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壹、詳細釋義: , adj. , 準確的;確切的;精確的;明確的;清晰的 , 例句: ,We must set ourselves precise sales targets for the ing year.,我們要為明年定出準確的銷售指標。, 例句: ,His instructions were not very precise.,他的指示不太明確。, 恰好的 , 例句: ,It was found at the precise place where she had left it.,就在她丟下它的地方把它找到了。, 例句: ,At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step the bus started.,恰恰就在我登上公***汽車踏板的時候,車子開動了。, 嚴格的;細致的;刻板的,拘泥的;壹絲不茍的 , 例句: ,We had precise orders to e home by nine o'clock.,我們得到嚴格的命令須於九點前回家。, 例句: ,He was very precise in his manners.,他的壹言壹行都有板有眼。, 二、詞義辨析: , accurate,exact,precise,right,true,correct ,這些形容詞均含“準確的,正確的”之意。accurate指通過謹慎的努力達到符合事實或實際,側重不同程度的準確性,與事實無出入。exact著重在質與量方面的準確,語氣比accurate強。precise側重極端準確,更強調細節的精確無誤。right使用廣泛,可與這些詞中的correct換用,但常暗示道德、理解、行動等方面的正確。true暗指絕對準確,尤指復制品與原件絲毫不差。correct最常用詞,主要指按壹定標準或規則來衡量,沒有謬誤和差錯或無缺點錯誤。, 三、相關短語: ,to be precise,確切地講, 四、參考例句: ,She gave me clear and precise directions.,她給了我清晰而準確的指示。,A lawyer needs a precise mind.,律師需要極清楚的頭腦。,He is prim and precise in manner.,他的態度壹本正經而嚴謹。,It was difficult to get precise information.,His instructions were not very precise.,他的指示不太明確。,He was very precise in his manners.,他的壹言壹行都有板有眼。,Could you give me your precise location?,妳能給我妳的精確位置嗎?,Elgar supplied his works with precise indications of tempo.,埃爾加給自己的作品標上了精確的節奏標記。,These precise instruments have already gone into mass production.,這些精密儀器已經大規模投入生產。,I seem to remember giving you very precise instructions.,我好像記得給過妳非常明確的指示。

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