當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 腳本源碼 - reluctant什麽意思




Reluctant to do something:表示不願意或者不情願做某事。例如:She was reluctant to leave her job because she loved her colleagues.

Reluctant to admit something:表示不願意或者不情願承認某事。例如:He was reluctant to admit that he had made a mistake.

Reluctant to speak:表示不願意或者不情願說話。例如:The child was reluctant to speak to strangers.

Reluctant smile:表示勉強的微笑。例如:She gave him a reluctant smile, but he could tell that she was still upset.

Reluctant agreement:表示勉強的同意。例如:He gave his reluctant agreement to the proposal, but he wasn't really happy about it.

Reluctant participant:表示不情願的參與者。例如:He was a reluctant participant in the project, but he did his best to contribute.

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