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1、The Fed knows there is a risk that inflation will spiral out of control and is trying toanchor inflation expectations through talk.美聯儲知道,存在著發生那種難以控制的物價壹工資螺旋式通脹上升的風險,也正努力通過與市場和公眾對話來錨定通脹預期。

2、He let go of his anchor, clung with his hands to the edges of the hole, and tried topush himself in.他松開了他的錨,用他的手緊緊抓住洞邊,並試圖把他自己推進去。

3、Today's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety ofexchange-rate regimes and capital controls.當下的貨幣體系包括了五花八門的匯率體制和資本管制,與黃金無關,與其他什麽也無關。

4、Called a bow roller because a block at the front end of the fitting rolls as theanchor line comes in or goes out.由於錨纜放出或收回時,該裝置的前端有滑輪隨之滾動,因此被稱為“bowroller”

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