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Space Bound 的中英歌詞

歌曲:space bound





[00:09.46]Eminem - Space Bound《深陷蒼穹》

[00:17.46]We touch I feel a rush 我們互相觸摸 使我感覺就像壹次沖擊

[00:19.63]We clutch it isn't much 我們企圖控制,但遠遠不能

[00:20.97]But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us 我只夠去憧憬 我們的未來會是什麽

[00:23.17]It's lust it's torture us 如此肉欲 如此令人折磨

[00:24.68]You must be a sorceress cause you just 妳壹定是壹個女巫 因為妳


[00:28.12]Did the impossible gained my trust 確實做到了 得到了我的信任

[00:30.01]Don't play games it'll be dangerous 不要耍我 這會很危險

[00:31.83]If you fuck me over 如果妳騙我

[00:33.18]Cause if I get burnt I'm show you what it's like to hurt 因為如果我被灼傷,我會讓妳明白被傷害的滋味

[00:35.14]Cause I been treated like dirt before you 因為我在遇到妳之前曾經被人當做不值壹提的塵埃壹樣對待

[00:37.48]And love is evil 愛是罪惡的

[00:38.70]Spell it backwards I'll show you 倒著拼寫就會發現 我將跟妳明說


[00:41.79]Nobody knows me I'm cold 沒人懂我 我很冷漠

[00:42.80]Walk down this road all alone 漫漫長路我孑然走過

[00:44.44]It's no one's fault but my own 這是我自己的錯誤

[00:46.01]It's the path I've chosen to go 是我選擇走的路

[00:47.74]Frozen as snow I show no emotion what's soever so 冷酷似冰 我面無表情 那又有何不可

[00:51.51]Don't ask me why I have no love for these motherfucking whores 不要問我 為何我不愛 那些臭婊子

[00:54.76]Blood-sucking succubuses what the fuck is up with this 嗜血的女妖 來他媽的吞噬我

[00:57.62]I've tried in this department but I ain't had no luck with this 我也曾試圖融入 可是 我 卻沒這個福

[01:01.00]It`s sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be 這很糟糕 但也許卻能如我所料

[01:03.38]Like trying to start over 能重新來過

[01:05.10]I've got a hole in my heart for some kind of emotional rollercoaster 我的心上有壹個深深的洞就像情緒過山車的隧道(我心中有痛 種種感情 在腦中 積蓄翻滾)

[01:08.90]Something I won't go on untill you toy with my emotion so it's over 但不會洶湧 直到妳 將我玩弄到 感情決堤

[01:12.28]It's like an explosion everytime I hold you wasn't joking when I told you 愛會爆發 每當我抱緊妳 真的 我要告訴妳

[01:15.17]Ya take my breathe away 妳帶走了我的呼吸

[01:17.33]You're a supernova.. And I'm a 妳是壹顆璀璨的星...我僅是


[01:19.87]I'm a space-bound rocketship and your heart's the moon 我是深陷蒼穹的火箭 而妳的心是我圍繞著飛的月亮

[01:23.51]And I aiming it right at you 而我飛往的目標即是妳

[01:27.82]Right at you 即是妳

[01:31.69]250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的靜澈的夜晚,250000英尺的高空

[01:36.97]And I'm aiming it right at you而我飛往的目標即是妳

[01:42.46]Right at you 即是妳

[01:46.11]Right at you 即是妳


[01:52.43]I'll do whatever it takes 為妳我願付出我的所有

[01:54.75]When I'm with you I get the shakes 與妳同處 我會緊張得發抖

[01:56.25]My body aches when I ain't 離開妳後 我無所適從

[01:57.89]With you I have zero strength 和妳相處 我卻如此力不從心

[01:59.56]There's no limit on how far I would go 沒人告訴我 愛妳的限度

[02:01.39]No boundaries no lengths 該多深 該多久

[02:03.20]Why do we say that until we get that person that we think it's 為何不早說這些 卻等到 去尋找那些 我們自認為

[02:06.16]Gonna be that one and then once we get 'em it's never the same 合適的人 壹旦擁有 卻又感到不合心意

