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壹、Appreciation and tasting:

Shakespeare's tragedy is mainly between the ideal and the reality of contradictions and ideals shattered. Humanistic ideals and the reality of social evil potential conflicts between constitute drama conflict. The shape of humanistic ideals below the characters and their evil forces with the tragedy and moral power struggle, destruction. As is typical of the humanist Hamlet. The changes made his painful value ideal, for all the vengeance, reforming the course and the father that he was a difficult task, and melancholy, hesitation, into the profound thinking.

In art, tragedy is in the aspect of the highest achievement. At first, many clues embody the plot of the vivid and richness. "Ha, such as the arrangement of three in revenge for the prince, mix with two clues. "Li" drama has two parallel crisscross clues. Secondly, characters, the author deeply at the inner world of the characters, making it more plentiful. Character, The famous monologue as Hamlet, rich philosophical. After the collapse of the spirit of killing Macbeth process is depicted to fine. Besides, the author also good exaggeratesthe atmosphere, build the tragic atmosphere, foil characters of mental activity. As the night with the blood of wheat in the image, macabre throughout. The storm of the lee, "a wasteland anger... all these make Shakespeare's tragedies become immortalized in literature.




1.Hamlet English appreciation:

(1610) is the highest achievement in Shakespeare's drama creation, the prince of Denmark wrote Hamlet is the father of revenge. Tragedy is that: the prince of Denmark in German vuitton Hamlet, university of humanism. Because the father died suddenly, with deep returned to the motherland; Soon, and with the new king mother married -- his uncle, make him more embarrassed. The new words in the garden is wang WangSheng venomous bite dead, and by the prince is confused, wang's ghost appeared to him, tell him "snake" is a new king, and charged him, for the father of revenge. Hamlet think he is not only the revenge of his personal problems, but the whole society, the country's problems. He says he has short, pull in reforming the responsibility falls already. He consider all aspects of the problem, and leakage, again afraid ghost on PGN0315 < / is false, TXT/PGN >, fear into bad trap, upset, depression, had to fool on occasion. At the same time, he also suspect his uncle, people everywhere that secret of his actions and thoughts reconnaissance. Even with his old classmates and two of his lover to scout him. He managed to come to perform daily, a plot to kill adaptation of old brother XiWen "gong Zagreb called" the death of performance test, daily uncle. Play not finish, uncle have a guilty conscience, sit stand, cut exclusionary. So, more proof of crimes. Uncle Uncle sensed something may have been found, privacy. Within the minister poirot Agamemnon, let mother called 'private conversation, his son to hide behind a curtain in eavesdrop, The prince find someone that is behind his uncle, sword stabbing to death. Since then, crafty king diehard method, using send him to the UK, and let him go to the two classmates surveillance, to bring a secret message when they landed at the prince king kill him, But by half a Hamlet perceive DiaoHuan vomited, instead killed two competence is king, He jumped out on the pirate, back. After valentine AoFeiLiYa back because the father knew love from death, but mad water drowned. Crafty king using poirot of son, father Jonathan leor for revenge, plotting in than the sword with sword, wine to buy Hamlet to death. Results, ha, two people were poisoned sword, queen watered wine, treacherous king also was stabbed to death. When the prince will spread his friend khodorkovsky, jerry.



2、and king Lear English appreciation:

What about the story of the source of Lear, Geoffrey Monmouth Britonum Historia: drop in verse in the story of prose and intersected not more than ten. But once the material by Shakespeare is the following:

(a) what ji: published the lindsay YiWuQiQiNian, reprint YiWuBaQiNian in. Shakespeare's plays in the history of materials. King Lear's story book ShiJuan England saw two fifth chapter 6. Here, not mad, no king Lear's grid work into exile, not a makeup of Canterbury, nor jesters, no sad ending story, then some outline of Shakespeare had read is undoubtedly.

(2) spencer after the three: before in 159 O years, two tenth chapter 27-32 section is king Lear's story. In this land and a name spelling, spencer is consistent with Shakespeare. And the king of the unconscious, the three women love inquiries and test of land, the two died strangulation society is the creation of spencer, shall be adopted and Shakespeare.

(3) Shakespeare in writing before the king Lear, king Lear's story has been compiled for drama. Thousands of publishing The True five O Chronicle of Leir that promote, producers, and his three Gonorill Ragan Cordella, The author is unknown. The content of the traditional story completely according to Lear to dramatically. This is known as Shakespeare, no, not one of Shakespeare's taken over the structure, namely the most words also have many similarities between. So this is the chief source of Shakespeare. But since the new cutting where Shakespeare, it is still a lot compared can look at.

