當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 那位能幫我翻譯下面這段話成英文,感激不盡啊 謝絕電腦直翻的哦

那位能幫我翻譯下面這段話成英文,感激不盡啊 謝絕電腦直翻的哦

With the unprecedented rapid development of computer technology, English Corpus is also China's rapid development. 語料庫方法在詞典編纂、語言研究和語言教學等方面也得到了越來越多的應用。 Corpus Methods lexicography, language studies and language teaching, etc. have also been more and more applications. 語料庫是語言研究與教學的重要基礎,是編寫詞典、語法書和教材的重要源泉。 Corpus is the language an important basis for research and teaching, the preparation of dictionaries, grammar books and an important source of materials.

語料庫和語料庫語言學在當今語言研究由高度抽象轉向語言的實際使用這個過渡中起著十分重要的作用:壹是提供真實語料;二是提供統計數據;三是驗證現行的理論;四是構建新的理論。 Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in today's highly abstract language research shifted from the actual use of language plays an important role in the transition: First, to provide true corpus; 2 is to provide statistical data; 3 is to verify the existing theory; fourth is to build a new theory. 提供真實語料是詞典編纂的生命線。 Provide real corpus is the lifeblood of lexicography. 現在流行的英語詞典幾乎全部是基於大規模語料庫編纂而成的。 Now almost all of the popular English dictionary is based on a compilation of a large-scale corpus. 基於大規模語料庫的英語語法書也已經問世。 Based on a large-scale corpus of English grammar book has come out. 在理論建設上,基於英國國家語料庫英語口語庫的研究表明,基於真實英語口語語料的英語口語語法跟基於書面語的語法有很大不同。 In theory building, based on the British National Corpus Spoken English library studies have shown that, based on the real spoken English Corpus Spoken English grammar with the written language based on the syntax are very different.

在應用語言學領域,詞典編纂和語言教學同是語料庫的最大受益者。 In the field of applied linguistics, lexicography and language teaching with the biggest beneficiary is the corpus. 目前已有多部詞典在編纂或修訂過程中,不同程度地使用語料庫或電子文檔收集詞語數據,用於收詞、釋義、例句、屬性標註等。 At present, more than dictionary in the codification or amendment process, to varying degrees, the use of electronic document corpus, or collection of words of data for legal terms, interpretation, sample sentence, property marking and so on. 南京大學近年來開發了NULEXID語料庫暨雙語詞典編纂系統,涉及英漢兩種語言,在《新時代英漢大詞典》的編纂過程中起了重要作用。 In recent years, Nanjing has developed a bilingual dictionary compilation NULEXID corpus cum system, involving English and Chinese languages, in the "New Age English-Chinese Dictionary" compilation process played an important role.

語料庫用於語言教學的壹個例子是上海交通大學的JDEST英語語料庫,利用這個語料庫,通過語料比較、統計、篩選等方法為中國大學英語教學提供通用詞匯和技術詞匯的應用信息,為確定大學英語教學大綱的詞表提供了可靠的量化依據。 Corpus used for language teaching An example is the Shanghai Jiao Tong University JDEST English Corpus, the use of this corpus, through corpus comparison, statistics, screening methods such as college English teaching in China provide a common vocabulary and technical terminology of the application of information, in order to determine the college English teaching Outline of the word table provides a reliable quantitative basis. 這個語料庫也在英語語言研究中發揮了作用,支持基於語料庫的英語語法的頻率特征、語料庫驅動的詞語搭配等項研究。 The Corpus of English language studies also played a role in supporting the corpus-based frequency characteristics of English grammar, corpus-driven study of collocation Deng Xiang.

