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英文是《Club House意大利極品慢搖 Jealousy 》。

歌手:Fat Joe


在全美東、西、南、岸三線大火拼,加上Gangsta、Hardcore Rap廣大陣營的侵噬下,今夏沖出層層包圍,以熱情歡娛的Latino-Rap包裹著輕柔R&B曼妙薄紗,譜出令全球樂友著迷的冠軍單曲"What''''s Luv?",不僅讓這位來自紐約的胖叔叔Fat Joe攀上音樂事業最高峰,也將東岸饒舌風潮註入更多元,更豐富的樂曲走向。原名Joe Cartagena的Fat Joe,在2001年推出白金專輯《Jealous One''''s Still Envy》,可說是成功延續''''95年於獨立廠牌所推出的“Jealous One''''s Envy”的精神,捕捉Latin、Funk、Soul、R&B、Hip-Hop/Rap之間韻味,取掘出風格迥異的音樂素材,加以相互發酵出令人驚艷的絕佳正點之作。當然除了音樂上的成就令人稱許外,最難能可貴的是Fat Joe壹顆熱善好施的心。

出生自紐約市Bronx區的Fat Joe,從小即對Hip-Hop/Rap樂產生極大的與趣,在自我不斷學習研究下,讓他不但培養出對樂曲的敏銳高感度外,也將他的創作天份很快地吸引到樂壇註意。在饒舌界充斥著Hardcore、Gangsta等樂風下,Fat Joe與他的好友Big Punisher二人所引領的Latino Hip-Hop,便在嘻哈界註入了壹股獨特的風格,相繼推出三張叫好又叫座的專輯後,Big Punisher於98年不幸英年早逝,Joe在受到相當大的打擊下,相隔三年,收起悲傷的情緒,以個人的姿態推出最新力作《Jealous Ones Still Envy》,並繼續延續Latino Hip-Hop的精神再展其絕佳的卓越才華與豐富、多元又獨特的音樂風格,此張最新作品也可說是他於1995年發行的專輯《Jealous Ones Envy》後的Part II,Joe想將這兩張專輯做壹結合,擷取最精華片段,揉入Hip-Hop潮流中的最新音樂元素,完全投入於這張全新力作中。平日Joe也是位主動積極投入社區公益活動的熱心份子,如為在颶風中喪生的海地人民成立基金會,且會固定拜訪社區性的學校和他們說說話,甚至在聖誕節中不惜犧牲色相扮起聖誕老公公來(他的體型挺適合的)!

這位在音樂及生活上都充滿著熱情活力的頑童,在全新力作中依舊是請到他樂界好友前來相助,制作群有Rockwilder (Mary J. Blige、Jay Z、LL Cool J)、Irv Gotti (Foxy Brown、Jennifer Lopez、DMX)、Alchemist (Guru、Mobb Deep、Noreaga)、.....等成功遊走於流行節奏藍調、嘻哈界的好手。滿載15首歌中,也如壹張精彩合輯般加入多名Hip-Hop/Rap界大將與深具潛力新秀通力完成。首支主打歌We Thuggin在歡樂感十足的跳動節奏中註入了R&B界全能才子R. Kelly的迷人嗓音,增添此曲令人壹猶未盡的感覺,另外還加收了由饒舌高手Busta Rhymes,硬蕊饒舌派份子Remy與硬蕊饒舌二人組Noreagga五人精彩互飆的純種饒舌混音版!突顯Fat Joe在紐約饒舌界地位的King Of N.Y.則請來紅牌制作人Buju Banton (Beenie Man、Heavy D & The Boyz 、Rancid)下海獻聲;尤如同名電影《鬥爭俱樂部》般上映著殺傷力十足音樂版的Fight Club,邀來東岸饒舌二人狠角色M.O.P.與南方饒舌新主力Petey Pablo四人齊力鬥狠!現正是全美饒舌/嘻哈界當紅炸子雞的Ja Rule及Ludacris協同集演唱/演員/舞者多重身份的年輕饒舌歌手Ashanti與饒舌新團Armageddon分別在What''''s Luv與Get The Hell On With That中帶來會令您眼睛為之壹亮的首首佳作!!

