當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 有關交通事故的英語作文(要有翻譯)


A Traffic Accident

Yesterday when I was walking along the street, I saw an old lady in front of me.

She wanted to cross the street.

All of a sudden, a bicycle ran against her at a high speed.

The old woman fell to the ground. The cyclist was very frightened and ran away. I hurried to help the lady up, called a taxi and sent her to the nearest hospital. Luckily she was not badly hurt.

We live in a large city which is like a big family. We should

care for each other.

On Feb 8, 2008, I walked in a park, witnessing an elder’s being knocked down. (2008年2月8日,我在公園裏散步,目擊壹位老人被撞倒.)

The registration number of the hit-and-run car I had seen is AC864. (肇事後逃逸的那輛車車牌號我看到是AC864.)

And then I took the elder to a hospital. (然後我將老人送往醫院.)

Now he has recovered from injuries sustained in the accident.(老人在車禍中受的傷現在已痊愈.)

What’s more, he has got a certain amount of pensation from the troublemaker due to my reporting the case to the police. (而且,由於我的報案,老人從肇事者處獲得壹定賠償.)

He thanks me very much. (他非常感謝我.)

英語作文 壹場車禍咋寫

a car accident 「壹場車禍」 第壹篇: a car accident of which i was the victim occurred a few months ago at hoping road and chiho road. the memory of that harrowing experience can still make my heart go pit-a-pat. one day when crossing a street intersection i was suddenly enthralled by the sight of a beautiful girl in miniskirt walking on the sidewalk. for a moment i was oblivious of the onrushing traffic then shrills of alarm arose and i woke up from my daydream with a start. but it was too late, i was hurtled to the ground by a passing car. i can't think why i was so careless at that point. what a fool i was to cross a busy intersection when i was dangerously distracted by the sight of an attractive girl. if only such a terrible experience had never happened to me! i wish i could see her again, but certainly not at a street intersection and not when i was behaving like a fool. 第二篇: whenever i look in the mirror and see the scar on my face i remember that cad accident. i t was a dirk night. i had a very good time at a marvelous birthday party thrown for a friend of mine. we ate and drank and danced happily. i thought i had drunk too much to drive home; however, when the party was over, i jumped into my car and drove away lightheartedly. there were only a few cars on the highway, so i drove faster and faster. suddenly i screamed and fell unconscious. the next thing i knew was that i was in a hospital, and a few days later when i checked out i found my face was indelibly scarred. i was so put out by the accident. i wish it hadn't happened. why on earth didn't i drive more slowly? i f only i hadn't drunk so much and what a fool i was to have a drunken driving. that accident has surely taught me a lesson and i think it is not only a good lesson but also an unfettable experience. 第三篇: on a holiday morning i drove home from my uncle's. the streets were as usual not crowded. i enjoyed a leisurely driving. nearing a crossroads, i saw the yellow traffic light flashing off and on. a highway bus was running toward me, but it was still a safe distance away. i drove on. then, to my horror, i was aware that the big bus was rushing head-on to me. i swerved my car and applied the brake, but it was too late. i heard a loud crash when the bus sideswiped the right door of my car in the middle of the street. at the sight of the big bus standing close by, i was rather frightened. why on earth didn't i stop and wait till it passed? i should have remembered that caution is all that matters in safe driving. the bus driver seemed to give me a warning; a *** all car should yield its right of way to a bigger one. what a fool i was to put myself at the mercy of a big bus! i have learned that it is better to give way to a big bus than to take a chance with the dubious considerateness of its driver and be ruined. if only my *** all car were as strongly built as a tank! 第四篇: at the roundabout of the west-gate mall in taipei have you ever seen a high hoarding that shows in numerical figures the incidence of traffic accidents registered daily in taipei? it is of course a warning to car drivers. i used to see those figures, however, with nonchalance. although i had a motorbike and rode it to work everyday, most to the time i rode it carefully, and only once in a while i sped on the road for fear of being late to work for a date. a car accident would never victimize me, i thought. i was always lucky. but, alas, i eventually became the victim of a car accident which forced me to lie in a hospital for about fourteen months and bee a news-maker in spite of myself. that day a bus was running in my direction and not far from it was bus stop. i was so na?ve as to think that the bus driver would pay heed to me. no sooner and i seen that bus approaching me than i sensed i was hurled off my motorbike. when i woke up feeling pain and soreness from head to toe, a nurse told me that i was in a critical condition upon arrival at the hospital and that i was lucky because the doctors decided to operate on me instantly. now i am alive and well, though i have ugly scars all over my body as a result of eight operations and a maimed leg to boot. i have paid really much too much for a careless driver. 第五篇: whenever i start my car i cannot help recalling a nigarish experience. that experience was connected with a car accident in which i nearly got killed. the accident came a few months ago when i was turning the corner of a hillside within a short distance of my home. having driven non-stop for many hours, i was clean done in; so i stopped my car and opened the door to get out to take a breather. i was so absorbed in the thought that i would soon see my folks after a long absence ...


