當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 星際爭霸1兵種配音誰有?





(出場00) You want a piece of me, boy?想要我的壹部分嗎,小子?

(閑聊00) We go move! 我們走吧!

(閑聊01) Are you gonna give me orders? 妳是不是想給我發命令?

(閑聊02) Oh my god! He’s whacked! 我的天,他困了!

(閑聊03) I vote we frag this commander. 我建議我們幹掉這個指揮官。

(閑聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?! 我怎麽才能從這個垃圾盔甲中出來?

(閑聊05) You want a piece of me, boy? 想要我的壹部分嗎,小子?

(閑聊06) If it weren’t for these damned neural implants you’d be a

smoldering crater by now! 如果不是因為這個混賬的心靈灌輸,我早把妳變成彈坑了。

(Sti00) Ahh...That’s the stuff! 啊,就是它

(Sti01) Ahh...Yea! 啊,耶!

(選擇00) Commander. 老大!

(選擇01) Standin’ by. 待命中

(選擇02) Checked up and good to go. 檢查完畢,準備動身

(選擇03) Give me something to shoot. 給我壹個活靶子

(行動00) Go! Go! Go!

(行動01) Let’s move! 大家前進吧

(行動02) Outstanding! 非常明智!

(行動03) Rock ’n roll! 壹起搖滾吧!


(出場00) Need a light? 需要打火機嗎?

(閑聊00) Is something burning? 有燒著了的東西嗎?

(閑聊01) Haha, that’s what I thought. 哈哈,正如我想。

(閑聊02) I love the smell of napalm. 我喜歡汽油的味道!

(閑聊03) Nothing like a good smoke! 沒有比抽煙更好的事了。

(閑聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue? 妳是否正在盼望我請妳去吃烤肉?

(閑聊05) Got any questions about propane? 對丙烷有什麽不懂的嗎?

(閑聊06) Or, propane accessories? 噢,噴火的工具!

(選擇00) Fire it up! 把它點著!

(選擇01) 行動? 是?

(選擇02) You got my attention. 妳已經引起我註意了

(選擇03) Wanna turn up the heat? 想把溫度升高?

(行動00) Naturally. 很自然

(行動01) Slammin! 打擊!

(行動02) You’ve got it. 妳已經得到它了

(行動03) Let’s burn. 讓我們燃燒吧

Ghost(原 子彈兵)

(出場00) Somebody called for an exterminator? 有人正在找害蟲終結者嗎?

(閑聊00) You called down the thunder. 妳把雷電招下來了

(閑聊01) Now reap the whirlwind. 現在我們來獲得壹點旋風!

(閑聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya. 準備好,我要向妳挑戰!

(閑聊03) I’m about to overload my aggression inhibitors. 我可能要多打點鎮定劑

(選擇00) Ghost reporting. 特種兵報告

(選擇01) I’m here. 我在這裏

(選擇02) Finally! 終於!

(選擇03) Call the shot. 下命令射擊吧

(行動00) I hear that. 我聽到它了

(行動01) I’m gone. 我已經出發了

(行動02) Never know what hit em. 從來就不知道要有多少進攻

(行動03) I’m all over it. 我已經超過它了



(出場00) All right, bring it on! 好啦,把它放下吧

(閑聊00) Something you wanted? 妳想要什麽嗎?

(閑聊01) I don’t have time to f(BEEP)around! 我沒時間瞎弄!

(閑聊02) You keep pushing it boy. 小子,妳壹直在推它

(閑聊03) And I’ll scrap you along with the aliens! 我想跟異形們壹起把妳撕碎!

(選擇00) What do YOU want? 妳想幹嘛?

(選擇01) Yeah? 是!

(選擇02) I read ya, SIR. 我知道啦,老大!

(選擇03) Somethin’ on your mind? 妳想什麽哪?

(行動00) Yeah, I’m going. 是,進發中!

(行動01) I dig. 我想挖洞

(行動02) No problem! 沒問題

(行動03) Oh, is that it?哦,是這個嗎?