[02:09.86]You want them when they don't want you 妳想要的人 未必也想要妳

[02:11.44]Soon as they do feelings change 很快感覺變了 他們走了

[02:13.18]It's not a contest and I ain't on no conquest for no mate 這不是比賽 我不找誰陪 也沒抱什麽征服心態

[02:16.71]I wasn't looking when I stumbled onto you must have been fate 意外地和妳相遇 這定是命運安排

[02:19.62]But so much is at stake what the fuck does it take 而今感情壹擊就敗 這是我他媽 付出的愛

[02:21.45]Let's cut to the chase 讓我們直奔主題吧

[02:23.56]Fore a door shuts in your face 在這扇門在妳的臉前關上之前

[02:24.48]Promise me if I cave in and break and leave myself open 去祈禱我能夠卡住然後停止運轉


[02:27.77]That I won't be making a mistake 我不會再犯錯

[02:28.66]cause I'm a 因為我


[02:30.24]I'm a space-bound rocketship and your heart's the moon 我是深陷蒼穹的火箭 而妳的心是我圍繞著飛的月亮

[02:34.89]And I aiming it right at you 而我飛往的目標即是妳

[02:40.05]Right at you 即是妳

[02:43.29]250, 000 miles on a clear night in June 在六月的靜澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空

[02:48.65]And I aiming it right at you 而我飛往的目標即是妳

[02:53.23]Right at you 即是妳

[02:56.93]Right at you 即是妳


[03:03.63]So after a year and 6 months 壹年零六月已過

[03:05.45]it's no longer me that you want 我不再是妳愛的那個

[03:06.82]But I love you so much it hurts 但我很愛妳 很傷

[03:08.80]Never mistreated you once 對妳 我從未苛刻

[03:10.49]I'll poured my heart out to you 對妳 我推心置腹

[03:12.20]Let down my guard swear to God 我放棄 對上帝的誓言

[03:13.82]I'll blow my brains in your lap 我想在妳面前 崩了自己

[03:15.55]Lay here and die in your arms 就這樣倒下 死在妳的懷裏

[03:17.26]Drop to my knees and I'm pleading 我屈膝祈求

[03:19.00]I'm trying to stop you from leaving 試著去求妳不要離開我

[03:20.68]You won't even listen so fuck it 而妳聽都不聽 去妳媽的

[03:21.93]I'm tryin to stop you from breathing 我想現在 就不讓妳呼吸

[03:24.08]I put both hands on your throat 雙手掐住 妳喉嚨

[03:25.80]I sit on top of you squeezing 坐在身上壓住妳

[03:27.42]Till I snap your neck like a Popsicle stick 直到折斷妳的脖子就像折斷棒冰棍

[03:29.54]ain't a possible reason I could think of 我想不出 什麽合適的理由

[03:31.66]To let you walk up out this house 能讓妳走出這個房子

[03:32.95]And let you live 還能讓妳活下來

[03:34.33]Tears streamed down both of my cheeks 淚水劃過我雙頰

[03:36.14]Then I let you just go and just give 我還是放妳走了 走吧

[03:37.74]And before I put that gun to my temple 在我最後把槍對準我的太陽穴的時候

[03:39.47]I told you this 我告訴了妳


[03:41.62]And I would do anything for you 我願意為妳做任何事

[03:44.85]To show you how much I adored you 告訴妳我有多麽的愛妳

[03:48.72]But it's over now 但現在 曲終人散

[03:50.03]It's too late to save our love 太晚了 挽留不了愛

[03:53.62]Just promise me you'll think of me 只要答應我 妳會想起我

[03:55.66]everytime you look up in the sky and see a star cause I'm a 每當妳仰望星空 因為我是


[03:59.30]I'm a space-bound rocketship and your heart's the moon 我是深陷蒼穹的火箭 而妳的心是我圍繞著飛的月亮

[04:02.72]And I aiming it right at you 而我飛往的目標即是妳

[04:07.61]Right at you 即是妳

[04:10.95]250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的靜澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空

[04:16.49]And I'm so lost without you 沒有妳我會迷失方向

[04:21.02]Without you 沒有妳我會迷失方向

[04:24.38]Without you 沒有妳我會迷失方向

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