當前位置:編程學習大全網 - 圖片素材 - 二手煙的英文怎麽寫?


世界衛生組織提供的翻譯是:second-hand smoke,只有用這個詞組才能在世界衛生組織找到和二手煙有關的大部分英文版網頁,世界衛生組織之外的某些國家和地區的資料使用的是secondhand smoke,也有使用second hand smoke的,但這兩個詞組在世界衛生組織的搜索結果都沒有第壹個多 因此個人覺得二手煙的正確翻譯應該為second-hand smoke,縮寫為SHS,另外二手煙的全稱是:二手煙草煙霧 二手煙還有另外壹個法定名稱,環境煙草煙霧,environmental tobacco smoke,縮寫為ETS,該詞語常見於美國環保署文獻 passive smoke,被動吸煙,屬於世界衛生組織不推薦采用的詞語,詳情參閱:《煙草控制框架公約第八條(防止接觸煙草煙霧)的實施準則》的“定義” “二手煙草煙霧”或“環境煙草煙霧”14. 若幹備選術語頻繁用於描述世衛組織《框架公約》第8條所涉煙霧類型。這些包括“二手煙草煙霧”、“環境煙草煙霧”以及“他人的煙草煙霧”。“被動吸煙”和“非自願接觸煙草煙霧”應予避免,因為法國和其他地方的經驗表明,煙草業可使用這些術語來支持“自願”接觸是可以接受的這種立場。“二手煙草煙霧”有時縮寫為“SHS”,“環境煙草煙霧”有時縮寫為“ETS”,是可取的術語;準則中使用“二手煙草煙霧”壹詞。15. 二手煙草煙霧可定義為“從卷煙或其他煙草制品燃燒端散發的煙霧,且通常與吸煙者散發的煙霧混雜在壹起”。 上述兩條的翻譯(來自世界衛生組織煙草控制框架公約第八條實施準則的英文版),請留意用雙引號括起來的內容 “Second-hand tobacco smoke” or “environmental tobacco smoke”

14. Several alternative terms are commonly used to describe the type of smoke addressed by

Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention. These include “second-hand smoke”,

“environmental tobacco smoke”, and “other people’s smoke”. Terms such as “passive smoking”

and “involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke” should be avoided, as experience in France and

elsewhere suggests that the tobacco industry may use these terms to support a position that

“voluntary” exposure is acceptable. “Second-hand tobacco smoke”, sometimes abbreviated as

“SHS”, and “environmental tobacco smoke”, sometimes abbreviated “ETS”, are the preferable

terms; these guidelines use “second-hand tobacco smoke”.

15. Second-hand tobacco smoke can be defined as “the smoke emitted from the burning end of

a cigarette or from other tobacco products usually in combination with the smoke exhaled by the

smoker”. 如果需要法語版、俄語版、西班牙語、阿拉伯語版的翻譯,請自行到世界衛生組織網頁搜索

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