(出場00) Goliath online. Goliath 準備完畢

(閑聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online. 軍用 ED-209 準備完畢

(閑聊01) Checklist protocol initiated. 開始協議

(閑聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic... 初級?診斷為壹級

(閑聊03) USDA Selected. USDA 被選擇

(閑聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC 通過核準

(閑聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB. 名單準備完畢

(選擇00) Go ahead Tac-Com. 正在前進,指揮部

(選擇01) Com-link online. 指揮部完成連接

(選擇02) Channel open. 打開這個頻道

(選擇03) Systems functional. 系統功能

(行動00) Acknowledged HQ. 明白,指揮部

(行動01) Nav-com locked. 鎖定海軍指揮部

(行動02) Confirmed. 確認

(行動03) Target designated. 選定目標

Siege Tank(坦克)

(出場00) Ready to roll out! 準備出場

(閑聊01) I’m about to drop the hammer! 我可能要扔錘子了

(閑聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice! 然後來壹次審判

(閑聊03) What is your major malfunction? 妳的主要故障是什麽?

(tra00) (切換為坦克)

(tra01) (切換為座地炮)

(選擇00) 行動 sir! 是,長官!

(選擇01) Destination? 目的地是哪?

(選擇02) Identify target! 目標確定!

(選擇03) Orders sir! 命令,老大?

(行動00) Move it! 前進

(行動01) Proceedin’. 有進展了

(行動02) Delighted to, sir! 我很高興,老大

(行動03) Absolutely! 絕對!



(出場00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV可以開工了

(Err00) I can’t build it, something’s in the way. 我沒法在這建,有東西擋道

(Err01) I can’t build there. 我沒法在這建

(Min00) (采礦1)

(Min01) (采礦2)

(閑聊00) Come again, Captain? 隊長,再來壹遍!

(閑聊01) I’m not readin’ you clearly. 我不能聽清楚妳說什麽。

(閑聊02) You ain’t from around here, are you? 妳沒必要在這逛遊,不是嗎?

(閑聊03) I can’t believe they put me in one of these things! 我沒法相信他們把我放進了這麽壹堆東西裏

(閑聊04) And now I go put up with this too? 我現在是否要把它們收拾起來?

(閑聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here! 我告訴他們我有幽閉癥,我必須出去!

(閑聊06) I’m locked in here tighter than a frog’s butt in a watermelonseed fight. 我在這裏比青蛙在西瓜子裏還要擠

(Tra00) ?


(出場00) Can I take your order? 我能得到妳的命令嗎?

(閑聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful. 拿妳頭上的行李時請註意

(閑聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotationdevice. 由於要在水上降落,妳可能要被當作漂浮裝置

(閑聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you. 為了減重,請服下前面的催吐劑,然後吐到外面!

(閑聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a fulland complete stop. 停穩之前請不要把胳膊或腿伸到外面。

(選擇00) Go ahead, HQ. 正在前進,司令部

(選擇01) I’m listenin’. 我正在聽

(選擇02) Destination? 目的地?

(選擇03) Input coordinates. 輸入坐標

(行動00) In the pipe, five by five. 在機艙裏五人壹組

(行動01) Hang on, we’re in for some chop. 把穩,前方有氣流!

(行動02) In transit, HQ. 正在運輸,司令部。

(行動03) Buckle up! 系上安全帶

(行動04) Strap yourselves in boys! 把妳們綁緊,小子們

(行動05) I copy that. 收到!


(出場00) Wraith awaiting launch orders. 幽靈戰機等待起飛

(閑聊00) Last transmission breakin’ up...come back... 上次起飛沒成功,再來壹遍

(閑聊01) I’m just curious...why am I so good? 我只是好奇我為什麽這麽棒?

(閑聊02) I go get me one of these. 我必須得到其中之壹

(閑聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? 妳知道艦隊王牌飛行員是誰吧?

(閑聊04) Yours truly. 的確是妳的

(閑聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red. 每個人早晚得死,是吧?

(閑聊06) I am the invincible, that’s right. 我是無敵的,太對了

(選擇00) Go ahead commander. 正在前進,總部

(選擇01) Transmit coordinates. 傳給我坐標

(選擇02) Standin’ by. 待命

(選擇03) Reporting in. 報告

(行動00) Coordinates received. 收到坐標

(行動01) Ack formation. 編隊打擊!

(行動02) Roger. 收到!

(行動03) Vector locked-in. 鎖定無線電信號


(出場00) Battlecruiser operational. 大和艦準備完畢

(閑聊00) Identify yourself! 認識妳自己!

