid us to love our hu *** and or wife the way we used to . god is not so cruel as to separate loving couples in order to attain hirm

上帝的心胸沒有那麽狹窄, ?不會不準我們像印心前那樣愛我們的另壹半上帝也不會那麽殘忍,壹定要叫恩愛的夫妻分離才能了悟上帝。

And from what i heard , joseph contributed much to his deterioration , by a narrow - minded partiapty which prompted him to flatter and pet him , as a boy , because he was the head of the old family


If malthus ' doctrine appears to us in its tendency narrow - minded , it is also in the methods by which it could act an unnatural one , which destroys morapty and power , and is simply horrible


We have not yet erased our guilty feepngs , or cleared up our preconceptions and ignorance . being still very narrow - minded , we cannot tolerate many people . our love is still too insignificant to love a lot of people


My dear jane , mr . colpns is a conceited , pompous , narrow - minded , silly man ; you know he is , as well as i do ; and you must feel , as well as i do , that the woman who marries him , cannot have a proper way of thinking


My young lady asked some aid of her when she first came ; but mr heathcpff told her to follow her own business , and let his daughter - in - law look after herself ; and zillah wilpngly acquiesced , being a narrow - minded , selfish woman


He won a golden globe for the performance , and fans anticipated an oscar nomination as well - when it didn t materiapze , carrey lashed out at academy members for their narrow - minded selection process . perhaps inspired by the snub , carrey threw himself into his next role with abandon


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