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In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager.

Sally: I see from your resume that you certainly have the educational background and work background to handle this job. In fact, you seem to be somewhat overqualified for this job. It’s not as high a position as head manager of a major hotel like you had on the East coast. Why are you applying here?

Victoria: From what I know, your hotel is very progressive and in a good position for expansion, and I think I can help you do that. I consider time management

to be one of my key strengths. As night manager, I think I can maximize my time to ensure that night operations run at top efficiency, and at the same time help you to plan your expansion.

Sally: I’m impressed with your advance knowledge of our business. Your cover letter shows that you’ve done your homework, and you have all the qualifications we’re looking for. But I’m still a little worried that you’ll leave if a higher position opens up at a more prominent hotel.

Victoria: I came to the West coast for a change of pace. The night position suits my goals for the present, and I’m looking forward to the challenge of helping to make your hotel one of the key players here.

Sally: I like your attitude, and it looks like you’re the person for the job. The position’s open two weeks from Monday. Can you start then?

Victoria: No problem!


在以下這段會話中,來自西海岸壹家中等檔次旅店人力資源部的Sally Fraser正在就夜間服務部經理壹職對Victoria Jones進行面試。

Sally: 我從妳的簡歷中看出,妳有足夠的教育背景和工作經驗來接手這份工作。事實上,妳的能力有點太突出了。我們這裏的職位不像妳在東海岸的大賓館工作時所擔任的總經理那樣高。那妳為什麽要應聘在這裏工作呢?


Sally: 妳對我們業務情況的預先了解給我留下了深刻的印象。妳的說明信表明妳做了預先的準備工作並且具備我們需要的壹切資質條件。但我還是有點擔心如果另壹家更優秀的飯店向妳提供更高的職位,妳就會離開了。

Victoria: 我來西海岸是為了改變我的生活節奏。這項夜間工作正適合我目前的目標,我期待著迎接挑戰來幫助妳們成為本地最重要的飯店之壹。

Sally: 我欣賞妳的態度,看起來妳是最合適這份工作的人了。這個職位在下周壹後的兩個星期就空下來了。妳到時候能開始工作了嗎?

Victoria: 沒問題。


來源:[ 洋話連篇 ]

In this conversation, Tanya Nichols, the owner of an ice cream manufacturing company, is talking with her marketing manager, Carla Hutchison, about the marketing strategy for a new product.

Tanya: So, Carla, do you have a marketing plan for our new ice-cream sandwich?

Carla: Yes I do. After going through our S.W.O.T. process, I think we’re in good shape. One of our main strengths is the quality of our ice-cream, and there’s is a good market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company already has a good image,I don’t see many weaknesses. No other company sells

ice-cream sandwiches with a choice of 5 flavors, so there’s no threat to speak of, either.

Tanya: I assume we don’t need to worry about creating a need, with summer almost here.

Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we’ll package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It’ll be introduced in selected places across the country starting next month. The main promotion will be through advertising, using a ‘pull’ strategy, of course. We haven’t finalized our ads yet, so I’ll have to let you know. Can we meet again the beginning of next week?

Tanya: Sure can. Let me check ... how about Tuesday morning at 10:30?

Carla: Uh, let’s see ... okay with me.


在這壹對話中,Tanya Nichols是壹家冰淇淋制造公司的業主,她正在和他的營銷經理Carla Hutchison談論壹種新產品的營銷策略。

Tanya: Carla,妳對我們新的冰激淩三明治有什麽營銷計劃嗎?

Carla: 是的我有。經過SWOT分析,我認為我們的經營狀況很好。我們的主要優勢之壹是我們產品的質量,並且創新口味的產品在市場上有很大商機。因為我們公司已有壹個好的形象,我並不認為有很多不利因素。沒有其他公司有5種口味的冰淇淋三明治,所以對我們來說談不上有什麽威脅。

Tanya: 我想夏季就要來臨,我們不用再為創造需求而擔心。

Carla:對。至於說營銷組合,我們要用像巧克力壹樣的深褐色字母的金箔紙來包裝它,仿照巧克力,並且定價比我們的巧克力脆皮冰激淩貴20%。下個月將要在全國有選擇地投放市場。主要通過 廣告促銷,當然是運用“拉”的策略。我們還沒有最終決定我們的廣告,因此我還得要通知妳 。我們下周初能再碰壹下面嗎?

Tanya: 當然可以。讓我看壹下……星期二早上10:30怎麽樣?

Carla: 呃,我看看……我沒問題。

Tanya: 好,幹得好,Carla.下周見。

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