(閑聊01) Shields up! Weapons online! 裝甲、武器,準備好!

(閑聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up! 沒有盔甲?那好,系上安全帶

(閑聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule. 我們的進度拉得太遠了

(閑聊04) I really have to go...number one. 我的確得爭第壹

(選擇00) Battlecruiser reporting. 大和艦報告

(選擇01) Receiving transmission. 收到!

(選擇02) Good day, commander. 妳好,指揮官!

(選擇03) Hailing frequencies open. 隨時敬禮

(Yam01) (大和炮1)

(Yam02) (大和炮2)

(行動00) Make it happen. 使它發生

(行動01) Set a course. 定壹個路線

(行動02) Take it slow. 慢點

(行動03) Engage! 明白!

Science Vessel(科技球)

(出場00) Explorer reporting. 探險船報告

(閑聊00) I like the cut of your jib! 我喜歡妳胳膊上的傷口

(閑聊01) E=MC...d’oh let me get my note. E=MC…?哦,我得準備個筆記本

(閑聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I’ll have to remember that. 啊,融化,嗯?我得記下

(閑聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free? 誰把實驗室裏的猴子放出來的?

(閑聊04) I think we may have a gas leak! 我想我們可能漏氣了!

(閑聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernalcontraption? 妳們這些笨蛋知道怎麽把這個垃圾機器關掉嗎?

(閑聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger? 啊,脫離危險了

(選擇00) Ah, greetings command! 啊,老大好

(選擇01) Transmit orders. 發射命令!

(選擇02) Receiving headquarters! 收到,總部!

(選擇03) We have you on visual. 我們得讓妳現形

(行動00) Let’s roll! 大家搖滾吧!

(行動01) Excellent! 非常棒!

(行動02) Commencing! 開始吧。

(行動03) Affirmative, sir. 同意,老大.


(出場00) Prepped and ready! 準備完畢

(閑聊00) I’ve already checked you out commander. 我已經把妳查出來了,指揮官

(閑聊01) You want another physical? 妳想要另壹個身體?

(閑聊02) Turn your head an cough. 咳壹下

(閑聊03) Ready for your sponge bath? 準備好紗布浴了嗎?

(閑聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat! 他的心跳很弱,給我起搏器!

(閑聊05) Clear! (bzzz)明白

(閑聊06) He’s dead, Jim. 吉姆,他死了!

(選擇00) Need medical attention? 需要醫護嗎?

(選擇01) Did someone page me? 有人叫我嗎?

(選擇02) State the nature of your medical emergency! 陳述壹下妳的緊急救護方法

(選擇03) Where does it hurt? 哪疼?

(行動00) Right away! 馬上!

(行動01) Stat! 立刻!

(行動02) I’m on the job! 我在工作!

(行動03) On my way. 在路上


(出場00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie 準備好了

(閑聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid. 這很好玩,就是傻了點

(閑聊01) I have ways of blowing things up. 我有把東西弄炸的方法

(閑聊02) You’re being very naughty. 妳越來越淘氣了

(閑聊03) Who’s your mommy? 妳媽媽是誰?

(閑聊04) Blucher! (德語)

(閑聊05) (horses neighing) (馬叫)

(選擇00) Need something destroyed? 想幹掉壹些東西嗎?

(選擇01) I am eager to help. 我渴望幫助

(選擇02) Don’t keep me waiting. 別讓我再等了!

(選擇03) Achtung! (德語)註意

(行動00) Of course, mein heir. 當然, mein heir.(德文)

(行動01) Perfect! 完美

(行動02) It’s showtime! 現在是“秀”時間

(行動03) Jawoll! (德語)好的

(行動04) Achtung! (德語)註意


(Err00) Not enough minerals. 沒有礦了

(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas. 瓦斯不夠

(Err02) Additional supply depots required. 需要更多的食堂

(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted. 著陸順序不對

(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone. 著陸點不對

(Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不夠

(Upd00) Base is under ack. 基地遭受攻擊

(Upd01) Your forces are under ack. 妳的部隊正在遭受攻擊

(Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成

(Upd03) Add-on complete. 附加建築完成

(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected. 監測到核 打擊

(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure. 建築被汙染

(UPD06) Upgrade complete. 升級完成

(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready. 核 彈完畢!

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