當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 腳本源碼 - adam lambert 唱的mad world歌詞(中英)及其所表達的主題是什麽

adam lambert 唱的mad world歌詞(中英)及其所表達的主題是什麽

《Mad World》 英文歌詞: All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere And their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very, very Mad World Mad World Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Made to feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson Look right through me, look right through me And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dyingAre the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very, very Mad World Mad World Enlarged in your world Mad World 中文歌詞: 我周圍的都是熟悉的面孔 熟悉的地方熟悉的臉 每天早起,打起精神人們開始奔跑 漫無目的 不知所向 他們的淚盛滿了玻璃杯子 面無表情 神情麻木 我埋下頭,想將哀傷掩藏 沒有明天 毫無希望 我既感到些許可笑 卻又感到莫名悲哀 那些夢 那些瀕臨死亡的夢 是我從未感受過的那種美好。 我覺得這無法告訴妳 我覺得令人難以相信 人們兜兜轉轉,永無止境地奔跑 這是壹個非常,非常瘋狂的世界 瘋狂的世界 孩子們等待著那壹天, 心中充滿喜悅 生日快樂 生日快樂 被迫去學會每個孩子“應該”做的事 坐下,聽話 乖巧順從 我(開始)上學了 覺得非常害怕 他們全都那麽陌生 這裏沒有人認識我 妳好老師, 我要上什麽課程 他將視線偏離 對我視而不見 我既感到些許可笑 卻又感到莫名悲哀 那些夢 那些瀕臨死亡的夢 是我從未感受過的那種美好 我認為這無法告訴妳 我覺得令人難以相信 人們兜兜轉轉,永無止境地奔跑 這是壹個非常,非常瘋狂的世界 瘋狂的世界 瘋狂的世界 在妳的世界裏長大 瘋狂的世界!-------------------------至於中文有點怪...額它是電影《Donnie Darko》(死亡幻覺)的片尾曲。MS很多人翻唱過。很...的電影,所以很...的歌詞(“...”我不知道寫什麽好了(以下地址為死亡幻覺簡介)。 /view/195529.html?wtp=tt#7

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