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pursue: [ p?0?5'sju: ]

v. 追捕,追求,繼續從事

詞形變化:形容詞:pursuable 名詞:pursuer 動詞過去式:pursued 過去分詞:pursued 現在分詞:pursuing 第三人稱單數:pursues

例句與用法:1.The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner. 警方正在追捕壹名越獄的逃犯。2.The government is pursuing a policy of non-intervention. 政府正奉行不幹預政策。3.She is pursuing her studies at the university. 她在大學繼續深造。4.I have decided not to pursue (ie investigate) the matter any further. 我決定不再追查那事.5.She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree. 她決定在獲得學士學位之後繼續深造.


1. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in

同義詞:prosecute, engage

2. follow in or as if in pursuit


3. go in search of or hunt for

同義詞:quest for, go after, quest after

4. carry further or advance

同義詞:follow up on, act on

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