At 7:15 in the morning on Feb. 08, 2000, I saw a car accident with my own eyes. I was on the W. Park Road at that time. When I was crossing the road, I saw a car, the color of which is yellow. The number of its plate is AC814. The car was turning right at the 3rd street. The traffic light was red, and there is a sign says no turn on red on hanging beside the traffic lights. The card didn't stop and hit an old man. Everyone was shocked. The old man can not move, but could only lying on the ground. About o minutes later, I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.Li Hua


壹場交通事故 內容提示 根據下面的素材寫壹篇短文,記敘壹場交通事故的前前後後: ①壹天晚上,Lee先生開車帶著他的妻子下班回家。

















作文示範 A Traffic Accident One night Mr Lee was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. It was almost midnight and she was quite tired out. She soon fell asleep. Mr Lee looked at her and *** iled. Mr Lee was a careful and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. After some time he noticed a car following him. It was travelling very fast. Suddenly it overtook① his car. The driver of the car was in a hurry. He did not see the approaching lorry. To avoid hitting it, he suddenly tuned his car. It skidded② off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and his passenger were injured③ .They were badly cut by glass from the broken windscreen④.Mr Lee quickly stopped his car by the side of the road. His wife got out of the car to help the injured. The lorry driver also stopped to help. Mr Lee drove off to telephone the police . About enty-five minutes later, a police car and an ambulance⑤ arrived. The injured were carried into the ambulance and taken to hospital. The policemen took down details of the accident. Mr Lee and the lorry driver told them all they could remember. The policemen thanked them for their help. Mr and Mrs Lee got into their car and continued their journey home. 詞語解釋 ① overtake [?+uv+'teik] v. 追上;趕上;超過 ②skid[skid] v. (汽車等)打滑;滑向壹側 ③injure['indN+] v. 損害;傷害 the injured(事故中的)受傷者 ④ windscreen['windskri:n] n. (汽車等的)擋風玻璃 ⑤ ambulance['$mbjul+ns] n. 救護車 寫法指要 這篇文章按時間順序平鋪直敘地寫出了事故發生的前前後後,表達了故事中的人們不顧疲倦搶救傷員的互助友愛精神。

文章除了開頭交待的時間外,後面只用了“After some time”和About enty-five minutes later”兩處表達時間順序的詞語,其他地方則是由動作發生的先後來表達時間順序的,但讀後讓人感到文章將事件的前因後果表達得清清楚楚,沒有壹點含糊。

註意學習其中表達緊張場面的副詞,如 suddenly, quickly等。


The class was over.My friends and I saw an traffic accident.I called the policeman at 110 in time.Then,we helped the policeman to save people.We succeeded in saving people.the policeman said thanks to us.Though we were very tired,we all felt very happy.We went home a few minutes later.打的好累啊,給點辛苦分吧!


Family AccidentTen years. It has been for a long time since the last time mom, dad, and I sit together on New Year's Eve. I don't remember since when I got used to this life without mom. My life has changed forever after that day when mom had left us.Exactly ten years ago, on New Year's Eve, my parents and I sat around the same table for dinner. I sensed the unusual quietness in the air. I saw tears inkling in mom's eyes and the blank expressions on my dad's face. I knew something was happening, but I was too scared to ask. I ate my dinner without a word. The silence in the room seemed unbreakable that night.It was my last dinner with mom. Mom and dad got divorced the next morning. I was unsure of the reason, because my dad refused to talk about mom.Since then, my life was never happy again. I don't know why god had treated me so unfairly. I feel jealous when I see other people going shopping with their moms and when my clas *** ates plain about their moms' strictness. My life has became lonely and self-reliant. Dad has also changed. He was taciturn sometimes. I never saw him *** ile throughout the ten years. I no longer had a fortunate family.好像有些長了,就寫這麽多了。



