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 Countries and regions around the world are now working on measures to reduce carbon emissions, in accordance with the resolutions reached at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in order to mitigate the impact of global warming on Earth's creatures.

 根據《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》 達成的決議,世界各國和地區正在尋求減少二氧化碳排放量的措施,以減少全球變暖對地球生物的影響。

 The earth we live on requires protection from each of us...I hope each government agency, school and private corporation will fulfill its obligation as a member of the global village by contributing to global environmental protection.


 Our mission is to preserve Earth's environments through scientific research and education. We work to accomplish this through cataloging individual environments, providing hands-on research opportunities for students, and gathering knowledge to create big-picture terra-engineering projects for the future.

 我們的任務是通過科學的研究和教育來保護地球環境。 我們通過將不同環境進行分類,給學生提供實地調研機會,積累知識從而創建未來的現宏觀地球工程項目的.方式來完成這壹任務。


 1.Be highly sensitive to 對...非常敏感

 2.Be driven to extinction 滅絕

 3.Environmental deterioration 環境惡化

 4.Livable cities 可居住城市

 5.Suffer from respiratory illnesses 患上呼吸疾病

 6.Infinitesimally small 非常小

 7.Media advertising efforts 媒體廣告

 8.Non-renewable energy sources 不可再生資源

 9.High-capacity 高容量

 10.Attach a great deal of importance to 重視

 11.Sacrifice personal comfort 犧牲個人舒適

 12.Celebrity spokesperson 明星代言

 13.Public service advertisements 公益廣告

 14.Environment is the foundation upon which the development of human civilization depends. 環境是人類文明發展的基礎

 15.As environment continuously deteriorates 隨著環境的持續惡化

 16.Industrial waste 工業廢料

 17.The chief culprit 罪魁禍首

 18.Suffer from respiratory diseases 患上呼吸疾病

 19.Provide medical subsidies 提供醫療補助

 20.Be confronted with dire challenges 面臨嚴峻的挑戰

 21.Unlimited discharge of pollutants 無限制的汙染物的排放

 22.Introduce laws and policies 推出法律和政策

 23.Require public cooperation 需要公***合作

 24.Echo the policy 呼應政策

 25.Rapid depletion 快速的消耗


  • 上一篇:和閨蜜朋友出去玩的朋友圈文案簡短
  • 下一篇:同是喜劇界的領軍人物,趙本山和郭德綱合作過哪部電影?
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