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action 52的官方遊戲手冊(中英對照)

Action 52

1 Fire Breathers 火焰喘息者

It's the last of the dragon wars. You must kill the dragon riders in the midnight skies and bring victory to the kingdom.

最後的龍戰爭,妳必須在午夜的天空下消滅龍騎士,為王國爭取勝利 。

2 Star-Evil 星鬼

The star gets brighter until there is no night. Then the fire creatures come out to rule and defeat you but kill them all and bring back the light.

星星變得越來越亮直到黑夜消失。 隨即火焰生物出來統治並攻擊妳,把它們消滅幹凈才能帶回光明。

3 Illuminator 點燈人

The Illuminator must find his sister in the dark. He must also find batteries if his get weak and can use a special spotlight to kill the enemies. Can also get additional flashlights, but he must be careful of enemies like shadows, vampires and others.


4 G-Force Fighters G-戰士

Watch your fuel level. Use it wisely and escape the force that holds you. The enemies are strong but the G-force of the planet will take us as we get powerless.


5 Oooze 軟泥

Avoid the green oooze.


6 Silver Sword 銀劍

Mutants in the forest and the must be fought off.


7 Crytical Bypass 致命路過

You have got to land with your valuable cargo, but the intense gravitational pull on this planet is treacherous. You must initiate landing procedures defeat this gravity problem and save your cargo.


8 Jupiter Scope 木星視野

At first we saw one or two fall and thought nothing of it, never thinking it could result in a Meteor shower. Using the Star-Zap Laser we shoot them out of the sky, before they collide with things, but the meteor shower gets more intense.


9 Alfredo and the Fettuc's 阿爾弗萊德和費圖其尼壹家

The pasta has gotten out of control, and you've got to race the clock and get the spaghetti, linguine and other pasta back into the pot where it belongs.


10 Operation Full-Moon 登陸月球

Mission: Assault Luna Base 1; Drive your dune buggy through enemy territory, destroying all terrible occupants and establishments. Better look around real good and leave no moon-stone unturned.

任務: 襲擊1號月球基地;駕駛沙丘小車通過敵方領土,摧毀所有恐怖的占有地和機構。最好觀察各處也不要留下隕石。

11 Dam Busters 大壩破壞者

They are destroying everything and the only way to save the wildlife is to break the dam and let the water free.


12 Thrusters 推進器

You have right and left thrusters. Hit full speed and use laser canons to avoid the alien invasions in the galaxy.


13 Haunted Hills of Wentworse 幽靈山

Ghosts and ghoulies are running loose in the cemetary. Get them all back to where they belong and end the chaos in the Halls of Wentworse.


14 Chill-Out 冷靜

Old man winter is at the top and is your goal, but it keeps snowing and he's blowing. You must reach the top before you get snowed under.


15 Sharks 鯊魚

You are a Frogman and must collect rare marine creatures and recover lost treasures at the bottom of the sea. You have your stun-gun and can always retreat into your electromagnetic base that repels sharks and the rest of the enemies. Your diving suit can only survive a few shark bites and is useless against the deadly jelly fish.


16 Megalonia 美加洛尼亞

She comes out of no where with her evil armies. You must defend against the wave after wave of enemies and they will attack until only the Empress Machine Megalonia remains.


17 The French Baker 法國面包師

You may try to keep the cookie patterns pounding, and the bread rising but it's not as easy as it sounds.


18 Atmos-Quake 大氣振蕩

The legions of space pirates are causing solar flares and sending shock waves to destroy your planet. You must fly in and arrest them all.


19 Meong

Board game of strategy and skill. Try to get places from starting line to goal. Watch out for hidden traps. Harder than it sounds.


20 Space Dreams 太空夢

There is a black hole and on the other side are all your space dreams. You must get past all of the obstacles to enter the hole and realize your dreams.


21 Streemerz 攀升的繩索

Try climbing to the top of this one by throwing steamers and climbing them. On your way up you better watch out for the various pie throwing clowns, burning candles and bouncing balls, because if they get you you'll die a little each time.


22 Spread-Fire 火花

You may have some great weapons, in fact the best. You will need them to fight off the tremendous enemies that seem to multiply.


23 Bubblegum Rosie 泡泡糖蘿茜

Rosie is looking for her gum, but so are a lot of other gum-starved critters. Help her get her gum back but be careful the critters don't get you first.


24 Micro-Mike 微型麥克

He's only the size of a flea, and it's difficult getting from her to their when your smaller than the strand of hair. It seems like your in the land of the giants.


25 Underground 地下

Tunnel this way and that in order to find the gold. Be careful of the other strange creatures you find here.


