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長元音 /ɑ:/ /):/ / з:/ /i:/ /U:/

短元音 /^/ /D/ /?/ /I/ /u/ /e/ /?/

/eI/ /aI/ /)I/

雙元音 /I?/ /e?/ /u?/

/?u/ /au/


輕輔音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/

濁輔音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /?/ /z/

輕輔音 /∫/ / h/ /ts/ /t∫/ /tr/

濁輔音 /з/ / r/ /dz/ /dз/ /dr/

鼻音 /m/ /n/ /?/

半元音 / j/ / w/ 邊音 / l/

Oral practice

/i:/ e, ee, ea, ie

be me we he she ’even

see deed feel free tree three

eat neat beat meal clean please ’reason ’teacher ’feature

grief be’lief

a team leader

Please read it.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患難之交才是真正的朋友)

/i/ i, e, u, o, y

it sit bit fit big pig kick give pick live kiss miss ill fill sink think rich which fish wish ’city

’visit ’minute ’pretty be’gin be’long de’lay de’sire re’main re’turn pre’fer ex’plain e’vent

a big dictionary

bit by bit (漸漸地,壹點點地)

little by little(漸漸地,壹點點地)

pretty busy (很忙)

sixty women

/i/-- /i:/

sin—seen fill-feel hill-heel sick—seek pitch—peach lick—leak rid-read itch—each slip—sleep pip—peep grin—green chick—cheek

/e/ e, ea, ie, a

get yet wet neck check bed egg beg pen ten tell fell best

text next spend ’very ’ever ’never

’seven ’question ’yellow for’get


dead ’heaven

’any ’many

press the bell

very well

Better late than never.(遲做總比不做好)

All is well that ends well. (結局好壹切好)

East or west, home is best. (金窩銀窩不如自己家的狗窩)

Good, better, best,

Never let it rest,

Till good is better,

And better best. (止於至善)

/?/ a

cap map fat hat bad mad back lack gas catch match man hand bank thank lamp ’carry ’happy

’family ’Saturday


bag—beg gas—guess mat—met sad—said bad—bed land—lend sand—send pack—peck ham—hem pan—pen lad—led

A fact is a fact.(事實勝於雄辯)

Don’t let the cat out of the bag.(勿泄漏機密)

/a:/ ar a

arm art cart hard March ’army

’party ’market ’garden ’pardon

last chance class glass ’after

’father ’basket

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky;

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

/?/ o a

top shop hot God lock song long stop clock

’copy ’coffee ’body ’sorry ’bottle ’orange ’doctor ’hospital Oc’tober to’morrow

what wash watch

The clock has stopped.

Lost time is never found again.(時不再來)

/?:/ aw ou/au al oar o or a ar

saw law

ought bought ’daughter

talk wall hall



lord horse born corn force ’forty

’water ’always ’almost



cock—cork chock—chalk don—dawn stock—stalk cot—caught not--naught

/ u / u oo ou o

put push bush pull bull full

foot cook look book took ’football good ’childhood

should could would


Good wood, good foot, what a happy childhood!

/ u:/ o ou oo u

do shoe who lose

you youth group

too food fool tooth choose moon noon soon cool

June rule blue true

/ /\ / u ou o

up cup mud such gun fun sun

rough tough touch cousin

come some son none one dose ’other ’mother ’color ’cover ’money ’honey ’dozen

/ /\ /--/?/

cut—cot luck—lock gun—gone fund—fond duck—dock rub—rob

/ /\ /--/ a:/

cut—cart luck—lark hut—heart duck—dark come—calm much—march

/ /\ /--/?/

rug—rag suck—sack truck—track mud—mad hut—hat bud—bad bun—ban cup—cap run—ran

/?:/ ur ir er or ear our

fur hurt nurse church curl

sir shirt bird third birth girl first

her term ’certain ’person ’perfect

word worth worst

heard search ’early


First come, first served.

The early bird catches the worm.(早起的鳥兒有蟲吃)

/?/ a er or ar

a’go a’gain a’mong a’bove a’gree a’bout a’head a’broad a’sleep

’fever ’teacher ’winter ’worker

’daughter ’father ’mother ’writer

’soldier ’gather ’never ’other

’order ’paper ’danger



Diphthong /ei/ ay ey a ai

pay day way away today


date late shade take sake same game ’baby ’lady ’paper ’table change

wait paid pain gain main tail

No pains, no gains. (不勞無獲)

Call a spade a spade.(實事求是)

A penny saved is a penny gained.(省壹文是壹文)

Haste makes waste.(欲速則不達)


said—say let—late pen—pain get—gate men—main wet—wait sell—sail red—rate ate--eight

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day,

Little Johnny wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

/?u/ o ou ow oa

oh go so no hope home comb

old cold hold


show low

soap boat coat


goat—got note—not hope—hop own—on coat—cot


row—raw so—saw coat—caught woke—walk bowl—ball coal—call


wrote—root chose—choose blow—blew coal—cool soap--soup

Go and open the window.

