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head honcho中文翻譯

In fact , the head honcho of hopday humbug


Beckham will play in next game promises galaxy head honchos ! ! !

貝克漢姆將扮演遊戲下諾言銀河有史以來頭! h ! !

Ll : 0but , professor jones is the head honcho of the east asian studies department , ` nd you know ? im

是啊,東亞研究系的?斯教授倒是和我很? 。妳們公司總裁是不是來看妳的。他們想提拔的就是妳吧?

Ll : but , professor jones is the head honcho of the east asian studies department , and you know him


Cruise also got hitched to united artists , being mgm ' s new head honcho along with producing partner paula wagner


Still , that means flamel is , or ought to be , the head honcho , the big kahuna , the top dog , the one and only wizard with certain powers


Ll : yes , indeed . i was very happy to meet the pany president . i had never met the head honcho before


Ll : you know how head honchos are . he works in the pany ' s main office across town , and he doesn ' t always personally meet everyone that is hired


Ll : you know how head honchos are . he works in the pany ' s main office across town , and he doesn ' t always personally meet everyone that is hired


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