在全美東、西、南、岸三線大火拼,加上Gangsta、Hardcore Rap廣大陣營的侵噬下,今夏沖出層層包圍,以熱情歡娛的Latino-Rap包裹著輕柔R&B曼妙薄紗,譜出令全球樂友著迷的冠軍單曲"What''''s Luv?",不僅讓這位來自紐約的胖叔叔Fat Joe攀上音樂事業最高峰,也將東岸饒舌風潮註入更多元,更豐富的樂曲走向。原名Joe Cartagena的Fat Joe,在2001年推出白金專輯《Jealous One''''s Still Envy》,可說是成功延續''''95年於獨立廠牌所推出的“Jealous One''''s Envy”的精神,捕捉Latin、Funk、Soul、R&B、Hip-Hop/Rap之間韻味,取掘出風格迥異的音樂素材,加以相互發酵出令人驚艷的絕佳正點之作。當然除了音樂上的成就令人稱許外,最難能可貴的是Fat Joe壹顆熱善好施的心,雖然也曾有過犯錯的經驗,但相較許多歌手隨著自我身價的水漲船高而自我膨脹,Fat Joe則汲汲從事於社區服務工作,並不遺余力幫助需要幫助的人與提攜後進歌手,自許將來退居幕後在自己的音樂廠牌下,擁有優秀的旗下藝人,轉化自己音樂熱情於他們的身上。

整個夏天全都窩在錄音室中,花了三個月的時間完成第5張全新力作《Loyalty》,帶來更多動感旋律與更多熱情節拍,專輯制作群仍找來多位好手前來助陣,有Hip-Hop/Rap界炙手可熱的Buckwild (Jay-Z、P.Diddy、Babyface),Alchemist (Nas、Cypress Hill、Linkin Park),Teflon (Eve、Wyclef Jean、Donell Jones)及新生代制作人Cool &Dre (Busta Rhymes),Armageddon....等近10位之多。首支單曲"Crush Tonight",有著令人隨樂擺動,流暢動聽的Hip-Hop Beat,並加入R&B界肌肉男Ginuwine感性獻唱,取樣Urban/Soul傳奇樂團The Manhattans動人佳作"Wish That U Were Mine",在R&B/Soul的合音環繞下,增添此曲的耐聽度;新世紀名制作人Irv Gotti在創造如Dr.Dre立下90年代Rap界新奇跡後,再度跨刀跨廠牌制作"Turn Me On",融入些許西岸G-Funk調性及女聲助陣唱和下是首相當強勢的單曲;當然屬於Latin Rhythm的正點節拍,毫無保留的在"TS Piece"中熱情散發。

[Intro: Fat Joe]

Slow motion baby, unh

Tell you what I see through these eyes

All we do is speak the truth

Shit is realla then real

Shit is realla then real

My true niggas walk wit me, yeah

They ride wit me, cook pies wit me, ya heard?

[Fat Joe]

Lord I keep hollering, I hope you listening

How come I'm still stressed and even though the squad's glistening?

Why you had to take Pun, someone so young

Had so much more to live for, as real as they come

Dead man can't talk that's why your hearing one side of the story

But did they tell you how he provided for forty

family members, grandmas to shorties

Even my seeds ate off the big homie

How could you deceive your kids like that?

Make 'em believe they dad wasn't worth jack

Listen to the facts as The Don pours his heart on this track

How could I jus stand there and not react?

And I'm jus about sick of all you side line niggas

You know, do anything for the lime light niggas

I'm defending your honor, my brother from anotha momma

I never thought I'd see the day they tried to send you byna

[Chorus: Fat Joe]

Shit is realla then you think, man you must not know

It takes a lot to walk a day in the life of Fat Joe

The place I'm from, MTV don't wanna film

Jus a simple dice game will get a muthafucka killed

The ghetto ain't a place that you wanna take lightly

Same cat that'll spill you, will end up with your wifey

I've seen it all that's why I've picked up the pen

To keep your boy from serving life in the pen, ya heard?

[Fat Joe]

Fuck, the flu season, nowadays it's sue season

Can't even go to the clubs and show my people love

Cuz soon as shit pop off niggas knuckle love

Niggas accusing me of fuckin 'em up!

I'm like "hold up, ain't they supposed to be dogs?"

Part time live niggas dabbeling drugs

See a rapper think of a lucrative deal

But youse a bitch if you choosing to squeel

It's more than obvious you don't know a thing about honor

But what goes around comes around, you'll soon learn about comma

As for me I stay being the realest

Admired by politicans, street thugs and killers

I keep feeding the street but the street feed back

Is that police tryna see Joe back in green slacks

But never dat, see I keep long money

and if you looking for dat you'll never see a cent from me


[Fat Joe]

Yo, unh, I stay grinding, everybody counted me out

Now I'm rewinding in my summer beach house

If I'm not in the studio I'm out on tour

Busting my ass to make my fans future secure

Nowadays everybody want somethin for nothin

All of a sudden niggas talkin like "Joey be frontin"

The hood screaming Crack done changed, he don't holla

I know now Big, Mo Money Mo Problems

Jealousy's a muthafucka

Who'd a thought the same niggas you be feeding be the muthafuckaz coming for ya

I'm not stressin, I was born a warrior

Plus I'm too big, too strong, too wise for ya

When it's all said and done I follow my dreams

Could have ended up dead or in jail given the scheme of things

To let chu know I'm the reason you still walkin

If I said something it was me, not the liquor talkin


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