Oh, don’t go home alone.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.(滾石不生苔)

As you sow you shall mow.(種瓜得瓜種豆得豆)

Hello, 我的名字叫Joe,吃的糧食靠grow,衣服全憑別人sew。我的愛好是攝photo,天天也聽radio,音量不高也不low. Oh,天氣又冷又snow,最好不要開window. 聽到壹段順口溜,寫下以便妳follow:

來是come, 去是go;

點頭yes, 搖頭no;

因為because, 所以so;


/ai/ e i y


tie die lie

high ripe fight sight light might wide ride life knife ice size

’Friday ’either lion tire be’hind in’vite

buy why type fly try

Strike while the iron is hot.(趁熱打鐵)

Great minds think alike.(英雄所見略同)

Let by-gones be by-gones.(既往不咎)

/au/ ow ou

bow cow now town down brown tower

out doubt mouth south sound round about around louder

Cow, cow,

Friendly and brown,

Let down your milk,

For the hungry town.

/?i/ oy oi

boy toy joy loyal royal

choice voice noise join coin oil soil spoil

Oh joy, oh joy,

A child with his toy,

Shouting at the top of his voice,

Making such a terrible noise,

Oh joy, oh joy!

/i?/ ear eer ere ea e

ear tear dear fear near hear clear

cheer deer beer

sphere sin’cere

real ’really ’realize i’dea


Dear, dear, beer is really dear.

She’s really dearer than a dear.(她比親人還親)

/e? / air ear are ere

air pair fair hair repair

bear tear wear

dare care share

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.(有誌者事竟成)

/u?/ oor our ur

poor moor


sure pure cure


/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /t? / /d?/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/

/p/ /b/

pea—be pat—bat park—bark cap—cab rip—rib cup—cub rope—robe tap—tab mop—mob pay-bay pit-bit path-bath


/t/ /d/

tie-die tip-dip type-dike time-dime heart-hard bet--bed

height-hide slight-slide fright-fried

late—laid set—sad sight—side

brought—broad eight—aid at--add

feet—feed bit—bid pot--pod

/k/ /g/

card-guard class-glass come-gum cold-gold curl-girl pick-pig

clue-glue exercise-exams back-bag lock-log lack-lag peck-peg

back—bag dock—dog duck—dug

Cut your coat according to your cloth.(量體裁衣)

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. (小事留意,大事順利)

All that glitters is not gold.(閃光的未必是金子)

A good beginning makes a good ending.(開頭好結尾也會好)

/f/ /v/

free beautiful flowers football a funny film life half knife

a vice minister live

a good voice five

leaf—leave safe—save proof—prove calf—carve life—live fast—vast feel—veal ferry—very fan—van few—view fail--veil

/s/ /z/

sit stand rice juice seven sister serve house science

size houses busy lazy jazz

ass—as cease—seize loose—lose pass—parse seal—zeal sink—zinc race--raise

/?/ /?/

thanks think Thursday thirsty throw thunder birthday

this that they father mother brother another

breath—breathe teeth—teethe worth—worthy north—northern south—southern bath—bathe


thin—fin three—free thirst—first thought—fought thrill--frill


thin—sin thing—sing think—sink thick—sick thank—sank thought—sought thumb—some theme--seem

Mickey Mouse has a big mouth and steals away the cheese from the farmer’s house.

/?/ /?/

fish dish a six-dish meal wash machine a washing machine

measure pleasure casual leisure television garage

/s/ / ?/

She sells seashells by the seashore.

The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.

So if she sells seashells by the seashore,

Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

/t? / /d?/

teach itch touch reach rich China charming chilly

judge arrange jam jelly jazz enjoy join jeans

/tr/ /dr/

truck trumpet try trousers tree travel true truth

dry driver drink drank dress draw

/tr/-/t? /

treat—cheat trees—cheese trip—chip train—chain trace--chase


dressed—jest drug—jug drudge--judge

/ts/ /dz/

cats sweets eats hats pets shirts

hands heads beds birds goods reads friends

其他單個輔音: /l/ /r/ /m/ /n/ /?/ /w/ /h/ /j/


lock lake law like love life class glove

smile bell milk help health oil mile

mute 不發音

calm calf half talk walk folk could would should


read write ride rain worry try dry truck rock free


reap—leap rid—lid rent—lent rack—lack wrong—long rate—late write—light royal—loyal rip—lip

rap—lap rag--lag


mother morning meeting may movie overcome music


nice seven night eleven sun moon million


knock—lock known—loan snow—slow snip—slip number--lumber


long wrong sing singer ring drink drank drunk

/?i? /

singing ringing hanging bringing


longer longest stronger strongest younger youngest angry anger finger hunger England language


bank sank thank rank ink sink drink monkey uncle


strange stranger danger


ton—tongue sin—sing win—wing kin—king tan—tang ban—bang bun—bung pin—ping thin--thing


waist wait wake walk want water wash week


vet—wet vest—west veil—whale vain—wane veal—wheel vent—went via—wire vile—while vine--wine


hope hear a hear-say heart high help hospital host


yard year yell yellow yes yesterday youth

ear—year ate—yet s—yes oak—yoke hung—young

yet—jet use—juice your—jaw

A tongue twister (繞口令)

/si?/ /s?/ / s/\? / / s? /

Can you sing the song she sang yesterday?

Of course, I can sing the song she sang yesterday.

The song she sang is often sung in our school.

And I have just sung the song she sang yesterday.

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