當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 熱門推薦 - 求翻譯壹句話In ballast the ships draw around 12 metres (39 ft) of water

求翻譯壹句話In ballast the ships draw around 12 metres (39 ft) of water


ballast 是“壓艙物”,壹般船舶在江海航行,由於船身重量不足以抵擋大風大浪,所以壹般都會在底艙裝些重物來壓倉。

In ballast the ships draw around 12 metres (39 ft) of water


這句英文表述很有問題,裝水/拉水竟然用“draw”, 這是拉拔東西的"拉"而非拉水,並且應該用for ballast.

For ballast, the ships carry ard. 12 metres (39ft) of water.





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