中國學習英語者(CLEC)涵蓋我國中學生、大學英語4級和6級、英語專業低年級和高年級的學習內容,並對所有的語料作了語法標註和言語失誤標註。 China to learn English speakers (CLEC) covered by our high school students, college English 4 and 6, junior English major and high-grade learning content, and all of the corpus grammatical annotation, and speech errors were marked. 根據這個語料庫得到了詞頻排列表、拼寫失誤表、詞目表、詞頻分布表、語法標註頻數表、言語失誤表等,還把這些數據與壹些英語本族語語料庫(如BROWN,LOB,FROWN,FLOB)進行了某些比較。 According to this corpus has been ranked list of word frequency, spelling mistakes in the table, the word head table, word frequency distribution, frequency tagging grammatical form, language errors table and so on, also the data with a number of native speakers of English Corpus (eg BROWN, LOB, FROWN, FLOB) carried out some of the more. 這個語料庫為詞典編纂、教材編寫和語言測試提供了必要的資源。 The Corpus lexicography, curriculum and language testing provided the necessary resources.

語料庫是壹個龐大的語言素材的集合體,主要用於觀察、分析和研究目的語的各種特征。 Corpus is a huge collection of language materials, mainly for observation, analysis and research the various features of the target language. 它能快速準確地提供諸如構詞、搭配、語境等多方面的語料及信息。 It can quickly and accurately provide information such as word-building, matching, context and other aspects of language materials and information. 詞匯教學是語料庫資源和研究手段用於外語教學時間最早和成果最多的壹個領域。 Vocabulary teaching resources and research tools Corpus foreign language teaching time for the results of the earliest and one of the largest area. 語料庫在外語學習中縮小課堂語言與真實語言的差距、培養學習者的語感和學習能力及研究能力等方面也正在發揮越來越大的作用。 Corpus in foreign language learning in the classroom to narrow the gap between language and real language, cultivate a sense of learner's language and learning ability and research capacity in such areas is also playing an increasing role.

利用語料庫對語言的特征以及學習者的語言使用特征等方面作出分析,其分析結果可應用於指導語言教學的實踐,改進課堂教學。 The use of corpus of language features and characteristics of learners to make use of language analysis, the analysis results can be applied to guide the practice of language teaching and improve classroom teaching. 比如,語言現象的分布和頻率等信息可以用來指導教師確定哪些是教學的重點和難點等;學習者語言應用和使用失誤等信息可以幫助教師診斷學生在語言學習過程中可能存在的問題,並為學生進行有針對性的訓練。 For example, the linguistic phenomenon of the distribution and frequency information can be used to guide teachers to determine which are the focus and difficulty of teaching, etc.; learner language errors in the application and use of information can help teachers to diagnose students in the language learning process there may be problems and for the students targeted training. 語料庫還可以應用於教材編寫和教學大綱設計等。 Corpora can also be applied to curriculum development and curriculum design. 語料庫為確定教材或教學大綱中的詞匯表、語法結構以及它們的編排順序等提供了科學的依據。 Corpus to determine the course materials or syllabus vocabulary, grammatical structures and their arrangement in order to provide a scientific basis and so on. 應用語料庫開展計算機輔助語言教學也開始引起廣泛的興趣。 Application of Corpus to carry out computer-assisted language teaching and has also begun to attract widespread interest.

在英語教學與研究方面,語料庫和語料庫語言學壹直發揮著非常重要的作用,從理論、內容和方法等方面對語言教學與研究都有重要影響,比如英語教學方面,經典性的詞典和語法書等就是在英語語料庫的基礎上編寫而成的。 In English teaching and research, Corpus and Corpus Linguistics has always played a very important role, in theory, in terms of contents and methods of language teaching and research have a significant impact, such as English language teaching, dictionary and grammar of classical books other is prepared on the basis of English corpus made of. 語料庫的應用將從傳統領域,如詞典編篡,擴展到新興領域,如編寫教學大綱和教材、開展機助語言學習、機器翻譯等;以語料庫為基礎的研究方法將逐漸受到重視和廣泛應用;英語語料庫及語料庫語言學將在今後的英語教學和研究領域發揮更大的作用。 Corpus applications from traditional areas, such as dictionary compilation, extending to emerging areas, such as the preparation of curricula and teaching materials, to carry out computer-aided language learning, machine translation, etc.; to corpus-based research methods will gradually be taken seriously and widely used; English Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in the next area of English teaching and research play a bigger role.

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