妳這個是什麽要求的啊?舉例2月28日下午5點車禍壹輛黃色野馬從南向北行駛撞到紅色mini cooper的左後輪。

There was a car crush happened on 5pm Feb 28, a yellow ford mustang GT with plate number A12345 heading southbound hit a red mini cooper's left rear wheel at the intersection of (road) and (road). The road was dry and it was still early so both of them didnt have their head lights on. Fortunately nobody injured in the car crush although the mustang ran over speed.


交通肇事 壹天晚上,李先生駕駛他的妻子下班回家.她是在壹家醫院當護士.這是快到午夜了,她很疲憊.她很快就睡著了.李先生看著她,笑了.李先生是個細心,經驗豐富的司機.他知道這是安全駕駛在漆黑的夜裏緩慢.壹段時間後,他發現壹輛車跟著他.它行駛速度非常快.突然間就超越了他的車.這輛汽車的司機在趕時間.他沒有看到即將到來的貨車.為了避免撞上,他突然調他的車.它滑出路面,撞上壹棵大樹.他的司機和乘客被injured.They被嚴重削減了從破碎的玻璃windscreen.Mr李急忙制止了他在路邊的汽車.他的妻子下了車,幫助受傷.貨車司機也停下來幫忙.李先生駕車離開打電話報警.大約二十分鐘後,壹輛警車和壹輛救護車趕到.傷者被擡進救護車送往醫院.警察記下了事故的細節.李先生和貨車司機告訴他們,他們能永遠記得.警察感謝他們的幫助.先生和夫人李鉆進汽車,並繼續他們的旅程回家.A Traffic AccidentOne night Mr Lee was driving his wife home from work.She was a nurse in a hospital.It was almost midnight and she was quite tired out.She soon fell asleep.Mr Lee looked at her and *** iled.Mr Lee was a careful and experienced driver.He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night.After some time he noticed a car following him.It was travelling very fast.Suddenly it overtook his car.The driver of the car was in a hurry.He did not see the approaching lorry.To avoid hitting it,he suddenly tuned his car.It skidded off the road and hit a big tree.The driver and his passenger were injured.They were badly cut by glass from the broken windscreen.Mr Lee quickly stopped his car by the side of the road.His wife got out of the car to help the injured.The lorry driver also stopped to help.Mr Lee drove off to telephone the police .About enty-five minutes later,a police car and an ambulance arrived.The injured were carried into the ambulance and taken to hospital.The policemen took down details of the accident.Mr Lee and the lorry driver told them all they could remember.The policemen thanked them for their help.Mr and Mrs Lee got into their car and continued their journey home.

交通事故的英語作文 大概就這樣 60

Yesterday, the first corner in downtown street a traffic accident happened. A car and a bicycle collided, caused by a car driver before driving, drinking too much when driving tiredness, has been out of control,this accident has caused by car, the driver of cyclist deathand the minor injuries.估計字數不太夠 自己再湊點吧








I witnessed a traffic accident on the streets of London, to give police report writing. Locations west of the church. Time 10:00. Weather, rain, fog. Victims, elderly pedestrians, back yellow package and slow. Perpetrators, female, blond white skin, three-year-old, driving a blue Honda.

On Feb 8, 2008, I walked in a park, witnessing an elder's being knocked down. (2008年2月8日,我在公園裏散步,目擊壹位老人被撞倒.)The registration number of the hit-and-run car I had seen is AC864. (肇事後逃逸的那輛車車牌號我看到是AC864.)And then I took the elder to a hospital. (然後我將老人送往醫院.)Now he has recovered from injuries sustained in the accident.(老人在車禍中受的傷現在已痊愈.) What's more, he has got a certain amount of pensation from the troublemaker due to my reporting the case to the police. (而且,由於我的報案,老人從肇事者處獲得壹定賠償.)He thanks me very much. (他非常感謝我.)...

轉載請註明出處 ? 有關交通事故的英語作文(要有翻譯)

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