26 Rocket Jockey 火箭牛仔

Futuristic cowboy straddles a rocket attempting to lasso various robo-cattle. The lasso gains power as it glows brighter, but gets dimmer and loses power as the bad guys shoot and hit.


27 Non-Human 非人哉!

They're not human. They have a mind of their own. They are hungry and they want you as their next meal. Get them before they get you.


28 Cry Baby 哭泣的嬰兒

Try to get cry baby back to his crib, but be careful to aovid open electric sockets, poisons, fire in the stove. There are things to help along the way such as cookies, lollipops, candy bars and pacifiers. If the baby meets any bad guys trying to kidnap him he squeezes his bottle and shoots them.


29 Slashers 破壞者

They are everywhere. Mean guys with nails that are nine inch knives and they like to slash everything that comes into their path. Don't get in their way or your the next victim.


30 Crazy Shuffle 瘋狂洗牌

Educational puzzle game. Picture matching with many levels, game and options. Tests memory and concentration skills.


31 Fuzz Power 毛絨力量

Fuzzy must get to the land of Guru. He's got to avoid the walking brushes, hair dryers, combs and other natural hair disasters, because if he losses all of his hair he's bald and the game is over.


32 Shooting Gallery 射擊長廊

Seven different levels to test shooting skills. Skeet shooting, gallery shooting, target shooting, quick-draw and a final shoot-out with bad guys and all.


33 Lollipops 蘿莉棒

The chocolate monsters have taken Lolli. You are Johnny Jawbreaker and must try to rescue her.


34 The Evil Empire 邪惡帝國

Arabian desert has bad Arabians and genie's. Hasha, the warlord has stolen the great genie. With it he will rule the land, unless you can defeat his evil

empire and save the genie.


35 Sombrero's 墨西哥帽子

A Chivato (thief) has stolen all of the sombrero's. You must use your pistola, take the law into your own hands and get them back.


36 Storm over the Desert 沙漠風暴

Using your tanks you must avoid the mine fields set by the evil army of Satan Hosain. The evil Satan's army of soldiers will kill you or die trying.


37 Mash-Man 泥人

Your a funny looking dude with a little head and great big feet. You've got to mash everything in sight before they somehow mash you.


38 They Came from (Outer Space) 他們來了(外太空)

Try killing all of the green-eyed monsters only to be attacked by their leader.


39 Laser League 激光閃電同盟

You're trapped in a warp with only your laser. You must try to stay alive collecting new weapons on the way and avoiding the traps they've set for you, until you can be rescued by the laser-league.


40 Billy-Bob 比利·鮑勃

Marylou has disappeared. The bad guys have her, but Billy-bob is stuck in jail and must find his way out from deep within this prison in the desert by traversing all of the levels and rescuing Marylou.


41 City of Doom 毀滅都市

While scaling the city skyscrapers to rid the city of the evil insect plague, you better shoot well and accurately because the fall is a long way down.


42 Bits and Pieces 支離破碎

Try to make solid lines out of various sizes and shapes as they float down to the bottom of the screen.


43 Beeps and Blips 點與劃

Robots, microscopic and humungous. Here they come. Ready your weapons and fire!


44 Manchester Beat 曼徹斯特鼓點

You must try to keep the rhythm but noisy little critters won't let you. Roll the drums and they go away temporarily, but they'll be back.


45 Boss 老大

The Toad is the Mafia boss who uses salamander hit men. They're all out to get you, but you can beat them as long as your partnet, Spector keeps a good eye out for those bad guys.


46 Dead ant 死螞蟻

Help the ant protect the ant hill from intruder and protect the queen. Push pebbles to close the hole against intruders, but it's not easy.


47 Hambo's Adventures 漢博歷險記

Donkey Kong type of game. Try to get Hambo to the top, and watch out for the rolling balls.


48 Time Warp Tickers 時間跳躍

As the Ticker continues, you must stop the hour blasters and jump the time warp to stop the Tickers.


49 Jigsaw 七巧板

Challenging Jig Saw puzzles. Shows you picture then scrambles it and you must put it back together. Finish one and they get more and more difficult.


50 Ninja Assault 忍者強襲

The Master has given you the task to defeat the Zin-Zan evil ninja tribes. Prove you are worthy, defeat the evil tribe while avoiding the Chinese stars and other objects.


51 Robbie and the Robots 羅比VS機器人

Robbie must lead his good robots against his evil brother Brainy. But Brainy has his own robots and it's not going to be easy.


52 The Action Gamemaster 動作偶像遊戲大師

Boy gets dragged into the TV while playing video game, changes character into one of three CHEETAHMEN and must fight off all of the bad guys from the previous 51 games.


associated services

box 7765

nassau, bahamas

per game for more 'detailed' instructions

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