當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 人物素材 - 英語演講稿:關於比賽的開幕、閉幕的英語演講稿素材句子


12月23日 liuxue86.com英語頻道特為大家準備相關的學習資料,希望對大家有用。

1.welcome to the finals of the speech contest!歡迎參加演講比賽的決賽!

2.thank you for coming to the speech contest!謝謝大家光臨演講比賽!

3.welcome and thanks to our judges!歡迎並感謝我們的評審!

4.now let’s begin and let’s all give the speakers our support.現在我開始,並讓我譬都來為我們的演講者加油。

5.it is a great pleasure for me to declare open the speech contest.我很榮幸宣布演講比賽開始。

6.i now formally declare the speech contest open.我現在正式宣演講比賽開始。

7.thank you very much for coming here today.今天非常謝謝大家的光臨。

8.congratulations to you all!恭喜妳們每壹位!

9.we hope that the speakers will make the most f this rare opportunity to speak to the judges individually and ask them for a more detailed analysis of the good as well as weak points of the speeches they made.我希望演講者善加利用這少有的機會個別向評審談談,並請求他們對於發表的演講的優點和缺點作更詳細的分析。

10.now i wasn’t to make just a few remarks in closing this debating contest.現在結束這彭辯論比賽,我想講幾句話。

11.i now formally declare this speech contest closed.現在我正式宣布演講比賽結束。

12.thank you all for coming, and we’ll look forward to seeing you next year at the next contest.感謝大家的光臨,我們期待明年下壹次比賽再與大家見面。

13.what a joy it is to stand here before you welcoming the members of our debate team who distinguished themselves so well in the debating finals held in kaohisung week.能夠站在大面前歡迎我們的辯論隊隊員,真是高興,他們上個禮拜在高雄舉辦的辯論決賽中表現優異。

14.allow me to conclude by once thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck.最後再壹次感謝評審們的合作,並祝每位演講者好運。

15.i never expected that i would de invited to attend 5this as one of the winners.我從沒想到過會以獲勝者之壹的身皆受邀參加這歡迎會。

16.first, i am very grateful to the english speaking society of abc university for their graciousness in holding a grand reception like this.首先,我很感謝abc大學英語演講學會厚意舉辦此盛大的歡迎會。

liuxue86.com名詞解釋:演講稿也叫演說辭,它是在較為隆重的儀式上和某些公眾場所發表的講話文稿。 演講稿是進行演講的依據,是對演講內容和形式的規範和提示,它體現著演講的目的和手段, 演講的內容和形式。演講稿是人們在工作和社會生活中經常使用的壹種文體。它可以用來交流思想、感情,表達 主張、見解;也可以用來介紹自己的學習、工作情況和經驗……等等;演講稿具有宣傳、鼓 動、教育和欣賞等作用,它可以把演講者的觀點、主張與思想感情傳達給聽眾以及讀者,使 他們信服並在思想感情上產生***鳴。

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