(4) Sidney 's Arcadia - sidnei novels to issue a terrorist-type 159 O years in chapter 10, the second volume has a story, and king Lear in the grid work, with a similar to Shakespeare, had some hints, no.

These four, for the main source of Lear story blueprint, but in a most pure as Shakespeare's works, such as: sadly, jesters, insert the story alternates, fatigue, LiErZhi is crazy. From place to see the screenwriter. Shakespeare, A perfect plays, but need good material, playwright, more indispensable arrangement of song.


關於李爾王的故事來源甚古,自Geoffrey of Monmouth:Historia Britonum以降,以詩體及散文體轉述此故事者不下十余家。但莎士比亞曾利用過的材料不外乎以下幾種:

(壹) 何林賽的史記:出版於壹五七七年,再版於壹五八七年。莎士比亞戲劇之歷史材料常取於此。李爾王的故事見該書英格蘭史卷二第五第六章。在這裏,李爾沒有瘋,沒有格勞斯特壹段穿插,沒有放逐化妝之坎特,也沒有弄臣,也沒有悲慘的結局,故事綱要略具於是,莎士比亞無疑的是曾讀過。

(二) 斯賓塞的仙後之前三卷:刊於壹五九O年,卷二第十章第二十七至三十二節便是李爾王的故事。在考地利亞這壹個名字的拼法上,斯賓塞與莎士比亞是壹致的。還有,國王之無意識的問詢三女之愛,及考地利亞之死於絞殺,這兩點也是斯賓塞的創造,而莎士比亞予以采用。

(三) 莎士比亞在寫李爾王前,李爾王的故事已經被人編為戲劇而上演。壹六O五年出版的The True Chronicle History of King Leir, and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella.作者不明。其內容完全按照傳統的李爾故事加以戲劇化而成。此劇是莎士比亞所熟知,殆無疑義,莎士比亞不但襲用了此劇中壹大部分的結構,即字句之間亦有許多雷同處。所以此劇可說是莎士比亞的藍本。不過莎士比亞自出新裁的地方仍然很多,這是在比較之下就可看出來的。

(四) Sidney’s Arcadia——西德尼的小說阿凱地亞刊於壹五九O年,第二卷第十章有壹段故事,與李爾王中格勞斯特壹段穿插極為類似,故曾予莎士比亞若幹暗示,殆無疑義。


3.Tragedy Macbeth,English appreciation:

from the battlefield careerists Macbeth general service, because the drive and ambition, wife urged to their home visits king Duncan, regicide last, self-reliance and the bloody usurper was the son of Duncan and noble MaiKeDe husband had defeated die. His wife died due to schizophrenia. This tragedy profoundly reveals personal ambition to corrode action, which is the masterpiece of psychology of Shakespeare.


4. and the English appreciate Othello moors: lyres ROM due to listen to his noble flag officer iago, was jealous of slanderers outweighed by workroom innocent wife desdemona, then oneself also regret suicide. Othello. A means honest, brave warrior, desdemona naive gracious, resolutely devotes fell in love with him, against the wishes of her family and social discrimination, and he married. But, they love although over racism, but no escape iago conspiracy against. Iago. Pretend, loyalty, due to the rise not false, lieutenant Othello grudges, wormed himself, and finally kill Othello couples get well off. Through this image, Shakespeare of primitive accumulation period of the rising bourgeoisie extreme nationalism has made a profound expose and criticize.4、《奧瑟羅》中文賞析:敘述摩爾人貴族瑟羅由於聽信手下旗官伊阿古的讒言,被嫉妒所壓倒,掐死了無辜妻子苔絲狄蒙娜,隨後自己也悔恨自殺。奧瑟羅是個襟懷坦白、英勇豪爽的戰士,苔絲德蒙娜天真癡情,毅然愛上了他,不顧家庭的反對和社會的歧視,同他結了婚。但是,他們的愛情雖然戰勝了種族歧視,卻沒有逃脫伊阿古的陰謀陷害。伊阿古假裝忠誠,心地奸詐,由於升不上副將,就對奧瑟羅懷恨在心,千方百計害死奧瑟羅夫婦,最後自己也得不到好下場。通過這個形象,莎士比亞對原始積累時期新興資產階級中的極端利已主義進行了深刻的揭露和批判。

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